]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/history - matita/matita/lib
- update in basic_2
[helm.git] / matita / matita / lib /
2011-06-12 Ferruccio Guidimore properties of relocation
2011-06-07 Ferruccio Guidi- we removed the reduction-related item categorization
2011-06-06 Claudio Sacerdoti... Minor changes because of the new, weaker (but much...
2011-06-06 Ferruccio GuidiWe reintroduce the distinction between binding and...
2011-06-03 Ferruccio Guidi- we introduce extended existentials (generated)
2011-06-01 Ferruccio GuidiCC2FO_K_cube: soundness of the K interpretation stated
2011-06-01 Ferruccio Guidisubst.ma: some additions
2011-05-30 Ferruccio Guidiauto does not work here :(
2011-05-30 Ferruccio Guidibasics: some additions
2011-05-25 Ferruccio Guidi- degree: some improvements and the Deg_append lemma
2011-05-24 Ferruccio Guididegree.ma: we defined the "degree" of a term, which...
2011-05-20 Ferruccio Guidi- we weakened SAT3
2011-05-20 Andrea AspertiPorting to new reduction.
2011-05-19 Ferruccio Guidicube.ma: some pts specifications of the lambda-cube
2011-05-19 Andrea AspertiPorting to the new pts.
2011-05-19 Andrea AspertiPorting to new parametric TJ.
2011-05-19 Andrea AspertiDummies are blocked.
2011-05-18 Andrea AspertiNew version of TJ parametric in the specification of...
2011-05-14 Ferruccio Guidiwe added a property
2011-05-13 Ferruccio Guidiground: some arithmetical properties added
2011-05-11 Andrea AspertiPartial modifications.
2011-04-28 Ferruccio Guidiwe uncommented R3 and R4 tu be used in lambda-delta
2011-04-28 Ferruccio Guidi- weight: bugfix + weight-based eliminator axiomatized
2011-04-21 Ferruccio Guidi- we added notation for the zetable and thetable items
2011-04-20 Andrea Asperticonvertibility.
2011-04-20 Andrea Aspertigeneratin lemmas and subject reduction (with a lot...
2011-04-20 Andrea Aspertiprogress
2011-04-20 Andrea Aspertierror in the conversion rule
2011-04-19 Ferruccio Guidinotation bug fix
2011-04-19 Ferruccio Guidi- some bug fixes
2011-04-19 Ferruccio Guidicomplete reformalization of lambda-delta in matita...
2011-03-30 Ferruccio Guidiwe proved that the union of two saturated sets is saturated
2011-03-23 Ferruccio Guidi- terms.ma: we included 'is_dummy" and "neutral" (maybe...
2011-03-23 Andrea Aspertired star
2011-03-22 Ferruccio Guidithe weakening lemma is not needed since it is assumed...
2011-03-22 Ferruccio Guidithe thinning lemma follows immediately from the substit...
2011-03-22 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda_notation.ma: more notation and bug fixes
2011-03-21 Andrea Aspertisn_prod
2011-03-21 Andrea Aspertisn_lambda
2011-03-21 Andrea Aspertiextensions
2011-03-15 Ferruccio Guidi- more notation and service lemmas
2011-03-15 Ferruccio Guidi- some ignores
2011-03-11 Andrea Aspertiadded star.ma (star closure of a relation)
2011-03-11 Andrea AspertiImprovements.
2011-03-10 Andrea Aspertidiamond property
2011-03-09 Ferruccio Guidimore notation and all-purpose lemmas
2011-03-09 Ferruccio Guidithe interpretation for Sigma was missing
2011-03-07 Andrea Aspertisottotermini e confluenza (manca pr_substs).
2011-03-02 Ferruccio Guidiwe started the implementation of higher order saturated...
2011-02-27 Ferruccio Guidi- rc_sat.ma: we changed the notation for extensional...
2011-02-27 Ferruccio Guidi- notation is now in a separate file
2011-02-26 Ferruccio Guidi- new file ext.ma with the objects needed for the norma...
2011-02-21 Ferruccio Guidiwe started to set up the strong normalization proof.
2011-02-10 Ferruccio Guidiwe added some comments
2011-02-10 Andrea AspertiAdded typing rule for dummies
2011-02-10 Andrea AspertiAdded lambda
2011-02-09 Wilmer Ricciottienabling destruct defs
2011-01-07 Enrico Tassinon uniform coercion names in sync with the TYPES talk...
2010-12-23 Andrea Aspertiprogress
2010-12-16 Andrea AspertiNew version of the library. Several files still do...
2010-12-06 Andrea Aspertiexp and factorial
2010-12-06 Andrea Aspertisome progress
2010-11-22 Andrea AspertiSome arithmetics.