| Inductive_type of string * string * bool * Cic.annterm *
(string * Cic.annterm) list (* id, name, inductive, arity, constructors *)
| Meta_subst of Cic.annterm option
+ | Obj_class of Cic.object_class
+ | Obj_field of string (* field name *)
+ | Obj_generated
| Tag of string * (string * string) list (* tag name, attributes *)
(* ZACK TODO add file position to tag stack entry so that when attribute
* errors occur, the position of their _start_tag_ could be printed
| Inductive_type (id, name, _, _, _) ->
sprintf "Inductive_type %s (id=%s)" name id
| Meta_subst _ -> "Meta_subst"
+ | Obj_class _ -> "Obj_class"
+ | Obj_field name -> "Obj_field " ^ name
+ | Obj_generated -> "Obj_generated"
| Tag (tag, _) -> "Tag " ^ tag)
ctxt.stack)) ^ "]"
ctxt.stack <- new_stack;
+let pop_class_modifiers ctxt =
+ let rec aux acc stack =
+ match stack with
+ | (Cic_term (Cic.ASort _) as m) :: tl
+ | (Obj_field _ as m) :: tl ->
+ aux (m :: acc) tl
+ | tl -> acc, tl
+ in
+ let values, new_stack = aux [] ctxt.stack in
+ ctxt.stack <- new_stack;
+ values
let pop_meta_substs ctxt =
let rec aux acc stack =
match stack with
let sort_of_string ctxt = function
| "Prop" -> Cic.Prop
| "Set" -> Cic.Set
- | "Type" ->
-(* CicUniv.restart_numbering (); |+ useful only to test parser +| *)
- Cic.Type (CicUniv.fresh ~uri:ctxt.uri ())
+ | "Type" -> Cic.Type (CicUniv.fresh ~uri:ctxt.uri ())
+(* | "Type" -> CicUniv.restart_numbering (); |+ useful only to test parser +| *)
+ | "CProp" -> Cic.CProp
| _ -> parse_error ctxt "sort expected"
let patch_subst ctxt subst = function
(* replace <instantiate> *)
set_top ctxt (Cic_term (patch_subst ctxt subst term))
| "attributes" ->
- let (_, attrs) = pop_tag ctxt in
- let rec mk_obj_attributes acc = function
- | [] -> acc
- | ("generated", "true") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Generated :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "coercion") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class `Coercion :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "record") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class (`Record []) :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "projection") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class `Projection :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "elimProp") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class (`Elim Cic.Prop) :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "elimCProp") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class (`Elim Cic.CProp) :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "elimSet") :: tl ->
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class (`Elim Cic.Set) :: acc) tl
- | ("class", "elimType") :: tl ->
- let univ = CicUniv.fresh ~uri:ctxt.uri () in
- mk_obj_attributes (`Class (`Elim (Cic.Type univ)) :: acc) tl
- | _ -> attribute_error ()
+ let rec aux acc = function (* retrieve object attributes *)
+ | Obj_class c :: tl -> aux (`Class c :: acc) tl
+ | Obj_generated :: tl -> aux (`Generated :: acc) tl
+ | tl -> acc, tl
- push ctxt (Cic_attributes (mk_obj_attributes [] attrs))
+ let obj_attrs, new_stack = aux [] ctxt.stack in
+ ctxt.stack <- new_stack;
+ set_top ctxt (Cic_attributes obj_attrs)
+ | "generated" -> set_top ctxt Obj_generated
+ | "field" ->
+ push ctxt
+ (match pop_tag_attrs ctxt with
+ | ["name", name] -> Obj_field name
+ | _ -> attribute_error ())
+ | "class" ->
+ let class_modifiers = pop_class_modifiers ctxt in
+ push ctxt
+ (match pop_tag_attrs ctxt with
+ | ["value", "coercion"] -> Obj_class `Coercion
+ | ["value", "elim"] ->
+ (match class_modifiers with
+ | [Cic_term (Cic.ASort (_, sort))] -> Obj_class (`Elim sort)
+ | _ ->
+ parse_error
+ "unexpected extra content for \"elim\" object class")
+ | ["value", "record"] ->
+ let fields =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | Obj_field name -> name
+ | _ ->
+ parse_error
+ "unexpected extra content for \"record\" object class")
+ class_modifiers
+ in
+ Obj_class (`Record fields)
+ | ["value", "projection"] -> Obj_class `Projection
+ | _ -> attribute_error ())
| tag ->
match find_helm_exception ctxt with
| Some (exn, arg) -> raise (Getter_failure (exn, arg))