From: Andrea Asperti <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 14:32:14 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: urimanager removed
X-Git-Tag: make_still_working~2763

urimanager removed

diff --git a/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-getter.src b/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-getter.src
index 8a7badf74..b060fb62a 100644
--- a/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-getter.src
+++ b/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-getter.src
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-requires="http unix pcre zip helm-xml helm-logger helm-urimanager helm-registry"
+requires="http unix pcre zip helm-xml helm-logger helm-ng_kernel helm-registry"
diff --git a/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-urimanager.src b/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-urimanager.src
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1874688..000000000
--- a/matita/components/METAS/meta.helm-urimanager.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/matita/components/Makefile b/matita/components/Makefile
index 3f3b5dea9..7d463f88c 100644
--- a/matita/components/Makefile
+++ b/matita/components/Makefile
@@ -11,15 +11,13 @@ MODULES =			\
 	registry		\
 	syntax_extensions	\
 	thread			\
-	urimanager		\
 	logger			\
+	ng_kernel		\
 	getter			\
 	library			\
-	ng_kernel		\
 	content		\
 	grafite			\
 	disambiguation	        \
-	ng_kernel               \
 	ng_refiner              \
 	ng_disambiguation	\
 	ng_cic_content		\
diff --git a/matita/components/content/ b/matita/components/content/
index 1e4cc88af..6a23ab1e7 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/
+++ b/matita/components/content/
@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ type 'term in_object_context_element =
 type 'term cobj  = 
         id *                            (* id *)
-        UriManager.uri list *           (* params *)
         'term conjecture list option *  (* optional metasenv *) 
         'term in_object_context_element (* actual object *)
diff --git a/matita/components/content/content.mli b/matita/components/content/content.mli
index 229d30749..dfd732ebd 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/content.mli
+++ b/matita/components/content/content.mli
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ type 'term in_object_context_element =
 type 'term cobj  = 
         id *                            (* id *)
-        UriManager.uri list *           (* params *)
         'term conjecture list option *  (* optional metasenv *) 
         'term in_object_context_element (* actual object *)
diff --git a/matita/components/content/ b/matita/components/content/
index 8059eeaae..7e85d0fc1 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/
+++ b/matita/components/content/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ type cic_id = string
 type term_info =
   { sort: (cic_id, Ast.sort_kind) Hashtbl.t;
-    uri: (cic_id, UriManager.uri) Hashtbl.t;
+    uri: (cic_id, NReference.reference) Hashtbl.t;
   (* persistent state *)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ let remove_interpretation id =
 let init () = List.iter (fun f -> f []) !load_patterns32s
 let instantiate_appl_pattern 
-  ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_uri ~term_of_nref env appl_pattern 
+  ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_nref env appl_pattern 
   let lookup name =
     try List.assoc name env
@@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ let instantiate_appl_pattern
       assert false
   let rec aux = function
-    | Ast.UriPattern uri -> term_of_uri uri
     | Ast.NRefPattern nref -> term_of_nref nref
     | Ast.ImplicitPattern -> mk_implicit false
     | Ast.VarPattern name -> lookup name
diff --git a/matita/components/content/interpretations.mli b/matita/components/content/interpretations.mli
index 10a2f093e..50432801d 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/interpretations.mli
+++ b/matita/components/content/interpretations.mli
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ val set_active_interpretations: interpretation_id list -> unit
 val instantiate_appl_pattern:
   mk_appl:('term list -> 'term) -> 
   mk_implicit:(bool -> 'term) ->
-  term_of_uri : (UriManager.uri -> 'term) ->
   term_of_nref : (NReference.reference -> 'term) ->
   (string * 'term) list -> NotationPt.cic_appl_pattern ->
diff --git a/matita/components/content/ b/matita/components/content/
index 59df4ffdd..e9209d515 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/
+++ b/matita/components/content/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let rec pp_term ?(pp_parens = true) t =
               sprintf " in %s%s" ty
               (match debug_printing, href_opt with
               | true, Some uri ->
-                  sprintf "(i.e.%s)" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+                  sprintf "(i.e.%s)" (NReference.string_of_reference uri)
               | _ -> ""))	  
 	  (match typ with None -> "" | Some t -> sprintf " return %s" (pp_term t))          
           (pp_patterns patterns)
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ and pp_pattern =
      let head_pp =
        head ^
        (match debug_printing, href with
-       | true, Some uri -> sprintf "(i.e.%s)" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+       | true, Some uri -> sprintf "(i.e.%s)" (NReference.string_of_reference uri)
        | _ -> "")
      sprintf "%s \\Rightarrow %s"
@@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ let pp_env env =
 let rec pp_cic_appl_pattern = function
-  | Ast.UriPattern uri -> UriManager.string_of_uri uri
   | Ast.NRefPattern nref -> NReference.string_of_reference nref
   | Ast.VarPattern name -> name
   | Ast.ImplicitPattern -> "?"
diff --git a/matita/components/content/ b/matita/components/content/
index aa83b20f3..cead5e7ae 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/
+++ b/matita/components/content/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let fail floc msg =
   let (x, y) = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
   failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error at characters %d - %d: %s" x y msg)
-type href = UriManager.uri
+type href = NReference.reference
 type child_pos = [ `Left | `Right | `Inner ]
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ type argument_pattern =
   | IdentArg of int * string (* eta-depth, name *)
 type cic_appl_pattern =
-  | UriPattern of UriManager.uri
   | NRefPattern of NReference.reference
   | VarPattern of string
   | ImplicitPattern
diff --git a/matita/components/content/ b/matita/components/content/
index 52abe4564..98e1ba663 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/
+++ b/matita/components/content/
@@ -328,21 +328,13 @@ let dressn ~sep:sauces =
 let find_appl_pattern_uris ap =
   let rec aux acc =
-    | Ast.UriPattern uri -> `Uri uri :: acc
-    | Ast.NRefPattern nref -> `NRef nref :: acc
+    | Ast.NRefPattern nref -> nref :: acc
     | Ast.ImplicitPattern
     | Ast.VarPattern _ -> acc
     | Ast.ApplPattern apl -> List.fold_left aux acc apl
   let uris = aux [] ap in
-  let cmp u1 u2 =
-   match u1,u2 with
-      `Uri u1, `Uri u2 -> u1 u2
-    | `NRef r1, `NRef r2 -> r1 r2
-    | `Uri _,`NRef _ -> -1
-    | `NRef _, `Uri _ -> 1
-  in
-  HExtlib.list_uniq (List.fast_sort cmp uris)
+  HExtlib.list_uniq (List.fast_sort uris)
 let rec find_branch =
diff --git a/matita/components/content/notationUtil.mli b/matita/components/content/notationUtil.mli
index daca93587..f7c1c0cd4 100644
--- a/matita/components/content/notationUtil.mli
+++ b/matita/components/content/notationUtil.mli
@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ val group: NotationPt.term list -> NotationPt.term
 val ungroup: NotationPt.term list -> NotationPt.term list
 val find_appl_pattern_uris:
-  NotationPt.cic_appl_pattern ->
-   [`Uri of UriManager.uri | `NRef of NReference.reference] list
+  NotationPt.cic_appl_pattern -> NReference.reference list
 val find_branch:
   NotationPt.term -> NotationPt.term
diff --git a/matita/components/content_pres/ b/matita/components/content_pres/
index 26370ff22..5f9f202ca 100644
--- a/matita/components/content_pres/
+++ b/matita/components/content_pres/
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ let add_parens child_prec curr_prec t =
 let lookup_uri ids_to_uris id =
    let uri = Hashtbl.find ids_to_uris id in
-   Some (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+   Some (NReference.string_of_reference uri)
  with Not_found -> None
diff --git a/matita/components/content_pres/cicNotationPres.mli b/matita/components/content_pres/cicNotationPres.mli
index 5961b8887..ce8ee1ca6 100644
--- a/matita/components/content_pres/cicNotationPres.mli
+++ b/matita/components/content_pres/cicNotationPres.mli
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ val box_of_mpres: mathml_markup -> boxml_markup
 (** {2 Rendering} *)
-val lookup_uri: (Interpretations.cic_id,UriManager.uri) Hashtbl.t ->
+val lookup_uri: (Interpretations.cic_id,NReference.reference) Hashtbl.t ->
   Interpretations.cic_id -> string option
 (** level 1 -> level 0
diff --git a/matita/components/content_pres/ b/matita/components/content_pres/
index cd2e62c21..f869801f9 100644
--- a/matita/components/content_pres/
+++ b/matita/components/content_pres/
@@ -881,22 +881,6 @@ let metasenv2pres term2pres = function
             (let _ = incr counter; in (string_of_int !counter)))) ::
          ( (conjecture2pres term2pres) metasenv'))]
-let params2pres params =
-  let param2pres uri =
-    B.b_text [Some "xlink", "href", UriManager.string_of_uri uri]
-      (UriManager.name_of_uri uri)
-  in
-  let rec spatiate = function
-    | [] -> []
-    | hd :: [] -> [hd]
-    | hd :: tl -> hd :: B.b_text [] ", " :: spatiate tl
-  in
-  match params with
-  | [] -> []
-  | p ->
-      let params = spatiate ( param2pres p) in
-      [B.b_space;
-       B.b_h [] (B.b_text [] "[" :: params @ [ B.b_text [] "]" ])]
 let inductive2pres term2pres ind =
   let constructor2pres decl =
     B.b_h [] [
@@ -994,7 +978,7 @@ let njoint_def2pres term2pres joint_kind defs =
 let ncontent2pres0
   ?skip_initial_lambdas ?(skip_thm_and_qed=false) term2pres 
-  (id,params,metasenv,obj : NotationPt.term Content.cobj) 
+  (id,metasenv,obj : NotationPt.term Content.cobj) 
   match obj with
   | `Def (Content.Const, thesis, `Proof p) ->
@@ -1006,7 +990,7 @@ let ncontent2pres0
         [Some "helm","xref","id"]
         ([ B.b_h [] (B.b_kw ("ntheorem " ^ name) :: 
-          params2pres params @ [B.b_kw ":"]);
+          [B.b_kw ":"]);
            B.H ([],[B.indent (term2pres thesis) ; B.b_kw "." ])] @
          metasenv2pres term2pres metasenv @
          [proof ; B.b_kw "qed."])
