let debug_print s =
if debug then prerr_endline ("Helm_registry debugging: " ^ s)
+ (** <helpers> *)
+let list_uniq l =
+ let rec aux last_element = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ (match last_element with
+ | Some elt when elt = hd -> aux last_element tl
+ | _ -> hd :: aux (Some hd) tl)
+ in
+ aux None l
+let starts_with prefix =
+ let rex = Str.regexp (Str.quote prefix) in
+ fun s -> Str.string_match rex s 0
+ let prefix_len = String.length prefix in
+ fun s ->
+ try
+ String.sub s 0 prefix_len = prefix
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> false
+let hashtbl_keys tbl = Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ acc -> k :: acc) tbl []
+let hashtbl_pairs tbl = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v) :: acc) tbl []
+ (** </helpers> *)
exception Malformed_key of string
exception Key_not_found of string
exception Cyclic_definition of string
Netencoding.Html.decode ~in_enc ~out_enc ~entity_base:`Xml ())
let key_is_valid key =
-(* if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:valid_key_rex key) then *)
if not (Str.string_match valid_key_rex key 0) then
raise (Malformed_key key)
let unset = Hashtbl.remove registry
let env_var_of_key key =
-(* Pcre.replace ~rex:dot_rex ~templ:"__" (String.uppercase key) *)
Str.global_replace dot_rex "__" (String.uppercase key)
let get key =
let set = set' registry
+let has key = Hashtbl.mem registry key
let mk_get_set type_name (from_string: string -> 'a) (to_string: 'a -> string) =
let getter key =
let value = get key in
let dot_RE = Str.regexp "\\." in
let create_key_node key value = (* create a <key name="foo">value</key> *)
let element =
- create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd "key" ["name", key]
+ create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd
+ "key" ["name", key]
let data = create_data_node PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd value in
element#append_node data;
end else
load_from_absolute fname
-let fold f init = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> f acc k v) registry init
-let iter f = fold (fun _ k v -> f k v) ()
-let to_list () = fold (fun acc k v -> (k, v) :: acc) []
+let fold ?prefix f init =
+ match prefix with
+ | None -> Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> f acc k v) registry init
+ | Some s ->
+ let key_matches = starts_with (s ^ ".") in
+ let rec fold_filter acc = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | (k,v) :: tl when key_matches k -> fold_filter (f acc k v) tl
+ | _ :: tl -> fold_filter acc tl
+ in
+ fold_filter init (hashtbl_pairs registry)
+let iter ?prefix f = fold ?prefix (fun _ k v -> f k v) ()
+let to_list ?prefix () = fold ?prefix (fun acc k v -> (k, v) :: acc) []
+let ls prefix =
+ let prefix = prefix ^ "." in
+ let prefix_len = String.length prefix in
+ let key_matches = starts_with prefix in
+ let matching_keys = (* collect matching keys' _postfixes_ *)
+ fold
+ (fun acc key _ ->
+ if key_matches key then
+ String.sub key prefix_len (String.length key - prefix_len) :: acc
+ else
+ acc)
+ []
+ in
+ let (sections, keys) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (sections, keys) postfix ->
+ match Str.split dot_rex postfix with
+ | [key] -> (sections, key :: keys)
+ | hd_key :: _ -> (* length > 1 => nested section found *)
+ (hd_key :: sections, keys)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ ([], []) matching_keys
+ in
+ (list_uniq (List.sort Pervasives.compare sections), keys)
(** lookup key in registry with environment variable override *)
val get: string -> string
val set: key:string -> value:string -> unit
+val has: string -> bool
(** remove a key from the current environment, next get over this key will
* raise Key_not_found until the key will be redefined *)
val unset: string -> unit
-val fold: ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-val iter: (string -> string -> unit) -> unit
-val to_list: unit -> (string * string) list
+val fold: ?prefix:string -> ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+val iter: ?prefix:string -> (string -> string -> unit) -> unit
+val to_list: ?prefix:string -> unit -> (string * string) list
+ (** @param prefix key representing the section whose contents should be listed
+ * @return section list * key list *)
+val ls: string -> string list * string list
(** {2 Typed interface}
* Three basic types are supported: strings, int and strings list. Strings