]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/components/ng_paramodulation/index.mli
the trie indexes terms up to 10 nested applications and skips applications with more...
[helm.git] / helm / software / components / ng_paramodulation / index.mli
2009-07-20 denesOne-side indexing for commutativity
2009-07-09 Enrico TassiNew functorialization: paramod is abstracted over a...
2009-06-09 Enrico Tassialmost complete superposition right step
2009-06-09 Enrico Tassisnaphost: supright almost done
2009-06-03 Enrico Tassifunctorial abstraction over term blobs
2009-06-01 Enrico Tassiwe rewrite the paramodulation code!