@@ -1015,7 +999,7 @@ let ncontent2pres0
         [Some "helm","xref","id"]
         ([B.b_h []
-           (B.b_kw ("ndefinition " ^ name) :: params2pres params @ [B.b_kw ":"]);
+           (B.b_kw ("ndefinition " ^ name) :: [B.b_kw ":"]);
           B.indent (term2pres ty)] @
           metasenv2pres term2pres metasenv @
           [B.b_kw ":=";
@@ -1026,7 +1010,7 @@ let ncontent2pres0
       let name = get_name decl.Content.dec_name in
         [Some "helm","xref","id"]
-        ([B.b_h [] (B.b_kw ("naxiom " ^ name) :: params2pres params);
+        ([B.b_h [] (B.b_kw ("naxiom " ^ name) :: []);
           B.b_kw "Type:";
           B.indent (term2pres decl.Content.dec_type)] @
           metasenv2pres term2pres metasenv)
diff --git a/matita/components/content_pres/ b/matita/components/content_pres/
index 28bcbe314..80d4d65a9 100644
--- a/matita/components/content_pres/
+++ b/matita/components/content_pres/
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ let ident_w_href href i =
   match href with
   | None -> ident i
   | Some href ->
-      let href = UriManager.string_of_uri href in
+      let href = NReference.string_of_reference href in
       add_xml_attrs [Some "xlink", "href", href] (ident i)
 let binder_symbol s =
diff --git a/matita/components/disambiguation/ b/matita/components/disambiguation/
index 0e4636d57..8be47f063 100644
--- a/matita/components/disambiguation/
+++ b/matita/components/disambiguation/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 open Printf
 open DisambiguateTypes
-open UriManager
 module Ast = NotationPt
diff --git a/matita/components/disambiguation/ b/matita/components/disambiguation/
index 23c16cff2..f6e03d098 100644
--- a/matita/components/disambiguation/
+++ b/matita/components/disambiguation/
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ type interactive_user_uri_choice_type =
   selection_mode:[`SINGLE | `MULTIPLE] ->
   ?ok:string ->
   ?enable_button_for_non_vars:bool ->
-  title:string -> msg:string -> id:string -> UriManager.uri list ->
-   UriManager.uri list
+  title:string -> msg:string -> id:string -> NReference.reference list ->
+   NReference.reference list
 type interactive_interpretation_choice_type = string -> int ->
   (Stdpp.location list * string * string) list list -> int list
 type input_or_locate_uri_type = 
-  title:string -> ?id:string -> unit -> UriManager.uri option
+  title:string -> ?id:string -> unit -> NReference.reference option
 let string_of_domain_item = function
   | Id s -> Printf.sprintf "ID(%s)" s
diff --git a/matita/components/disambiguation/disambiguateTypes.mli b/matita/components/disambiguation/disambiguateTypes.mli
index c3601eae5..1e99fd404 100644
--- a/matita/components/disambiguation/disambiguateTypes.mli
+++ b/matita/components/disambiguation/disambiguateTypes.mli
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ type interactive_user_uri_choice_type =
   selection_mode:[`SINGLE | `MULTIPLE] ->
   ?ok:string ->
   ?enable_button_for_non_vars:bool ->
-  title:string -> msg:string -> id:string -> UriManager.uri list ->
-   UriManager.uri list
+  title:string -> msg:string -> id:string -> NReference.reference list ->
+   NReference.reference list
 type interactive_interpretation_choice_type = string -> int ->
   (Stdpp.location list * string * string) list list -> int list
 type input_or_locate_uri_type = 
-  title:string -> ?id:string -> unit -> UriManager.uri option
+  title:string -> ?id:string -> unit -> NReference.reference option
 val string_of_domain_item: domain_item -> string
diff --git a/matita/components/getter/ b/matita/components/getter/
index b41c4788f..4e431ee81 100644
--- a/matita/components/getter/
+++ b/matita/components/getter/
@@ -151,10 +151,7 @@ let exists ~local uri =
    let uri = deref_index_theory ~local uri in
     Http_getter_storage.exists ~local (uri ^ xml_suffix)
-let is_an_obj s = 
-  try 
-    s <> UriManager.buri_of_uri (UriManager.uri_of_string s)
-  with UriManager.IllFormedUri _ -> true
+let is_an_obj s = s <> NUri.baseuri_of_uri (NUri.uri_of_string s)
 let resolve ~local ~writable uri =
   if remote () then
@@ -363,13 +360,13 @@ let getalluris () =
 (* Shorthands from now on *)
-let getxml' uri = getxml (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+let getxml' uri = getxml (NUri.string_of_uri uri)
 let resolve' ~local ~writable uri =
-  resolve ~local ~writable (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+  resolve ~local ~writable (NUri.string_of_uri uri)
-let exists' ~local uri = exists ~local (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+let exists' ~local uri = exists ~local (NUri.string_of_uri uri)
 let filename' ~local ~writable uri =
-  filename ~local ~writable (UriManager.string_of_uri uri)
+  filename ~local ~writable (NUri.string_of_uri uri)
 let tilde_expand_key k =
diff --git a/matita/components/getter/http_getter.mli b/matita/components/getter/http_getter.mli
index 5cf5cd38e..3b8ebb9cb 100644
--- a/matita/components/getter/http_getter.mli
+++ b/matita/components/getter/http_getter.mli
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ val ls: local:bool -> string -> ls_item list
   (** {2 UriManager shorthands} *)
-val getxml'     : UriManager.uri -> string
-val resolve'    : local:bool -> writable:bool -> UriManager.uri -> string
-val exists'     : local:bool -> UriManager.uri -> bool
-val filename'     : local:bool -> writable:bool -> UriManager.uri -> string
+val getxml'     : NUri.uri -> string
+val resolve'    : local:bool -> writable:bool -> NUri.uri -> string
+val exists'     : local:bool -> NUri.uri -> bool
+val filename'     : local:bool -> writable:bool -> NUri.uri -> string
   (** {2 Misc} *)
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite/ b/matita/components/grafite/
index 327f39809..d18ee2f0c 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite/
+++ b/matita/components/grafite/
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ let load_moo_from_file ~fname =
   (raw: moo)
 let rehash_cmd_uris =
-  let rehash_uri uri =
-    UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
   | GrafiteAst.Include _ as cmd -> cmd
   | cmd ->
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_engine/ b/matita/components/grafite_engine/
index 055059dd7..22f14db13 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_engine/
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_engine/
@@ -36,12 +36,6 @@ type options = {
   do_heavy_checks: bool ; 
-let concat_nuris uris nuris =
-   match uris,nuris with
-   | `New uris, `New nuris -> `New (nuris@uris)
-   | _ -> assert false
 let basic_eval_unification_hint (t,n) status =
  NCicUnifHint.add_user_provided_hint status t n
@@ -67,7 +61,7 @@ let eval_unification_hint status t n =
  let status = basic_eval_unification_hint (t,n) status in
  let dump = inject_unification_hint (t,n)::status#dump in
  let status = status#set_dump dump in
-  status,`New []
+  status,[]
 let basic_index_obj l status =
@@ -216,7 +210,7 @@ let eval_add_constraint status u1 u2 =
  let status = basic_eval_add_constraint (u1,u2) status in
  let dump = inject_constraint (u1,u2)::status#dump in
  let status = status#set_dump dump in
-  status,`New []
+  status,[]
 let eval_ng_tac tac =
@@ -385,7 +379,7 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
            let uris = uri::List.rev uris_rev in
            let status = status#set_ng_mode `CommandMode in
-           let status = LexiconSync.add_aliases_for_objs status (`New [uri]) in
+           let status = LexiconSync.add_aliases_for_objs status [uri] in
            let status,uris =
              (fun (status,uris) boxml ->
@@ -400,13 +394,13 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
                     status, uris
-                  nstatus, concat_nuris uris nuris
+                  nstatus, uris@nuris
                | MultiPassDisambiguator.DisambiguationError _
                | NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->
                   (*HLog.warn "error in generating projection/eliminator";*)
-             ) (status,`New [] (* uris *)) boxml in             
+             ) (status,[] (* uris *)) boxml in             
