]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/matita/contribs/CoRN-Decl/model/monoids/Zmonoid.ma
Bertrand's conjecture (weak), some work in progress
[helm.git] / helm / software / matita / contribs / CoRN-Decl / model / monoids / Zmonoid.ma
2006-11-17 Ferruccio Guidihelm_registry: added the pair unmarshaller
2006-11-16 Ferruccio Guidi- transcript: patched to generate CoRN_notation.ma...
2006-11-16 Ferruccio Guidi- transcript: now outputs includes and coercions correctly
2006-11-15 Ferruccio Guidinew CoRN development, generated by transcript