matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/log
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 3 Nov 2008 08:59:55 +0000 (08:59 +0000)]
removed prerr_endline
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 3 Nov 2008 08:59:22 +0000 (08:59 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 2 Nov 2008 16:23:30 +0000 (16:23 +0000)]
shannon proved
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 1 Nov 2008 18:34:46 +0000 (18:34 +0000)]
added shannon
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 1 Nov 2008 10:10:03 +0000 (10:10 +0000)]
added lazy
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Fri, 31 Oct 2008 16:30:33 +0000 (16:30 +0000)]
Environment simplified.
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Fri, 31 Oct 2008 15:15:08 +0000 (15:15 +0000)]
No longer used.
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Fri, 31 Oct 2008 15:11:45 +0000 (15:11 +0000)]
- New dependency for environments on the nesting depth.
- New invariant that tightly binds the list of identifiers in scope with
the list of mappings in an environment transformation map
- Second pass of the compiler finally complited
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:21:34 +0000 (15:21 +0000)]
Propagation of changes in paramodulation.
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:18:35 +0000 (15:18 +0000)]
Exported a couple of functions.
--Thi sline, and those below, will be ignored--
M metadataQuery.mli
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:16:55 +0000 (15:16 +0000)]
Added a in_universe function
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:13:07 +0000 (15:13 +0000)]
propagation of changes in other paramodulation files.
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:10:01 +0000 (15:10 +0000)]
New demod function working for arbitary goals.
Enrico Tassi [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 13:09:42 +0000 (13:09 +0000)]
models ported
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:41:38 +0000 (12:41 +0000)]
Enforcing the disjoint invariant between metasenvs.
Andrea Asperti [Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:29:43 +0000 (12:29 +0000)]
Main change: added a parameter to build_equality_proof to discriminate
bewteen forward and backward rewriting steps.
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 28 Oct 2008 22:23:47 +0000 (22:23 +0000)]
even more polymorphic dualizer
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 28 Oct 2008 22:17:11 +0000 (22:17 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 28 Oct 2008 18:01:39 +0000 (18:01 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 28 Oct 2008 15:35:05 +0000 (15:35 +0000)]
lebesge works
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:53:43 +0000 (20:53 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:17:39 +0000 (20:17 +0000)]
many bugs fixed
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:17:19 +0000 (20:17 +0000)]
metasenv passed to get_relevance, Metas that stand for sorts have shift 0 and len 0
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:16:34 +0000 (20:16 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 16:00:49 +0000 (16:00 +0000)]
_ in place of unused variables
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 15:59:42 +0000 (15:59 +0000)]
Implicit annotationas are now printed
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 10:19:21 +0000 (10:19 +0000)]
seg_u/l were inverted, more work
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 27 Oct 2008 08:46:46 +0000 (08:46 +0000)]
big lemma done
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 26 Oct 2008 15:54:40 +0000 (15:54 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 26 Oct 2008 14:02:50 +0000 (14:02 +0000)]
duality done
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 26 Oct 2008 13:41:07 +0000 (13:41 +0000)]
almost done, just needs to be prforated
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 26 Oct 2008 12:55:01 +0000 (12:55 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 26 Oct 2008 12:13:00 +0000 (12:13 +0000)]
all done in declarative style
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 25 Oct 2008 17:14:37 +0000 (17:14 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 25 Oct 2008 17:11:56 +0000 (17:11 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 25 Oct 2008 14:00:27 +0000 (14:00 +0000)]
duality is a joke
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 24 Oct 2008 14:22:47 +0000 (14:22 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 24 Oct 2008 08:40:21 +0000 (08:40 +0000)]
leave-environment axiom made true
Enrico Tassi [Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:13:44 +0000 (09:13 +0000)]
lebesgue completely dualized
Ferruccio Guidi [Wed, 22 Oct 2008 19:25:24 +0000 (19:25 +0000)]
we aligned the implementation to the plmms08 paper
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 21 Oct 2008 14:50:59 +0000 (14:50 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:03:39 +0000 (13:03 +0000)]
better pps
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 21 Oct 2008 11:33:33 +0000 (11:33 +0000)]
- mk_restricted_irl removed, the non-optimized code was the same
- delift fixed in case Meta (used to produce negative shift/irl-len)
- fix-sorts takes into account the swap parameter to implement cumulativity
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 21 Oct 2008 11:28:47 +0000 (11:28 +0000)]
psubst for metas fixed again
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 20:12:12 +0000 (20:12 +0000)]
nat model ported to the dualized version, but not itself dualized dedekind-sig-compl missing
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 19:45:38 +0000 (19:45 +0000)]
... is a command in proof mode, use
\ldots instead
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 16:59:17 +0000 (16:59 +0000)]
more bug fixed (or introduced)
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:06:53 +0000 (14:06 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:00:47 +0000 (14:00 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:47:30 +0000 (13:47 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:18:10 +0000 (10:18 +0000)]
after a PITA, lebergue is dualized!