            let _,_,_,_,nobj = obj in 
            let status = match nobj with
                NCic.Inductive (is_ind,leftno,[it],_) ->
@@ -423,7 +417,7 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
                        let _,_,menv,_,_ = invobj in
                        fst (match menv with
                              [] -> eval_ncommand opts status ("",0,GrafiteAst.NQed Stdpp.dummy_loc)
-                           | _ -> status,`New []))
+                           | _ -> status,[]))
                        (* XXX *)
                       with _ -> (*HLog.warn "error in generating inversion principle"; *)
                                 let status = status#set_ng_mode `CommandMode in status)
@@ -454,7 +448,7 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
                       status (name,t,cpos,arity)
-                 let uris = concat_nuris nuris uris in
+                 let uris = nuris@uris in
                  status, uris
                with MultiPassDisambiguator.DisambiguationError _-> 
                  HLog.warn ("error in generating coercion: "^name);
@@ -513,7 +507,7 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
       (match nmenv with
           [] ->
            eval_ncommand opts status ("",0,GrafiteAst.NQed Stdpp.dummy_loc)
-        | _ -> status,`New [])
+        | _ -> status,[])
   | GrafiteAst.NDiscriminator (_,_) -> assert false (*(loc, indty) ->
       if status#ng_mode <> `CommandMode then
         raise (GrafiteTypes.Command_error "Not in command mode")
@@ -531,7 +525,7 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
           (match menv with
                [] -> eval_ncommand opts status ("",0,GrafiteAst.NQed Stdpp.dummy_loc)
              | _ -> prerr_endline ("Discriminator: non empty metasenv");
-                    status, `New []) *)
+                    status, []) *)
   | GrafiteAst.NInverter (loc, name, indty, selection, sort) ->
      if status#ng_mode <> `CommandMode then
       raise (GrafiteTypes.Command_error "Not in command mode")
@@ -568,7 +562,7 @@ let rec eval_ncommand opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
 let eval_comment ~disambiguate_command opts status (text,prefix_len,c) =
- status, `New []
+ status, []
 let rec eval_command ~disambiguate_command opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
  let status,cmd = disambiguate_command status (text,prefix_len,cmd) in
@@ -595,9 +589,9 @@ let rec eval_command ~disambiguate_command opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd) =
         [GrafiteAst.Include (loc,baseuri)] status
-       status,`New []
-  | GrafiteAst.Print (_,_) -> status,`New []
-  | GrafiteAst.Set (loc, name, value) -> status, `New []
+       status,[]
+  | GrafiteAst.Print (_,_) -> status,[]
+  | GrafiteAst.Set (loc, name, value) -> status, []
@@ -614,7 +608,7 @@ and eval_executable ~disambiguate_command opts status (text,prefix_len,ex) =
             subst_metasenv_and_fix_names status)
           status tacl
-        status,`New []
+        status,[]
   | GrafiteAst.Command (_, cmd) ->
       eval_command ~disambiguate_command opts status (text,prefix_len,cmd)
   | GrafiteAst.NCommand (_, cmd) ->
@@ -636,7 +630,7 @@ and eval_from_moo status fname =
        eval_ast ~disambiguate_command:(fun status (_,_,cmd) -> status,cmd)
          status ast
-       assert (lemmas=`New []);
+       assert (lemmas=[]);
     status moo
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli b/matita/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli
index 334488dd3..a6b9d7b1d 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ val eval_ast :
   GrafiteTypes.status ->
   GrafiteAst.statement disambiguator_input ->
    (* the new status and generated objects, if any *)
-   GrafiteTypes.status * [`Old of UriManager.uri list | `New of NUri.uri list]
+   GrafiteTypes.status * NUri.uri list
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_engine/ b/matita/components/grafite_engine/
index 7fcd6a473..3cf076265 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_engine/
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_engine/
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ let basic_eval_and_record_ncoercion_from_t_cpos_arity
   let status, uris =
    basic_eval_and_record_ncoercion (name,t,src,tgt,cpos,arity) status
-   status,`New uris
+   status,uris
 let eval_ncoercion status name t ty (id,src) tgt = 
@@ -330,6 +330,6 @@ let eval_ncoercion status name t ty (id,src) tgt =
  let status, uris =
   basic_eval_and_record_ncoercion (name,t,src,tgt,cpos,arity) status
-  status,`New uris
+  status,uris
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_engine/nCicCoercDeclaration.mli b/matita/components/grafite_engine/nCicCoercDeclaration.mli
index 1c9062fd6..9bca1143d 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_engine/nCicCoercDeclaration.mli
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_engine/nCicCoercDeclaration.mli
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ val eval_ncoercion:
      NotationPt.term ->
      NotationPt.term ->
      string * NotationPt.term ->
-     NotationPt.term -> 'status * [> `New of NUri.uri list ]
+     NotationPt.term -> 'status * NUri.uri list
 (* for records, the term is the projection, already refined, while the
  * first integer is the number of left params and the second integer is 
  * the arity in the `:arity>` syntax *)
 val basic_eval_and_record_ncoercion_from_t_cpos_arity: 
    #GrafiteTypes.status as 'status ->
-     string * NCic.term * int * int -> 'status * [> `New of NUri.uri list ]
+     string * NCic.term * int * int -> 'status * NUri.uri list
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_parser/ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/
index 53fb7ab6d..6b0142bf1 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_parser/
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ exception UnableToInclude of string
   (* statements meaningful for matitadep *)
 type dependency =
   | IncludeDep of string
-  | UriDep of UriManager.uri
+  | UriDep of NUri.uri
   | InlineDep of string
 let pp_dependency = function
   | IncludeDep str -> "include \"" ^ str ^ "\""
-  | UriDep uri -> "uri \"" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ "\""
+  | UriDep uri -> "uri \"" ^ NUri.string_of_uri uri ^ "\""
   | InlineDep str -> "inline \"" ^ str ^ "\"" 
 let parse_dependencies lexbuf = 
@@ -48,12 +48,11 @@ let parse_dependencies lexbuf =
       | [< '("QSTRING", s) >] ->
           (* because of alias id qstring = qstring :-( *)
-          (try
-            true, (UriDep (UriManager.uri_of_string s) :: acc)
-           with
-            UriManager.IllFormedUri _ -> true, acc)
+          if String.sub s 0 5 <> "cic:/" then true,acc
+          else
+            true, (UriDep (NUri.uri_of_string s) :: acc)
       | [< '("URI", u) >] ->
-          true, (UriDep (UriManager.uri_of_string u) :: acc)
+          true, (UriDep (NUri.uri_of_string u) :: acc)
       | [< '("IDENT", "include"); '("QSTRING", fname) >] ->
           true, (IncludeDep fname :: acc)
       | [< '("IDENT", "include"); '("IDENT", "source"); '("QSTRING", fname) >] ->
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_parser/dependenciesParser.mli b/matita/components/grafite_parser/dependenciesParser.mli
index 57529966b..cbdc028dd 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_parser/dependenciesParser.mli
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/dependenciesParser.mli
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ exception UnableToInclude of string
   (* statements meaningful for matitadep *)
 type dependency =
   | IncludeDep of string
-  | UriDep of UriManager.uri
+  | UriDep of NUri.uri
   | InlineDep of string
 val pp_dependency: dependency -> string
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_parser/ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/
index 8e6631929..c465fe1d8 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_parser/
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ let ncic_mk_choice = function
            | false -> NCic.Implicit `Term)
