with (* FG: this should be PET.Fail _ *)
- TC.TypeCheckerFailure _ -> PET.apply_tactic P.letout_tac status
+ TC.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->
+ let msg = lazy "rewrite: nothing to rewrite" in
+ raise (PET.Fail msg)
ProofEngineTypes.mk_tactic (_rewrite_tac ~direction ~pattern equality)
(* FG: subst tactic *********************************************************)
+(* FG: This should be replaced by T.try_tactic *)
+let try_tactic ~tactic =
+ let try_tactic status =
+ try PET.apply_tactic tactic status with
+ | PET.Fail _ -> PET.apply_tactic T.id_tac status
+ in
+ PET.mk_tactic try_tactic
let msg0 = lazy "Subst: not found in context"
let msg1 = lazy "Subst: not a simple equality"
let msg2 = lazy "Subst: recursive equation"
let subst_tac ~hyp =
let hole = C.Implicit (Some `Hole) in
- let map self = function
- | Some (C.Name s, _) when s <> self -> Some (s, hole)
- | _ -> None
- in
let subst_tac status =
let (proof, goal) = status in
let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
when LO.is_eq_URI uri -> `RightToLeft, i, t
| _ -> raise (PET.Fail msg1)
+ let rewrite pattern =
+ try_tactic ~tactic:(rewrite_tac ~direction ~pattern what)
+ in
let var = match PEH.get_name context i with
| Some name -> name
| None -> raise (PET.Fail msg0)
if DTI.does_not_occur i t then () else raise (PET.Fail msg2);
- let pattern = None, PEH.list_rev_map_filter (map hyp) context, Some hole in
- let start = rewrite_tac ~direction ~pattern what in
- let continuation = PESR.clear ~hyps:[hyp; var] in
- let tac = T.then_ ~start ~continuation in
- PET.apply_tactic tac status
+ let map self = function
+ | Some (C.Name s, _) when s <> self ->
+ Some (rewrite (None, [(s, hole)], None))
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ let rew_hips = PEH.list_rev_map_filter (map hyp) context in
+ let rew_concl = rewrite (None, [], Some hole) in
+ let clear = PESR.clear ~hyps:[hyp; var] in
+ let tactics = List.rev_append (rew_concl :: rew_hips) [clear] in
+ PET.apply_tactic (T.seq ~tactics) status
PET.mk_tactic subst_tac
-(* FG: This should be replaced by T.try_tactic *)
-let try_tactic ~tactic =
- let try_tactic status =
- try PET.apply_tactic tactic status with
- | PET.Fail _ -> PET.apply_tactic T.id_tac status
- in
- PET.mk_tactic try_tactic
let subst_tac =
let subst hyp = try_tactic ~tactic:(subst_tac hyp) in
let map = function