]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - matita/matita/contribs/lambdadelta
this is the real update :)
[helm.git] / matita / matita / contribs / lambdadelta /
2013-03-14 Ferruccio Guidi- main proof case closed in the 4th component of preser...
2013-03-13 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: third recursive part of preservation...
2013-03-11 Ferruccio Guidimore results on lenv refinement for stratified native...
2013-03-11 Ferruccio Guidisome bugs fixed
2013-03-10 Ferruccio Guidi- improved Makefile esp. with the "trim" function
2013-03-09 Ferruccio Guidibasic_2_src.tbl was not updated :(
2013-03-09 Ferruccio Guidi- lenv refinement for stratified native validity redefined
2013-03-08 Ferruccio Guidisecond recursive part of preservation finally proved!
2013-03-08 Ferruccio Guidiimproved "big treee" computation allows to close a...
2013-03-03 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: we removed focalized reduction from...
2013-02-28 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: first recursive part of preservation...
2013-02-24 Ferruccio Guidi- nUri : added Sets of uris for use in "probe"
2013-02-22 Ferruccio Guidi- "big tree" order implemented
2013-02-18 Ferruccio Guiditrace added in a failing invocation of auto :-(
2013-02-18 Ferruccio Guidisubstitution lemma for stratified native validity!
2013-02-15 Ferruccio Guidiwe rephrased sstas in terms of star
2013-02-15 Ferruccio Guidiwe reformulate the extended computation to simplify...
2013-02-13 Ferruccio Guidi- first piece of the mutual induction for preservation...
2013-02-11 Ferruccio Guidimore service lemmas in nat and lambdadelta
2013-02-07 Ferruccio Guidieven more service lemmas ...
2013-02-06 Ferruccio Guidi- lambdadelta: more service lemmas ...
2013-02-05 Ferruccio Guidisome missing files ...
2013-01-28 Ferruccio Guidi- notation change for weight functions (following lambda)
2013-01-01 Ferruccio Guidi- probe: new application to compute some data on the...
2012-12-30 Ferruccio Guidicommit completed! some bugs fixed and some instances...
2012-12-28 Ferruccio Guidixoa: change in naming convenctions for existential...
2012-12-25 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda_delta: programmed renaming to lambdadelta