            (NCic.Appl l)::tl -> NCic.Appl (l@tl) | l -> NCic.Appl l)
-        ~term_of_uri:(fun _ -> assert false)
         ~term_of_nref:(fun nref -> NCic.Const nref)
        name dsc
   | LexiconAst.Number_alias (_, dsc) -> 
diff --git a/matita/components/grafite_parser/ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/
index 110c9e912..f0da64a51 100644
--- a/matita/components/grafite_parser/
+++ b/matita/components/grafite_parser/
@@ -461,9 +461,7 @@ EXTEND
         let ident = "\\("^alpha^ident_cont^"*"^decoration^"*\\|_"^ident_cont^"+"^decoration^"*\\)" in
         let rex = Str.regexp ("^"^ident^"$") in
         if Str.string_match rex id 0 then
-          if (try ignore (UriManager.uri_of_string uri); true
-              with UriManager.IllFormedUri _ -> false) ||
-             (try ignore (NReference.reference_of_string uri); true
+          if (try ignore (NReference.reference_of_string uri); true
               with NReference.IllFormedReference _ -> false)
             L.Ident_alias (id, uri)
@@ -532,8 +530,7 @@ EXTEND
     level3_term: [
-      [ u = URI -> N.UriPattern (UriManager.uri_of_string u)
-      | r = NREF -> N.NRefPattern (NReference.reference_of_string r)
+      [ r = NREF -> N.NRefPattern (NReference.reference_of_string r)
       | IMPLICIT -> N.ImplicitPattern
       | id = IDENT -> N.VarPattern id
       | LPAREN; terms = LIST1 SELF; RPAREN ->
diff --git a/matita/components/lexicon/ b/matita/components/lexicon/
index 8a5b50354..a0dfb87cf 100644
--- a/matita/components/lexicon/
+++ b/matita/components/lexicon/
@@ -135,12 +135,7 @@ let rec eval_command ?(mode=L.WithPreferences) sstatus cmd =
             begin try
               match DisambiguateTypes.Environment.find item status.aliases with
                  L.Ident_alias (_, uri) ->
-                  (try
-                    NotationPt.NRefPattern
-                     (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
-                   with
-                    NReference.IllFormedReference _ ->
-                     NotationPt.UriPattern (UriManager.uri_of_string uri))
+                  NotationPt.NRefPattern (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
                | _ -> assert false
              with Not_found -> 
               prerr_endline ("LexiconEngine.eval_command: domain item not found: " ^ 
diff --git a/matita/components/lexicon/ b/matita/components/lexicon/
index 6693de214..5e74e8815 100644
--- a/matita/components/lexicon/
+++ b/matita/components/lexicon/
@@ -37,14 +37,10 @@ let load_lexicon_from_file ~fname =
   (raw: lexicon)
 let rehash_cmd_uris =
-  let rehash_uri uri =
-    UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
   | LexiconAst.Interpretation (loc, dsc, args, cic_appl_pattern) ->
       let rec aux =
-        | NotationPt.UriPattern uri ->
-            NotationPt.UriPattern (rehash_uri uri)
         | NotationPt.NRefPattern (NReference.Ref (uri,spec)) ->
            let uri = NCicLibrary.refresh_uri uri in
             NotationPt.NRefPattern (NReference.reference_of_spec uri spec)
diff --git a/matita/components/lexicon/ b/matita/components/lexicon/
index 33d21a93f..1971ac33e 100644
--- a/matita/components/lexicon/
+++ b/matita/components/lexicon/
@@ -45,51 +45,20 @@ let alias_diff ~from status =
     status#lstatus.LexiconEngine.aliases []
-(** given a uri and a type list (the contructors types) builds a list of pairs
- *  (name,uri) that is used to generate automatic aliases **)
-let extract_alias types uri = 
-  fst(List.fold_left (
-    fun (acc,i) (name, _, _, cl) -> 
-      (name, UriManager.uri_of_uriref uri i None) ::
-      (fst(List.fold_left (
-        fun (acc,j) (name,_) ->
-          (((name,UriManager.uri_of_uriref uri i
-          (Some j)) :: acc) , j+1)
-        ) (acc,1) cl)),i+1
-  ) ([],0) types)
-let build_aliases =
-  (fun (name,uri) ->
-    DisambiguateTypes.Id name, LexiconAst.Ident_alias (name, 
-     UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
-let add_aliases_for_inductive_def status types uri = 
-  let aliases = build_aliases (extract_alias types uri) in
-   LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status aliases
-let add_alias_for_constant status uri =
- let name = UriManager.name_of_uri uri in
- let new_env = build_aliases [(name,uri)] in
- LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status new_env
 let add_aliases_for_objs status =
-  function
-   `Old _ -> assert false (* MATITA 1.0 *)
- | `New nrefs ->
-     List.fold_left
-      (fun status nref ->
-        let references = NCicLibrary.aliases_of nref in
-        let new_env =
-          (fun u ->
-            let name = NCicPp.r2s true u in
-             DisambiguateTypes.Id name,
-              LexiconAst.Ident_alias (name,NReference.string_of_reference u)
-          ) references
-        in
-         LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status new_env
-      ) status nrefs
+ List.fold_left
+  (fun status nref ->
+    let references = NCicLibrary.aliases_of nref in
+    let new_env =
+      (fun u ->
+        let name = NCicPp.r2s true u in
+         DisambiguateTypes.Id name,
+          LexiconAst.Ident_alias (name,NReference.string_of_reference u)
+      ) references
+    in
+     LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status new_env
+  ) status
 module OrderedId = 
diff --git a/matita/components/lexicon/lexiconSync.mli b/matita/components/lexicon/lexiconSync.mli
index c645bfdbe..acdf7fd66 100644
--- a/matita/components/lexicon/lexiconSync.mli
+++ b/matita/components/lexicon/lexiconSync.mli
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
 val add_aliases_for_objs:
- #LexiconEngine.status as 'status ->
-  [`Old of UriManager.uri list | `New of NUri.uri list]-> 'status
+ #LexiconEngine.status as 'status -> NUri.uri list -> 'status
 val time_travel: 
   present:#LexiconEngine.status -> past:#LexiconEngine.status -> unit
diff --git a/matita/components/library/ b/matita/components/library/
index 1f92b5868..6f58bb54e 100644
--- a/matita/components/library/
+++ b/matita/components/library/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let debug_prerr = if debug then prerr_endline else ignore
 module HGT = Http_getter_types;;
 module HG = Http_getter;;
-module UM = UriManager;;
+(*module UM = UriManager;;*)
 let decompile = ref (fun ~baseuri -> assert false);;
 let set_decompile_cb f = decompile := f;;
@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ let clean_baseuris ?(verbose=true) buris =
     List.iter debug_prerr buris; 
   let l = close_db cache_of_processed_baseuri [] buris in
   let l = HExtlib.list_uniq (List.fast_sort l) in
-  let l = UriManager.uri_of_string l in
+  let l = NUri.uri_of_string l in
   debug_prerr "clean_baseuri will remove:";
   if debug then
-    List.iter (fun u -> debug_prerr (UriManager.string_of_uri u)) l; 
+    List.iter (fun u -> debug_prerr (NUri.string_of_uri u)) l; 
    (fun baseuri ->
      !decompile ~baseuri;
@@ -247,4 +247,4 @@ let clean_baseuris ?(verbose=true) buris =
        HExtlib.rmdir_descend (Filename.chop_extension lexiconfile)
      with Http_getter_types.Key_not_found _ -> ())
    (HExtlib.list_uniq (List.fast_sort
-     ( (UriManager.buri_of_uri) l @ buris)))
+     ( NUri.baseuri_of_uri l @ buris)))
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_cic_content/ b/matita/components/ng_cic_content/
index dbd6523cf..5d91cee28 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_cic_content/
+++ b/matita/components/ng_cic_content/
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ in
   let res =
    match kind with
     | NCic.Fixpoint (is_rec, ifl, _) -> 
-         (gen_id object_prefix seed, [], conjectures,
+         (gen_id object_prefix seed, conjectures,
               { K.joint_id = gen_id joint_prefix seed;
                 K.joint_kind = 
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ in
                 K.joint_defs = (build_fixpoint is_rec seed) ifl
     | NCic.Inductive (is_ind, lno, itl, _) ->
-         (gen_id object_prefix seed, [], conjectures,
+         (gen_id object_prefix seed, conjectures,
