let return_html_msg = mk_return_fun pp_msg "text/html"
let return_html_raw = mk_return_fun null_pp "text/html"
let return_xml_raw = mk_return_fun null_pp "text/xml"
-let return_file ~fname ?contype ?contenc ?(patch_fun = fun x -> x) outchan =
+let return_file
+ ~fname ?contype ?contenc ?(patch_fun = fun x -> x) ?(gunzip = false) outchan
+ =
let headers =
match (contype, contenc) with
| (Some t, Some e) -> ["Content-Encoding", e; "Content-Type", t]
Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:200 outchan;
Http_daemon.send_headers headers outchan;
Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan;
- Http_getter_misc.iter_file
- (fun line -> output_string outchan (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
- fname
+ if gunzip then begin (* gunzip needed, uncompress file, apply patch_fun to
+ it, compress the result and sent it to client *)
+ let (tmp1, tmp2) =
+ (Http_getter_misc.tempfile (), Http_getter_misc.tempfile ())
+ in
+ Http_getter_misc.gunzip ~keep:true ~output:tmp1 fname; (* gunzip to tmp1 *)
+ let new_file = open_out tmp2 in
+ Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* tmp2 = patch(tmp1) *)
+ (fun line -> output_string new_file (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
+ tmp1;
+ close_out new_file;
+ Http_getter_misc.gzip ~output:tmp1 tmp2; (* tmp1 = gzip(tmp2); rm tmp2 *)
+ Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* send tmp1 to client as is*)
+ (fun line -> output_string outchan (line ^ "\n"))
+ tmp1;
+ Sys.remove tmp1 (* rm tmp1 *)
+ end else (* no need to gunzip, apply patch_fun directly to file *)
+ Http_getter_misc.iter_file
+ (fun line -> output_string outchan (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
+ fname
let return_400 body outchan = Http_daemon.respond_error ~code:400 ~body outchan
@param contype Content-Type header value
@param contenc Content-Enconding header value
@param patch_fun function used to patch file contents
+ @param gunzip is meaningful only if a patch function is provided. If gunzip
+ is true patch_fun is applied to the uncompressed version of the file. The file
+ is then compressed again and send to client
@param outchan output channel over which sent file fname *)
val return_file:
fname:string ->
- ?contype:string -> ?contenc:string -> ?patch_fun:(string -> string) ->
+ ?contype:string -> ?contenc:string ->
+ ?patch_fun:(string -> string) -> ?gunzip:bool ->
out_channel ->