type sort = T | P
type goal = int * int * sort (* goal, depth, sort *)
type fail = goal * cic_term
-type candidate = int * NCic.term (* unique candidate number, candidate *)
+type candidate = int * Ast.term (* unique candidate number, candidate *)
type op =
(* goal has to be proved *)
let prunable _ _ _ = false;;
let cache_examine cache gty = `Notfound;;
let put_in_subst s _ _ _ = s;;
-let add_to_cache_and_del_from_orlist_if_green_cut _ _ c _ _ o f _ _ = c, o, f, false ;;
+let add_to_cache_and_del_from_orlist_if_green_cut _ _ c _ _ o f _ = c, o, f, false ;;
let cache_add_underinspection c _ _ = c;;
-let equational_case _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = [];;
+let equational_case _ _ _ _ _ _ = [];;
let sort_new_elems l = l;;
let only _ _ _ = true;;
let try_candidate status t g =
- debug_print (lazy (" try " ^
- NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] t
- ));
- let ast_for_t =
- match t with
- | NCic.Rel i -> assert false
- | NCic.Const ref -> Ast.NRef ref
- | _ -> assert false
- in
+ debug_print (lazy (" try " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term t));
let status = NTactics.focus_tac [g] status in
- let status = NTactics.apply_tac ("",0,ast_for_t) status in
+ let status = NTactics.apply_tac ("",0,t) status in
let open_goals = head_goals status#stack in
+ debug_print
+ (lazy (" success: "^String.concat " "(List.map string_of_int open_goals)));
incr candidate_no;
Some ((!candidate_no,t),status,open_goals)
- with Error (msg,exn) -> debug_print msg; None
+ with Error (msg,exn) -> debug_print (lazy " failed"); None
+let rec mk_irl n = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | _ :: tl -> NCic.Rel n :: mk_irl (n+1) tl
-let get_candidates status context gty =
+let get_candidates status signature gty =
let universe = status#auto_cache in
- let _, gty = term_of_cic_term status gty (ctx_of gty) in
+ let context = ctx_of gty in
+ let _, gty = term_of_cic_term status gty context in
let cands =
NDiscriminationTree.DiscriminationTree.retrieve_unifiables universe gty
- (* XXX we have to trie for the context *)
- NDiscriminationTree.TermSet.elements cands
+ let cands =
+ List.filter (only signature context)
+ (NDiscriminationTree.TermSet.elements cands)
+ in
+ (* XXX we have to use the trie for the context *)
+ HExtlib.filter_map (fun name,_ ->
+ if name <> "_" then Some (Ast.Ident (name,None)) else None) context
+ @
+ List.map (function NCic.Const r -> Ast.NRef r | _ -> assert false) cands
-let applicative_case signature status flags g gty cache context =
- let candidates = get_candidates status context gty in
- let candidates = List.filter (only signature context) candidates in
+let applicative_case signature status flags g gty cache =
+ let candidates = get_candidates status signature gty in
debug_print (lazy ("candidates: " ^ string_of_int (List.length candidates)));
let elems =
let equational_and_applicative_case
- signature flags status g depth gty cache context
+ signature flags status g depth gty cache
let elems =
if false (*is_equational_case gty flags*) then
let elems =
- signature status flags g gty cache context
+ signature status flags g gty cache
let more_elems =
- signature status flags g gty cache context
+ signature status flags g gty cache
gty m context signature universe cache flags
| None -> *)
- signature status flags g gty cache context
+ signature status flags g gty cache
aux fl
-let auto_main context flags signature elems cache =
+let auto_main flags signature elems cache =
let rec aux (elems, cache : 'a auto_status) =
(* processa le hint dell'utente *)
(* let cache, elems = filter_prune_hint cache elems in *)
| (s, size, don, (S(g, key, c) as op)::todo, fl)::orlist ->
let cache, orlist, fl, sibling_pruned =
- g s cache key todo orlist fl context size
+ g s cache key todo orlist fl size
let fl = remove_s_from_fl g fl in
let don = if sibling_pruned then don else op::don in
(* elems are possible computations for proving gty *)
let elems =
- signature flags s gno depth gty cache context
+ signature flags s gno depth gty cache
if elems = [] then
(* this goal has failed *)
let auto_tac ~params status =
let cache = Cache.empty in
let goals = head_goals status#stack in
- let depth = 3 in (* XXX fix sort *)
+ let depth = 3 in
+ (* XXX fix sort *)
let goals = List.map (fun i -> D(i,depth,P)) goals in
let elems = [status,0,[],goals,[]] in
- let context = [] (* XXX big problem *) in
let signature = () in
let flags = {
- maxwidth = 3;
+ maxwidth = 3 + List.length goals;
maxsize = 10;
timeout = Unix.gettimeofday() +. 3000.;
do_types = false;
} in
- match auto_main context flags signature elems cache with
+ match auto_main flags signature elems cache with
| Gaveup -> raise (Error (lazy "auto gave up", None))
| Proved (s, (_orlist, _cache)) ->
let stack =