               { K.joint_id = gen_id joint_prefix seed;
                 K.joint_kind = 
@@ -609,12 +609,12 @@ in
     | NCic.Constant (_,_,Some bo,ty,_) ->
        let ty = nast_of_cic ~context:[] ty in
        let bo = nast_of_cic ~context:[] bo in
-        (gen_id object_prefix seed, [], conjectures,
+        (gen_id object_prefix seed, conjectures,
           `Def (K.Const,ty,
             build_def_item seed [] [] (get_id bo) (NUri.name_of_uri uri) bo ty))
     | NCic.Constant (_,_,None,ty,_) ->
        let ty = nast_of_cic ~context:[] ty in
-         (gen_id object_prefix seed, [], conjectures,
+         (gen_id object_prefix seed, conjectures,
            `Decl (K.Const,
              (*CSC: ??? get_id ty here used to be the id of the axiom! *)
              build_decl_item seed (get_id ty) (NUri.name_of_uri uri) ty))
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_cic_content/ b/matita/components/ng_cic_content/
index 5acb8eb13..f6617451d 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_cic_content/
+++ b/matita/components/ng_cic_content/
@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@
 module Ast = NotationPt
 module Util = NotationUtil
-let reference_of_oxuri = ref (fun _ -> assert false);;
-let set_reference_of_oxuri f = reference_of_oxuri := f;;
 module Matcher32 =
   module Pattern32 =
@@ -50,7 +47,6 @@ struct
       Hashtbl.hash mask, tl
     let mask_of_appl_pattern = function
-      | Ast.UriPattern uri -> NRef (!reference_of_oxuri uri), []
       | Ast.NRefPattern nref -> NRef nref, []
       | Ast.ImplicitPattern
       | Ast.VarPattern _ -> Blob, []
@@ -71,7 +67,6 @@ struct
     let classify = function
       | Ast.ImplicitPattern
       | Ast.VarPattern _ -> PatternMatcher.Variable
-      | Ast.UriPattern _
       | Ast.NRefPattern _
       | Ast.ApplPattern _ -> PatternMatcher.Constructor
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_cic_content/ncic2astMatcher.mli b/matita/components/ng_cic_content/ncic2astMatcher.mli
index 1feae63b0..5d1e2c571 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_cic_content/ncic2astMatcher.mli
+++ b/matita/components/ng_cic_content/ncic2astMatcher.mli
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
-val set_reference_of_oxuri: (UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference) -> unit
 module Matcher32:
   (** @param l3_patterns level 3 (CIC) patterns (AKA cic_appl_pattern) *)
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/ b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/
index 071f1e00e..94643b3b0 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/
+++ b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ let nlookup_num_by_dsc dsc =
     List.find (has_description dsc) !nnum_choices
   with Not_found -> raise (Choice_not_found (lazy ("Num with dsc " ^  dsc)))
-let mk_choice  ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_uri ~term_of_nref (dsc, args, appl_pattern)=
+let mk_choice  ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_nref (dsc, args, appl_pattern)=
   (fun cic_args ->
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ let mk_choice  ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_uri ~term_of_nref (dsc, args, appl
      let combined =
-        ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_uri ~term_of_nref env' appl_pattern
+        ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_nref env' appl_pattern
       match rest with
          [] -> combined
        | _::_ -> mk_appl (combined::rest))
-let lookup_symbol_by_dsc ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_uri ~term_of_nref symbol dsc =
+let lookup_symbol_by_dsc ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_nref symbol dsc =
   let interpretations = Interpretations.lookup_interpretations ~sorted:false symbol in
-    mk_choice ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_uri ~term_of_nref
+    mk_choice ~mk_appl ~mk_implicit ~term_of_nref
       (List.find (fun (dsc', _, _) -> dsc = dsc') interpretations)
   with Interpretations.Interpretation_not_found | Not_found ->
     raise (Choice_not_found (lazy (sprintf "Symbol %s, dsc %s" symbol dsc)))
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/disambiguateChoices.mli b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/disambiguateChoices.mli
index cdb7004a6..1d98fa3a6 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/disambiguateChoices.mli
+++ b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/disambiguateChoices.mli
@@ -45,14 +45,12 @@ val nlookup_num_by_dsc: string -> NCic.term codomain_item
 val lookup_symbol_by_dsc: 
   mk_appl: ('term list -> 'term) ->
   mk_implicit: (bool -> 'term) ->
-  term_of_uri: (UriManager.uri -> 'term) ->
   term_of_nref: (NReference.reference -> 'term) ->
   string -> string -> 'term codomain_item
 val mk_choice:
   mk_appl: ('term list -> 'term) ->
   mk_implicit: (bool -> 'term) ->
-  term_of_uri: (UriManager.uri -> 'term) ->
   term_of_nref: (NReference.reference -> 'term) ->
   string * NotationPt.argument_pattern list *
   NotationPt.cic_appl_pattern ->
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/ b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/
index 8d0935abc..cdb90ea02 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/
+++ b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 open Printf
 open DisambiguateTypes
-open UriManager
 module Ast = NotationPt
 module NRef = NReference 
@@ -22,9 +21,6 @@ module NRef = NReference
 let debug_print s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
 let debug_print _ = ();;
-let reference_of_oxuri = ref (fun _ -> assert false);;
-let set_reference_of_oxuri f = reference_of_oxuri := f;;
 let cic_name_of_name = function
   | Ast.Ident (n, None) ->  n
   | _ -> assert false
@@ -328,7 +324,7 @@ let interpretate_term_and_interpretate_term_option
     | NotationPt.Uri (uri, subst) ->
        assert (subst = None);
-         NCic.Const (!reference_of_oxuri(UriManager.uri_of_string uri))
+         NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
         with NRef.IllFormedReference _ ->
 loc "Ill formed reference")
     | NotationPt.NRef nref -> NCic.Const nref
diff --git a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/nCicDisambiguate.mli b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/nCicDisambiguate.mli
index 25ac95ff4..b02ce3cc8 100644
--- a/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/nCicDisambiguate.mli
+++ b/matita/components/ng_disambiguation/nCicDisambiguate.mli
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 (* $Id: 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *)
-val set_reference_of_oxuri: (UriManager.uri -> NReference.reference) -> unit
 val disambiguate_term :
   context:NCic.context ->
   metasenv:NCic.metasenv -> 
diff --git a/matita/components/urimanager/.depend b/matita/components/urimanager/.depend
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cac9aa78..000000000
--- a/matita/components/urimanager/.depend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-uriManager.cmo: uriManager.cmi 
-uriManager.cmx: uriManager.cmi 
diff --git a/matita/components/urimanager/.depend.opt b/matita/components/urimanager/.depend.opt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cac9aa78..000000000
--- a/matita/components/urimanager/.depend.opt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-uriManager.cmo: uriManager.cmi 
-uriManager.cmx: uriManager.cmi 
diff --git a/matita/components/urimanager/Makefile b/matita/components/urimanager/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 592c0854e..000000000
--- a/matita/components/urimanager/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-PACKAGE = urimanager
-INTERFACE_FILES = uriManager.mli
-include ../../Makefile.defs
-include ../Makefile.common
diff --git a/matita/components/urimanager/ b/matita/components/urimanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d099a4e9..000000000
--- a/matita/components/urimanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- * 
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- * 
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA  02111-1307, USA.
