let win goal_switch =
let w =
GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`ALWAYS
- ~shadow_type:`IN ~show:true ()
- in
+ ~shadow_type:`IN ~show:true () in
let reparent () =
scrolledWin <- Some w;
(match cicMathView#misc#parent with
| Some p -> GContainer.cast_container p
parent#remove cicMathView#coerce);
- w#add cicMathView#coerce;
- ignore (w#vadjustment#set_value
- (w#vadjustment#upper -. w#vadjustment#page_size));
- ignore (w#vadjustment#connect#changed (fun _ ->
- w#vadjustment#set_value
- (w#vadjustment#upper -. w#vadjustment#page_size)))
+ w#add cicMathView#coerce
goal2win <- (goal_switch, reparent) :: goal2win;
cicMathView#load_root ~root);
cicMathView#set_selection None;
- List.assoc goal_switch goal2win ()
+ List.assoc goal_switch goal2win ();
+ (match cicMathView#misc#parent with
+ None -> assert false
+ | Some p ->
+ (* The text widget dinamycally inserts the text in a separate
+ thread. We need to wait for it to terminate before we can
+ move the scrollbar to the end *)
+ while Glib.Main.pending()do ignore(Glib.Main.iteration false); done;
+ let w =
+ new GBin.scrolled_window
+ (Gobject.try_cast p#as_widget "GtkScrolledWindow") in
+ w#hadjustment#set_value 0.0;
+ w#vadjustment#set_value
+ (w#vadjustment#upper -. w#vadjustment#page_size));
with Not_found -> assert false)
method goto_sequent: 'status. #ApplyTransformation.status as 'status -> int -> unit
notebook#goto_page page;
self#render_page status ~page ~goal_switch
let blank_uri = BuildTimeConf.blank_uri