]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - matita/matita/contribs/lambdadelta/ground_2/xoa.conf.xml
- some renaming according to the written version of basic_2
[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambdadelta / ground_2 / xoa.conf.xml
2014-08-05 Ferruccio Guidi- basic_2: reaxiomatized snv with improved cpds and...
2013-11-25 Ferruccio Guidi- xoa: the definitions file now includes the notations...
2013-10-04 Ferruccio Guidi- degree assignment, static type assignment, iterated...
2013-07-26 Ferruccio Guidilambdadelta
2013-07-20 Ferruccio Guidi- new extendedd beta-reductum involving native type...
2013-03-16 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: last recursive part of preservation...
2013-03-13 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: third recursive part of preservation...
2013-03-09 Ferruccio Guidi- lenv refinement for stratified native validity redefined
2012-12-28 Ferruccio Guidixoa: change in naming convenctions for existential...
2012-12-25 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda_delta: programmed renaming to lambdadelta