2010-05-06 | Claudio Sacerdoti... | ... | tree | commitdiff |
2010-03-24 | Claudio Sacerdoti... | Simplified proof after pattern fix | tree | commitdiff |
2010-03-23 | Andrea Asperti | One more case. | tree | commitdiff |
2010-03-23 | Andrea Asperti | Keeping only lift_aux e subst_aux (renamed to lift... | tree | commitdiff |
2010-03-17 | Andrea Asperti | qualche caso del lemma 5.2.11 | tree | commitdiff |
2010-03-17 | Andrea Asperti | Splitted gpts in two files. | tree | commitdiff |
2010-03-12 | Andrea Asperti | First version of PTS | tree | commitdiff |