]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/matita/library/didactic/support/natural_deduction.ma
new macro ncheck. fixed term2pres for Inductive and LetIn=Cast
[helm.git] / helm / software / matita / library / didactic / support / natural_deduction.ma
2009-05-25 Enrico Tassinasty change in the lexer/parser:
2009-04-15 Ferruccio Guidi- transcript: bugfix
2009-03-16 Enrico Tassiadded mactions, the three can now be collapsed to fit...
2008-12-01 Enrico Tassimore ex and more notation
2008-11-30 Enrico Tassinatural deduction support for lemmas with premises
2008-11-17 Enrico Tassiexercises ready
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassibetter spacing
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassiapply rule (lem EM) works
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassifixed or-in-left
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassifixed not-e
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassialmost ready
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassirules fixed
2008-11-15 Enrico Tassihouse keeping