]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - matita/matita/contribs/lambdadelta/basic_2/computation
theory of cpy is complete!
[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambdadelta / basic_2 / computation /
2013-12-15 Ferruccio Guidieliminators of arited terms based on "big tree" proper...
2013-12-14 Ferruccio Guidione file was still missing
2013-12-14 Ferruccio Guidicommit is now complete :)
2013-12-14 Ferruccio Guidi- "big tree" theorem is now proved up to some conjectur...
2013-12-09 Ferruccio Guidi- first results on strongly normalizing local environments
2013-12-06 Ferruccio Guidipartial commit ...
2013-12-04 Ferruccio Guidithird commutation property on lazy equivalence for
2013-12-04 Ferruccio Guidifirst and second commutation property on lazy equivalen...
2013-12-02 Ferruccio Guidi- last patrtial commit of the "reduction" and "computat...
2013-11-25 Ferruccio Guidi- xoa: the definitions file now includes the notations...
2013-11-03 Ferruccio Guidisecond and third commutation property on lazy equivalen...
2013-10-28 Ferruccio Guidilazy equivalence for local environments is now defined
2013-10-27 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: tentative definition of lazy equivalence...
2013-10-26 Ferruccio Guidi- bug fix in the connection between global and restrict...
2013-10-25 Ferruccio Guidi- bug fix in the induction for the closure property
2013-10-24 Ferruccio Guidi- "small step" version of "big tree" theorem proved
2013-10-19 Ferruccio Guidimore results towards the "big-tree" theorem ...
2013-10-14 Ferruccio Guidistrongly normalizing terms for big-tree reduction are...
2013-10-12 Ferruccio Guidisome renaming ...
2013-10-11 Ferruccio Guidibug fix in supclosure allows alternative definition...
2013-10-08 Ferruccio Guidibugfix in possible alternative definition of fpbs
2013-10-07 Ferruccio Guidisome improvements towards an alternative definition...
2013-10-06 Ferruccio Guidibug fix in big-tree reduction
2013-10-06 Ferruccio Guidi- big-tree reduction is now based on extended reduction
2013-10-05 Ferruccio Guidifinal na,e for big-tree rediction and computation
2013-10-04 Ferruccio Guidilenv refinement for native validity removed from big...
2013-10-04 Ferruccio Guidi- degree assignment, static type assignment, iterated...
2013-08-09 Ferruccio Guidi- test.ma on the disambiguation bug moved to ONAG ...
2013-08-06 Ferruccio Guidipartial commit: "computation" component ...
2013-08-01 Ferruccio Guidipartial commit: just the components before "static...
2013-07-27 Ferruccio Guidi- probe: critical bug fixed (all objects were deleted...
2013-07-26 Ferruccio Guidilambdadelta
2013-07-20 Ferruccio Guidi- new extendedd beta-reductum involving native type...
2013-07-13 Ferruccio Guidipartial commit of the components before "conversion"
2013-06-20 Ferruccio Guidi- bug fix il ldrop (interesting), fsup, fsups
2013-06-19 Ferruccio Guidi- partial commit :(
2013-06-08 Ferruccio Guidimore results on extended reduction
2013-06-03 Ferruccio Guidi- induction on supclosure replaces induction on weight...
2013-05-13 Ferruccio Guidipartial commit of the "dynamic" component
2013-05-09 Ferruccio Guidipartial commit: finaly we issue the "computation" compo...
2013-04-05 Ferruccio Guidi- parallel substitution reaxiomatized
2013-03-17 Ferruccio Guidinotational change for lsubr:
2013-03-17 Ferruccio Guidilsubs renamed as lsubr
2013-03-16 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: last recursive part of preservation...
2013-03-14 Ferruccio Guidi- main proof case closed in the 4th component of preser...
2013-03-13 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: third recursive part of preservation...
2013-03-10 Ferruccio Guidi- improved Makefile esp. with the "trim" function
2013-03-08 Ferruccio Guidiimproved "big treee" computation allows to close a...
2013-03-03 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: we removed focalized reduction from...
2013-02-28 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: first recursive part of preservation...
2013-02-22 Ferruccio Guidi- "big tree" order implemented
2013-02-18 Ferruccio Guidisubstitution lemma for stratified native validity!
2013-02-15 Ferruccio Guidiwe rephrased sstas in terms of star
2013-02-15 Ferruccio Guidiwe reformulate the extended computation to simplify...
2013-02-13 Ferruccio Guidi- first piece of the mutual induction for preservation...
2013-02-11 Ferruccio Guidimore service lemmas in nat and lambdadelta
2013-02-07 Ferruccio Guidieven more service lemmas ...
2013-02-06 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: more service lemmas ...
2013-01-28 Ferruccio Guidi- notation change for weight functions (following lambda)
2012-12-30 Ferruccio Guidicommit completed! some bugs fixed and some instances...
2012-12-28 Ferruccio Guidixoa: change in naming convenctions for existential...
2012-12-25 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda_delta: programmed renaming to lambdadelta