- * 
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- *
- *)
-(* $Id$ *)
- * "cic:/a/b/c.con" => ("cic:/a/b/c.con", id )
- * "cic:/a/b/c.ind#xpointer(1/1)" => ("cic:/a/b/c.con#xpointer(1/1)", id)
- * "cic:/a/b/c.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)" => ("cic:/a/b/c.con#xpointer(1/1/1)", id)
- *)
-let fresh_id =
- let id = ref 0 in
-  function () ->
-    incr id;
-    !id
-(* (uriwithxpointer, uniqueid) 
- * where uniqueid is used to build a set of uri *)
-type uri = string * int;;
-let eq uri1 uri2 =
-  uri1 == uri2 
-let string_of_uri (uri,_) =
- uri
-let name_of_uri (uri, _) = 
-  let xpointer_offset = 
-    try String.rindex uri '#' with Not_found -> String.length uri - 1
-  in
-  let index1 = String.rindex_from uri xpointer_offset '/' + 1 in
-  let index2 = String.rindex uri '.' in
-  String.sub uri index1 (index2 - index1)
-let nameext_of_uri (uri, _) = 
-  let xpointer_offset, mah = 
-    try String.rindex uri '#', 0 with Not_found -> String.length uri - 1, 1
-  in
-  let index1 = String.rindex_from uri xpointer_offset '/' + 1 in
-  String.sub uri index1 (xpointer_offset - index1 + mah)
-let buri_of_uri (uri,_) = 
-  let xpointer_offset = 
-    try String.rindex uri '#' with Not_found -> String.length uri - 1
-  in
-  let index = String.rindex_from uri xpointer_offset '/' in
-  String.sub uri 0 index
-module OrderedStrings =
- struct
-  type t = string
-  let compare (s1 : t) (s2 : t) = compare s1 s2
- end
-module MapStringsToUri = Map.Make(OrderedStrings);;
-(* Invariant: the map is the identity function,
- *  i.e. 
- *    let str' = (MapStringsToUri.find str !set_of_uri) in
- *    str' == (MapStringsToUri.find str' !set_of_uri)
- *)
-let set_of_uri = ref MapStringsToUri.empty;;
-exception IllFormedUri of string;;
-let _dottypes = ".types"
-let _types = "types",5
-let _dotuniv = ".univ"
-let _univ = "univ",4
-let _dotann = ".ann"
-let _ann = "ann",3
-let _var = "var",3
-let _dotbody = ".body"
-let _con = "con",3
-let _ind = "ind",3
-let _xpointer = "#xpointer(1/"
-let _con3 = "con"
-let _var3 = "var"
-let _ind3 = "ind"
-let _ann3 = "ann"
-let _univ4 = "univ"
-let _types5 = "types"
-let _xpointer8 = "xpointer"
-let _cic5 = "cic:/"
-let is_malformed suri =
-  try 
-    if String.sub suri 0 5 <> _cic5 then true
-    else
-      let len = String.length suri - 5 in
-      let last5 = String.sub suri len 5 in
-      let last4 = String.sub last5 1 4 in
-      let last3 = String.sub last5 2 3 in
-      if last3 = _con3 || last3 = _var3 || last3 = _ind3 || 
-         last3 = _ann3 || last5 = _types5 || last5 = _dotbody ||
-         last4 = _univ4 then 
-           false
-      else 
-        try
-          let index = String.rindex suri '#' + 1 in
-          let xptr = String.sub suri index 8 in
-          if xptr = _xpointer8 then
-            false
-          else
-            true
-        with Not_found -> true
-  with Invalid_argument _ -> true
-(* hash conses an uri *)
-let uri_of_string suri =
-  try
-    MapStringsToUri.find suri !set_of_uri
-  with Not_found -> 
-    if is_malformed suri then
-      raise (IllFormedUri suri) 
-    else
-      let new_uri = suri, fresh_id () in
-      set_of_uri := MapStringsToUri.add suri new_uri !set_of_uri;
-      new_uri
-let strip_xpointer ((uri,_) as olduri) =
-  try 
-    let index = String.rindex uri '#' in
-    let no_xpointer = String.sub uri 0 index in
-    uri_of_string no_xpointer
-  with
-    Not_found -> olduri
-let clear_suffix uri ?(pat2="",0) pat1 =
-  try
-    let index = String.rindex uri '.' in
-    let index' = index + 1 in 
-    let suffix = String.sub uri index' (String.length uri - index') in
-    if fst pat1 = suffix || fst pat2 = suffix then
-      String.sub uri 0 index
-    else
-      uri
-  with
-    Not_found -> assert false
-let has_suffix uri (pat,n) =
-  try
-    let suffix = String.sub uri (String.length uri - n) n in
-    pat = suffix 
-  with
-    Not_found -> assert false
-let cicuri_of_uri (uri, _) = uri_of_string (clear_suffix uri ~pat2:_types _ann)
-let annuri_of_uri (uri , _) = uri_of_string ((clear_suffix uri _ann) ^ _dotann)
-let uri_is_annuri (uri, _) = has_suffix uri _ann
-let uri_is_var (uri, _) = has_suffix uri _var
-let uri_is_con (uri, _) = has_suffix uri _con
-let uri_is_ind (uri, _) = has_suffix uri _ind
-let bodyuri_of_uri (uri, _) =
-  if has_suffix uri _con then
-    Some (uri_of_string (uri ^ _dotbody))
-  else
-    None
-let ind_uri_split ((s, _) as uri) =
-    let noxp = strip_xpointer uri in
-    try 
-      (let arg_index = String.rindex s '(' in
-       try 
-         (let ty_index = String.index_from s arg_index '/' in
-          try 
-            (let k_index = String.index_from s (ty_index+1) '/' in
-             let tyno = int_of_string (String.sub s (ty_index + 1) (k_index - ty_index - 1)) in
-             let kno = int_of_string (String.sub s (k_index + 1) (String.length s - k_index - 2)) in
-             noxp, Some tyno, Some kno)
-          with Not_found -> 
-            let tyno = int_of_string (String.sub s (ty_index + 1) (String.length s - ty_index - 2)) in
-            noxp, Some tyno, None)
-       with Not_found -> noxp, None, None
-      )
-    with Not_found -> noxp, None, None
-(* these are bugged!
