]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/lambda-delta/automath
Regular expressions.
[helm.git] / helm / software / lambda-delta / automath /
2010-02-22 Ferruccio Guidi- we completed the text parser fixing the syntactic...
2010-02-20 Ferruccio Guidi- we implemented the hierarchy and sort names declarati...
2010-02-19 Ferruccio Guidi- we added a parser for lambda-delta textual syntax...
2010-01-05 Ferruccio Guidi- we now add the kernel options in the preamble of...
2009-10-06 Ferruccio GuididrgOutput: bug fix
2009-09-15 Ferruccio Guidisome renaming. final commit for version 0.8.0
2009-09-10 Ferruccio Guidisome interfaces improved
2009-09-04 Ferruccio Guidithe TypeError exception is back in place inside the...
2009-09-01 Ferruccio Guidibasic_rg: bugfix in AST to allow attributes in global...
2009-08-20 Ferruccio Guidi- sort inclusion must be restricted to term backbone...
2009-07-03 Ferruccio Guidimore static analysis on the Automath text
2009-07-03 Ferruccio Guidiwe now do some static analysis on the Automath text...
2009-06-22 Ferruccio Guidi- nodes count is now working for aut and meta
2009-06-16 Ferruccio Guidiwe corrected some reduction bugs about renaming.
2009-06-15 Ferruccio Guidiwe removed some old code and fixed a reduction bug...
2008-12-20 Ferruccio Guidiwe started the support for naive sort inclusion
2008-12-18 Ferruccio Guidi- improved logging
2008-12-17 Ferruccio Guidiwe started the support for the coercions "alle" and...
2008-12-16 Ferruccio Guidiwe added the implicit coercion for modus tollens
2008-12-14 Ferruccio GuidiautItem : the uris of the objects involved in the impli...
2008-12-03 Ferruccio Guidilog facility, initial environment for basic_rg
2008-11-11 Ferruccio Guidi- we now use a streaming architecture (run time gain...
2008-07-14 Ferruccio Guidilambda-delta: we added the support for position indexes...
2008-06-30 Ferruccio Guidiwe tranlate an Automath book in an itermediate format...
2008-06-16 Ferruccio Guiditransformation from automath to intermediate language...
2008-06-13 Ferruccio Guidicopyright information added in the grundlagen text
2008-06-13 Ferruccio GuidiInitial version of the Helena Checker