]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/matita/library/nat/generic_iter_p.ma
we are moving the devel root one dir level up
[helm.git] / helm / software / matita / library / nat / generic_iter_p.ma
2008-02-18 Andrea AspertiComplete proof of Bertrand for n >= 256.
2007-12-10 Andrea AspertiRestructuring.
2007-11-19 Andrea AspertiTowards chebyshev.
2007-10-14 Cristian ArmentanoTheorem sigma_p_knm changed into generic_iter_p_knm.
2007-09-18 Cristian Armentanosome theorems have been moved to more appropriate files...
2007-09-17 Andrea AspertiA new function.
2007-07-30 Cristian Armentanorenamed generic_sigma_p.ma to generic_iter_p.ma