- * we should remove _types, _univ, _ann all toghether *)
-let innertypesuri_of_uri (uri, _) =
-  uri_of_string ((clear_suffix uri _types) ^ _dottypes)
-let univgraphuri_of_uri (uri,_) = 
-  uri_of_string ((clear_suffix uri _univ) ^ _dotuniv)
-let uri_of_uriref (uri, _) typeno consno =
-  let typeno = typeno + 1 in
-  let suri =
-    match consno with
-    | None -> Printf.sprintf "%s%s%d)" uri _xpointer typeno
-    | Some n -> Printf.sprintf "%s%s%d/%d)" uri _xpointer typeno n
-  in
-  uri_of_string suri
-let compare (_,id1) (_,id2) = id1 - id2
-module OrderedUri =
-  type t = uri
-  let compare = compare (* the one above, not *)
-module UriSet = Set.Make (OrderedUri)
-module OrderedUriPair =
-  type t = uri * uri
-  let compare (u11, u12) (u21, u22) =
-    match compare u11 u21 with
-    | 0 -> compare u12 u22
-    | x -> x
-module UriPairSet = Set.Make (OrderedUriPair)
-module HashedUri =
-  type t = uri
-  let equal = eq
-  let hash = snd
-module UriHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make (HashedUri)
diff --git a/matita/components/urimanager/uriManager.mli b/matita/components/urimanager/uriManager.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e65ab88..000000000
--- a/matita/components/urimanager/uriManager.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- * 
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- * 
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA  02111-1307, USA.
- * 
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- *
- *)
-exception IllFormedUri of string;;
-type uri
-val eq : uri -> uri -> bool
-val compare : uri -> uri -> int
-val uri_of_string : string -> uri
-val string_of_uri : uri -> string  (* complete uri *)
-val name_of_uri   : uri -> string  (* name only (without extension)*)
-val nameext_of_uri   : uri -> string  (* name only (with extension)*)
-val buri_of_uri   : uri -> string  (* base uri only, without trailing '/' *)
-(* given an uri, returns the uri of the corresponding cic file, *)
-(* i.e. removes the [.types][.ann] suffix                       *)
-val cicuri_of_uri : uri -> uri
-val strip_xpointer: uri -> uri      (* remove trailing #xpointer..., if any *)
-(* given an uri, returns the uri of the corresponding annotation file, *)
-(* i.e. adds the .ann suffix if not already present                    *)
-val annuri_of_uri : uri -> uri
-val uri_is_annuri : uri -> bool
-val uri_is_var : uri -> bool
-val uri_is_con : uri -> bool
-val uri_is_ind : uri -> bool
-(* given an uri of a constant, it gives back the uri of its body             *)
-(* it gives back None if the uri refers to a Variable or MutualInductiveType *)
-val bodyuri_of_uri : uri -> uri option
-val ind_uri_split : uri -> uri * int option * int option
-(* given an uri, it gives back the uri of its inner types             *)
-val innertypesuri_of_uri : uri -> uri
-(* given an uri, it gives back the uri of its univgraph             *)
-val univgraphuri_of_uri : uri -> uri
-(* builder for MutInd and MutConstruct URIs
- * [uri] -> [typeno] -> [consno option]
- *)
-val uri_of_uriref :  uri -> int -> int option -> uri
-module UriSet: Set.S with type elt = uri
-(*module UriPairSet: Set.S with type elt = uri * uri*)
-module UriHashtbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = uri
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 0934b8102..3b87423d0 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -86,13 +86,6 @@
                     <property name="use_underline">True</property>
                       <widget class="GtkMenu" id="BrowserViewMenu_menu">
-                        <child>
-                          <widget class="GtkMenuItem" id="univMenuItem">
-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="label" translatable="yes">Universes</property>
-                            <property name="use_underline">True</property>
-                          </widget>
-                        </child>
                           <widget class="GtkMenuItem" id="HBugsTutorsMenuItem">
                             <property name="visible">True</property>
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 99fa10acb..cefb46e29 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -82,14 +82,8 @@ let _ =
     (Some (fun uri ->
-      let uri =
-       try
-        `Uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri)
-       with
-        UriManager.IllFormedUri _ ->
-         `NRef (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
-      in
-      (MatitaMathView.cicBrowser ())#load uri));
+      let uri = `NRef (NReference.reference_of_string uri) in
+       (MatitaMathView.cicBrowser ())#load uri));
   let browser_observer _ = MatitaMathView.refresh_all_browsers () in
   let sequents_observer grafite_status =
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 99e6ec944..f6bd9b90c 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ let rec to_string =
   | GrafiteTypes.Command_error msg -> None, "Error: " ^ msg
   | CicNotationParser.Parse_error err ->
       None, sprintf "Parse error: %s" err
-  | UriManager.IllFormedUri uri -> None, sprintf "invalid uri: %s" uri
   | Unix.Unix_error (code, api, param) ->
       let err = Unix.error_message code in
       None, "Unix Error (" ^ api ^ "): " ^ err
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index a0d731377..6f4e09bbc 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -1399,11 +1399,10 @@ let interactive_uri_choice
   ~id uris
   let gui = instance () in
-  let nonvars_uris = lazy (List.filter (non UriManager.uri_is_var) uris) in
   if (selection_mode <> `SINGLE) &&
     (Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.get_bool ~default:true "matita.auto_disambiguation")
-    Lazy.force nonvars_uris
+    uris
   else begin
     let dialog = gui#newUriDialog () in
     if hide_uri_entry then
@@ -1429,7 +1428,7 @@ let interactive_uri_choice
           | _ -> ()));
     dialog#uriChoiceDialog#set_title title;
     dialog#uriChoiceLabel#set_text msg;
-    List.iter model#easy_append ( UriManager.string_of_uri uris);
+    List.iter model#easy_append ( NReference.string_of_reference uris);
     dialog#uriChoiceConstantsButton#misc#set_sensitive nonvars_button;
     let return v =
       choices := v;
@@ -1438,20 +1437,20 @@ let interactive_uri_choice
     ignore (dialog#uriChoiceDialog#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true));
     connect_button dialog#uriChoiceConstantsButton (fun _ ->
-      return (Some (Lazy.force nonvars_uris)));
+      return (Some uris));
     if ok_action = `AUTO then
       connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAutoButton (fun _ ->
         Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.auto_disambiguation" true;
-        return (Some (Lazy.force nonvars_uris)))
+        return (Some uris))
       connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAutoButton (fun _ ->
         match model#easy_selection () with
         | [] -> ()
-        | uris -> return (Some ( UriManager.uri_of_string uris)));
+        | uris -> return (Some ( NReference.reference_of_string uris)));
     connect_button dialog#uriChoiceSelectedButton (fun _ ->
       match model#easy_selection () with
       | [] -> ()
-      | uris -> return (Some ( UriManager.uri_of_string uris)));
+      | uris -> return (Some ( NReference.reference_of_string uris)));
     connect_button dialog#uriChoiceAbortButton (fun _ -> return None);
     dialog#uriChoiceDialog#show ();
     GtkThread.main ();
diff --git a/matita/matita/matitaGui.mli b/matita/matita/matitaGui.mli
index 796c33fef..d3c09a2f4 100644
--- a/matita/matita/matitaGui.mli
+++ b/matita/matita/matitaGui.mli
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ val interactive_uri_choice:
   ?hide_uri_entry:bool -> ?hide_try:bool -> ?ok_label:string ->
   ?ok_action:[`AUTO|`SELECT] ->
   ?copy_cb:(string -> unit) -> unit ->
-  id:'a -> UriManager.uri list -> UriManager.uri list
+  id:'a -> NReference.reference list -> NReference.reference list
   (** @raise MatitaTypes.Cancel *)
 val interactive_interp_choice:
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 480bf1210..f418abe6f 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
   object (self)
     inherit scriptAccessor
-    val mutable gviz_uri = UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy.con";
+    val mutable gviz_uri = NReference.reference_of_string "cic:/dummy.dec";
     val dep_contextual_menu = ()
