| [] -> acc
| t::todo_ps ->
(*prerr_endline ("EXPAND t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
- let t = subst false x inst (t :> nf) in
+ let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
(*prerr_endline ("SUBSTITUTED t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps =
expand_match (freshno,acc_ps@`Var(max_int/3,-666)::todo_ps,acc_new_ps) t
| t::todo_conv ->
(*prerr_endline ("EXPAND t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
(* try *)
- let t = subst false x inst (t :> nf) in
+ let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
(*prerr_endline ("SUBSTITUTED t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps =
expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t
| None -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps
| Some t ->
- let t = subst false x inst (t :> nf) in
+ let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps =
expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t
match u with
| `N i -> acc_new_ps,i
| _ ->
- let ps = List.map (fun t -> cast_to_i_num_var (subst false x inst (t:> nf))) (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) in
+ let ps = List.map (fun t -> cast_to_i_num_var (subst false false x inst (t:> nf))) (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) in
let super_simplified_ps = super_simplify_ps ps ps in
(*prerr_endline ("CERCO u:" ^ print (fst u :> nf));
List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) ps;
then failwithProblem p ("BOMB (" ^ string_of_nf !bomb ^ ") cannot be instantiated!"));
let arity_of_x = max_arity_tms x (all_terms p) in
(if arity_of_x < 0 then failwithProblem p "step on a var of negative arity");
- (* AC: FIXME compute arities correctly below! *)
- let arities = Num.compute_arities x (n+1) (all_terms p :> nf list) in
+ (* AC: Once upon a time, it was:
+ let arities = Num.compute_arities x (n+1) (all_terms p :> nf list) in *)
(* let arities = Array.to_list (Array.make (n+1) 0) in *)
+ let arities = Array.to_list (Array.make (n+1) min_int) in
let p,vars = make_fresh_vars p arities in
- (* let p,zero = make_fresh_var p in *)
- (* let zero = Listx.Nil zero in *)
- (* let args = if n = 0 then zero else Listx.append zero (Listx.from_list vars) in *)
let args = Listx.from_list (vars :> nf list) in
let bs = ref [] in
- let inst = `Lam(false,`Match(`I((0,0),Listx.map (lift 1) args),(x,arity_of_x),1,bs,[])) in
+ (* min_int, since it will be replaced anyway during subst: *)
+ let inst = `Lam(false,`Match(`I((0,n+1),Listx.map (lift 1) args),(x,min_int),1,bs,[])) in
let p = {p with deltas=bs::p.deltas} in
subst_in_problem x inst p
match h with
`I(v,args) -> `I(v,Listx.append (Listx.Nil arg) args)
| `Var v -> `I(v, Listx.Nil arg)
- | `Lam(_,nf) -> subst true 0 arg (nf : nf) (* AC FIXME sanity check on arity *)
+ | `Lam(truelam,nf) -> subst truelam true 0 arg (nf : nf) (* AC FIXME sanity check on arity *)
| `Match(t,v,lift,bs,args) -> `Match(t,v,lift,bs,List.append args [arg])
| `N _ -> assert false (* Numbers cannot be applied *)
(*in let l = ["v0";"v1";"v2"] in
`Match (t,(n,ar),bs_lift,bs,args))
| `I _ | `Var _ | `Match _ -> `Match(t,(n,ar),bs_lift,bs,args)
-and subst delift_by_one what (with_what : nf) (where : nf) =
+and subst truelam delift_by_one what (with_what : nf) (where : nf) =
let aux_propagate_arity ar = function
- | `Lam(false,`Match(`I(v,args),(x,_),liftno,bs,args')) ->
+ | `Lam(false,`Match(`I(v,args),(x,_),liftno,bs,args')) when not delift_by_one ->
+ | `Var(i,_) -> `Var(i,ar)
| _ as t -> t in
let rec aux_i_num_var l =
let with_what' = lift l' with_what in
(* The following line should be the identity when delift_by_one = true because we
are assuming the ts to not contain lambda-bound variables. *)
- bs := List.map (fun (n,t) -> n,subst false what with_what' t) !bs ;
+ bs := List.map (fun (n,t) -> n,subst truelam false what with_what' t) !bs ;
mk_match (cast_to_i_num_var (aux_i_num_var l t)) v bs_lift bs (List.map (aux l) args)
and aux l(*lift*) =
(*function iii -> let res = match iii with*)