]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/matita/nlibrary/sets/setoids.ma
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[helm.git] / helm / software / matita / nlibrary / sets / setoids.ma
2009-07-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... Setoids, setoids1, sets, and the like. The mess begins.
2009-07-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... Record projections are now defined as fixpoints in...
2009-07-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... More napply \ldots => napply
2009-07-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... More \ldots.
2009-07-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... \ldots used here and there. Cool!
2009-07-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... setoids.ma split into setoids.ma + setoids1.ma
2009-07-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... topology/igt.ma (???) |-> sets/setoids.ma