]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - helm/software/matita/tests/ng_tactics.ma
This commit simplifies the interfaces of the various Widget-related .mli
[helm.git] / helm / software / matita / tests / ng_tactics.ma
2009-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2009-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2009-05-18 Enrico Tassiin the new kernel you can type Type[i] to mean Type_i...
2009-05-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2009-04-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug: let-ins are always automatically folded!
2009-04-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2009-04-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... test/a.ma => tests/ng_tactics.ma, with nassert here...