@@ -1021,20 +1021,14 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
           handle_error (fun () -> self#loadInput (self#_getSelectedUri ()))));
       mathView#set_href_callback (Some (fun uri ->
         handle_error (fun () ->
-         let uri =
-          try
-           `Uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri)
-          with
-           UriManager.IllFormedUri _ ->
-            `NRef (NReference.reference_of_string uri)
-         in
+         let uri = `NRef (NReference.reference_of_string uri) in
           self#load uri)));
       gviz#connect_href (fun button_ev attrs ->
         let time = GdkEvent.Button.time button_ev in
         let uri = List.assoc "href" attrs in
-        gviz_uri <- UriManager.uri_of_string uri;
+        gviz_uri <- NReference.reference_of_string uri;
         match GdkEvent.Button.button button_ev with
-        | button when button = left_button -> self#load (`Uri gviz_uri)
+        | button when button = left_button -> self#load (`NRef gviz_uri)
         | button when button = right_button ->
             dep_contextual_menu#popup ~button ~time
         | _ -> ());
@@ -1050,10 +1044,6 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
       win#hBugsTutorsMenuItem#misc#hide ();
       connect_menu_item win#browserUrlMenuItem (fun () ->
         win#browserUri#misc#grab_focus ());
-      connect_menu_item win#univMenuItem (fun () ->
-        match self#currentCicUri with
-        | Some uri -> self#load (`Univs uri)
-        | None -> ());
       self#_load (`About `Blank);
       toplevel#show ()
@@ -1063,7 +1053,7 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
       (** @return None if no object uri can be built from the current entry *)
     method private currentCicUri =
       match current_entry with
-      | `Uri uri -> Some uri
+      | `NRef uri -> Some uri
       | _ -> None
     val model =
@@ -1147,9 +1137,7 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
                self#_loadTermNCic term metasenv subst ctx
           | `Dir dir -> self#_loadDir dir
           | `HBugs `Tutors -> self#_loadHBugsTutors
-          | `Uri uri -> assert false (* MATITA 1.0 *)
-          | `NRef nref -> self#_loadNReference nref
-          | `Univs uri -> assert false (* MATITA 1.0 *));
+          | `NRef nref -> self#_loadNReference nref);
           self#setEntry entry
@@ -1174,7 +1162,7 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
        gviz#load_graph_from_file ~gviz_cmd:"tred | dot" tmpfile;
        (match center_on with
        | None -> ()
-       | Some uri -> gviz#center_on_href (UriManager.string_of_uri uri));
+       | Some uri -> gviz#center_on_href (NReference.string_of_reference uri));
        HExtlib.safe_remove tmpfile
        MatitaGtkMisc.report_error ~title:"graphviz error"
@@ -1314,7 +1302,7 @@ class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
         let entry =
           match txt with
           | txt when is_uri txt ->
-              `Uri (UriManager.uri_of_string ((*fix_uri*) txt))
+              `NRef (NReference.reference_of_string ((*fix_uri*) txt))
           | txt when is_dir txt -> `Dir (MatitaMisc.normalize_dir txt)
           | txt ->
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 3ab92575c..6221e4901 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let first_line s =
 type guistuff = {
-  urichooser: UriManager.uri list -> UriManager.uri list;
+  urichooser: NReference.reference list -> NReference.reference list;
   ask_confirmation: title:string -> message:string -> [`YES | `NO | `CANCEL];
diff --git a/matita/matita/matitaScript.mli b/matita/matita/matitaScript.mli
index 85c4e767a..50bc17eda 100644
--- a/matita/matita/matitaScript.mli
+++ b/matita/matita/matitaScript.mli
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ end
 val script: 
   source_view:GSourceView2.source_view -> 
   mathviewer: MatitaTypes.mathViewer-> 
-  urichooser: (UriManager.uri list -> UriManager.uri list) -> 
+  urichooser: (NReference.reference list -> NReference.reference list) -> 
     (title:string -> message:string -> [`YES | `NO | `CANCEL]) -> 
   set_star: (bool -> unit) ->
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 854bbca16..1f7c50729 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ type mathViewer_entry =
   | `Check of string  (* term *)
   | `NCic of NCic.term * NCic.context * NCic.metasenv * NCic.substitution
   | `Dir of string  (* "directory" in cic uris namespace *)
-  | `Uri of UriManager.uri (* cic object uri *)
   | `NRef of NReference.reference (* cic object uri *)
-  | `Univs of UriManager.uri
 let string_of_entry = function
@@ -64,9 +62,7 @@ let string_of_entry = function
   | `Check _ -> "check:"
   | `NCic (_, _, _, _) -> "nterm:"
   | `Dir uri -> uri
-  | `Uri uri -> UriManager.string_of_uri uri
   | `NRef nref -> NReference.string_of_reference nref
-  | `Univs uri -> "univs:" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri
 let entry_of_string = function
   | "about:blank" -> `About `Blank
@@ -87,7 +83,7 @@ class type mathViewer =
     method show_entry: ?reuse:bool -> mathViewer_entry -> unit
     method show_uri_list:
-      ?reuse:bool -> entry:mathViewer_entry -> UriManager.uri list -> unit
+      ?reuse:bool -> entry:mathViewer_entry -> NReference.reference list -> unit
     method screenshot: 
       GrafiteTypes.status -> NCic.metasenv -> NCic.metasenv ->
         NCic.substitution -> string -> unit
diff --git a/matita/matita/matitaTypes.mli b/matita/matita/matitaTypes.mli
index 9cb7ac984..3509f0ee7 100644
--- a/matita/matita/matitaTypes.mli
+++ b/matita/matita/matitaTypes.mli
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ type mathViewer_entry =
   | `Check of string
   | `NCic of NCic.term * NCic.context * NCic.metasenv * NCic.substitution
   | `Dir of string
-  | `Uri of UriManager.uri
   | `NRef of NReference.reference
-  | `Univs of UriManager.uri
 val string_of_entry : mathViewer_entry -> string
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ class type mathViewer =
     method show_entry : ?reuse:bool -> mathViewer_entry -> unit
     method show_uri_list :
-      ?reuse:bool -> entry:mathViewer_entry -> UriManager.uri list -> unit
+      ?reuse:bool -> entry:mathViewer_entry -> NReference.reference list -> unit
     method screenshot: 
       GrafiteTypes.status -> NCic.metasenv -> NCic.metasenv ->
         NCic.substitution -> string -> unit
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index f0f45b126..d04e9fba9 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 open Printf
-module UM = UriManager
 module TA = GrafiteAst
 let clean_suffixes = [ ".moo"; ".lexicon"; ".metadata"; ".xml.gz" ]
@@ -107,14 +106,15 @@ let main () =
      (fun uris_to_remove suri ->
        let uri = 
-         try
-           UM.buri_of_uri (UM.uri_of_string suri)
-         with UM.IllFormedUri _ ->
+         (*MATITA 1.0, CSC: verify that suri is a reasonable uri *)
+         (*try*)
+           NUri.baseuri_of_uri (NUri.uri_of_string suri)
+         (*with UM.IllFormedUri _ ->
            let _,u,_,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths:[] suri in
            if Librarian.is_uri u then u else begin
              HLog.error (sprintf "File %s defines a bad baseuri: %s" suri u);
              exit 1
-           end 
+           end *)
         uri::uris_to_remove) [] files
diff --git a/matita/matita/ b/matita/matita/
index 73ce0cd81..315678307 100644
--- a/matita/matita/
+++ b/matita/matita/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 module S = Set.Make (String)
 module GA = GrafiteAst 
-module U = UriManager
 module HR = Helm_registry
 let print_times msg = 
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ let main () =
       HLog.error ("possibly incorrect verbatim URIs in the .ma file.");
-  let buri alias = U.buri_of_uri (U.uri_of_string alias) in
+  let buri alias = NUri.baseuri_of_uri (NUri.uri_of_string alias) in
   let resolve alias current_buri =
     let buri = buri alias in
     if buri <> current_buri then Some buri else None 
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ let main () =
          | DependenciesParser.UriDep uri      ->
-            let uri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+            let uri = NUri.string_of_uri uri in
 	    handle_uri uri 
          | DependenciesParser.InlineDep path  ->
 	    if Librarian.is_uri path