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:21:34 +0000 (08:21 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:19:43 +0000 (08:19 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:12:43 +0000 (08:12 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 15:43:48 +0000 (15:43 +0000)]
some work on duality, still not finisched
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 14:25:06 +0000 (14:25 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:55:29 +0000 (09:55 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:37:50 +0000 (09:37 +0000)]
grave notation mistake fixed
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:21:07 +0000 (09:21 +0000)]
more tests
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 08:23:15 +0000 (08:23 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 08:23:01 +0000 (08:23 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 08:21:48 +0000 (08:21 +0000)]
when a file is opened the cursor is moved to the begin of the file
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 19:39:05 +0000 (19:39 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 19:38:56 +0000 (19:38 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 19:08:25 +0000 (19:08 +0000)]
tactic language documented;
Ferruccio Guidi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 19:04:17 +0000 (19:04 +0000)]
now we accept an optional string argument "info" intended as a comment for the rendered proof (appears afer qed)
- we generate some comments for acic2Procedural.ml info (see above)
- optimize_term is now available
we fixed a bug in the procedural rendering of auto proofs:
the proof term must be optimized before rendering!
(it is written on the paper about the procedural rendering for PLMMS 2007)
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 18:45:06 +0000 (18:45 +0000)]
html documentation generation implemented
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 18:07:37 +0000 (18:07 +0000)]
more doc
Enrico Tassi [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 17:14:30 +0000 (17:14 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 17 Oct 2008 14:01:02 +0000 (14:01 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:12:52 +0000 (12:12 +0000)]
new command eval added
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:59:29 +0000 (10:59 +0000)]
better makefile
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:56:02 +0000 (10:56 +0000)]
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Thu, 16 Oct 2008 17:16:58 +0000 (17:16 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Thu, 16 Oct 2008 16:04:25 +0000 (16:04 +0000)]
ex for students about induction
Enrico Tassi [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:32:03 +0000 (22:32 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:31:41 +0000 (22:31 +0000)]
delifting a Meta with an IRL w.r.t. another IRL completely changed.
the explanation is on my whiteboard, hope someone copies it
Enrico Tassi [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:28:52 +0000 (22:28 +0000)]
some bug fixed
Enrico Tassi [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:24:01 +0000 (22:24 +0000)]
subst_meta was missing
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:54:15 +0000 (11:54 +0000)]
minor simplification + deps fixed
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:31:35 +0000 (11:31 +0000)]
New invariant and data structure to represent environments, transformation
maps and flat environments (2nd compiler pass).
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 14 Oct 2008 17:38:51 +0000 (17:38 +0000)]
more work
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:08:54 +0000 (13:08 +0000)]
firs step for dualization
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:08:29 +0000 (13:08 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:17:51 +0000 (12:17 +0000)]
term refinement almost done, some functions exported from the kernel since they were re-usable
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 17:42:30 +0000 (17:42 +0000)]
initial refiner ....
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:55:36 +0000 (15:55 +0000)]
Bug fixed in LetIn: the cumulativity test was performed switching the order
of the arguments!
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:53:15 +0000 (15:53 +0000)]
bug in psubst fixed inside local context in Irl form
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:51:55 +0000 (15:51 +0000)]
better error message
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:51:11 +0000 (15:51 +0000)]
ppmetasenv & subst added
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:02:54 +0000 (14:02 +0000)]
NCicReduction.reduce_machine returns a boolean stating if the machine is in normal form
Wilmer Ricciotti [Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:22:35 +0000 (13:22 +0000)]
Fixed a performance problem with unif_machines and small_delta_step.
Previously, small_delta_step would occasionally return two machines in
normal form, with a false "are_normal" flag: this in turn caused
unif_machines to perform more steps than necessary. Now the flag returned
by small_delta_step is true iff it could not perform any reduction step;
therefore unif_machines won't try a recursive call on the new machines
(which are equal to the old ones).
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 6 Oct 2008 16:53:01 +0000 (16:53 +0000)]
slow example
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 6 Oct 2008 15:02:12 +0000 (15:02 +0000)]
3 nasty bugs fixed:
- mk_restricted_irl has been duplicated
- mk_restricted_irl generates an irl
- mk_perforated_irl generates a restricted local context suitable for a new meta
- a wrong optimization in psubst was lifting of a bad amount
- force_does_not_occurr was not delifting rels to hypotheses to be cancelled
Enrico Tassi [Mon, 6 Oct 2008 08:34:48 +0000 (08:34 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 16:29:28 +0000 (16:29 +0000)]
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 14:09:28 +0000 (14:09 +0000)]
better test
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 13:31:58 +0000 (13:31 +0000)]
not so nice patch to small_delta_step
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 11:06:40 +0000 (11:06 +0000)]
when -debug do not catch the exception
Enrico Tassi [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 11:04:07 +0000 (11:04 +0000)]
- NCicPp.ppterm applies the substitution
- NCicReduction.are_convertible does not take in input the get_relevance
function any longer, there is a ref set by the typechecker module
- fixes to the convert-machines and small-delta-step logic