From 5356519d50425dfca5b42ad5faeb2181d4240c78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Enrico Tassi <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 16:32:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] matitac now compiles like make (recorsively) if needed.
 baseuri is not a non optional field of the grafite status, since you can
 always know it at the beginnig

 components/grafite_engine/  |  20 +-
 components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli |   1 -
 components/grafite_engine/    |   5 +-
 components/grafite_engine/grafiteSync.mli   |   2 +-
 components/grafite_engine/   |  10 +-
 components/grafite_engine/grafiteTypes.mli  |   5 +-
 matita/.depend                              |  14 +-
 matita/Makefile                             |   2 +
 matita/                              | 143 ++++++
 matita/make.mli                             |  22 +
 matita/                      |  12 +-
 matita/matitaEngine.mli                     |   2 -
 matita/                       |   4 -
 matita/                      |  13 +-
 matita/                        |   2 +-
 matita/                           |   3 +-
 matita/                        | 527 +++++++++-----------
 matita/matitacLib.mli                       |  13 +-
 matita/                         |   2 +-
 matita/                      |   3 +-
 20 files changed, 451 insertions(+), 354 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 matita/
 create mode 100644 matita/make.mli

diff --git a/components/grafite_engine/ b/components/grafite_engine/
index 625b23323..766408c13 100644
--- a/components/grafite_engine/
+++ b/components/grafite_engine/
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ type 'a disambiguator_input = string * int * 'a
 type options = { 
   do_heavy_checks: bool ; 
-  clean_baseuri: bool
 (** create a ProofEngineTypes.mk_fresh_name_type function which uses given
@@ -409,7 +408,6 @@ type eval_ast =
     Cic.context -> GrafiteTypes.status * Cic.term GrafiteAst.macro) ->
   ?do_heavy_checks:bool ->
-  ?clean_baseuri:bool ->
   GrafiteTypes.status ->
   (('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) GrafiteAst.statement)
   disambiguator_input ->
@@ -481,10 +479,10 @@ let refinement_toolkit = {
   RefinementTool.pack_coercion_obj = CicRefine.pack_coercion_obj;
-let eval_coercion status ~add_composites uri arity saturations baseuri =
+let eval_coercion status ~add_composites uri arity saturations =
  let status,compounds =
   GrafiteSync.add_coercion ~add_composites refinement_toolkit status uri arity
-   saturations baseuri
+   saturations (GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri status)
  let moo_content = coercion_moo_statement_of ((uri,arity,saturations)::compounds)
@@ -569,7 +567,7 @@ let add_coercions_of_record_to_moo obj lemmas status =
           with Not_found -> false,0            
         with Not_found -> assert false
-      let buri, status = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri status in
+      let buri = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri status in
       (* looking at the fields we can know the 'wanted' coercions, but not the 
        * actually generated ones. So, only the intersection between the wanted
        * and the actual should be in the moo as coercion, while everithing in
@@ -648,8 +646,7 @@ let rec eval_command = {ec_go = fun ~disambiguate_command opts status
       let status = GrafiteTypes.add_moo_content [cmd] status in
   | GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, uri, add_composites, arity, saturations) ->
-     eval_coercion status ~add_composites uri arity saturations
-      (GrafiteTypes.get_string_option status "baseuri")
+     eval_coercion status ~add_composites uri arity saturations 
   | GrafiteAst.Default (loc, what, uris) as cmd ->
      LibraryObjects.set_default what uris;
      GrafiteTypes.add_moo_content [cmd] status,[]
@@ -725,7 +722,7 @@ let rec eval_command = {ec_go = fun ~disambiguate_command opts status
           (match types with (name,_,_,_)::_ -> name | _ -> assert false)
        | _ -> assert false in
-     let buri, status = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri status in 
+     let buri = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri status in 
      let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (buri ^ "/" ^ name ^ ext) in
      let obj = CicRefine.pack_coercion_obj obj in
      let metasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv status in
@@ -830,13 +827,10 @@ let rec eval_command = {ec_go = fun ~disambiguate_command opts status
     status moo
 } and eval_ast = {ea_go = fun ~disambiguate_tactic ~disambiguate_command
-~disambiguate_macro ?(do_heavy_checks=false) ?(clean_baseuri=true) status
+~disambiguate_macro ?(do_heavy_checks=false) status
-  let opts = {
-    do_heavy_checks = do_heavy_checks ; 
-    clean_baseuri = clean_baseuri }
-  in
+  let opts = { do_heavy_checks = do_heavy_checks ; } in
   match st with
   | GrafiteAst.Executable (_,ex) ->
      eval_executable.ee_go ~disambiguate_tactic ~disambiguate_command
diff --git a/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli b/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli
index 63580ad2e..d1a07a4ed 100644
--- a/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli
+++ b/components/grafite_engine/grafiteEngine.mli
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ val eval_ast :
     Cic.context -> GrafiteTypes.status * Cic.term GrafiteAst.macro) ->
   ?do_heavy_checks:bool ->
-  ?clean_baseuri:bool ->
   GrafiteTypes.status ->
   (('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) GrafiteAst.statement)
   disambiguator_input ->
diff --git a/components/grafite_engine/ b/components/grafite_engine/
index 133dad2c0..ca3d873c5 100644
--- a/components/grafite_engine/
+++ b/components/grafite_engine/
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ let uris_for_inductive_type uri obj =
     | _ -> [uri] 
 let add_obj refinement_toolkit uri obj status =
- let baseuri, status = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri status in
  let lemmas = LibrarySync.add_obj refinement_toolkit uri obj in
  let add_to_universe (universe,status) uri =
    let term = CicUtil.term_of_uri uri in
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ let time_travel ~present ~past =
   List.iter (fun uri -> LibrarySync.remove_coercion uri) coercions_to_remove;
   List.iter LibrarySync.remove_obj objs_to_remove
-let init () =
+let init baseuri =
   LibrarySync.remove_all_coercions ();
   LibraryObjects.reset_defaults ();
@@ -144,5 +143,5 @@ let init () =
     objects = [];
     coercions = [];
     universe = Universe.empty;
-    baseuri = None;
+    baseuri = baseuri;
diff --git a/components/grafite_engine/grafiteSync.mli b/components/grafite_engine/grafiteSync.mli
index 0a2595430..fbe1fc8db 100644
--- a/components/grafite_engine/grafiteSync.mli
+++ b/components/grafite_engine/grafiteSync.mli
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ val time_travel:
   present:GrafiteTypes.status -> past:GrafiteTypes.status -> unit
   (* also resets the imperative part of the status *)
-val init: unit -> GrafiteTypes.status
+val init: string -> GrafiteTypes.status
diff --git a/components/grafite_engine/ b/components/grafite_engine/
index 01fb19c58..af819555b 100644
--- a/components/grafite_engine/
+++ b/components/grafite_engine/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type status = {
   objects: UriManager.uri list;
   coercions: UriManager.uri list;
-  baseuri: string option;
+  baseuri: string;
 let get_current_proof status =
@@ -142,13 +142,7 @@ let get_option status name =
     StringMap.find name status.options
   with Not_found -> raise (Option_error (name, "not found"))
-let get_baseuri status =
-  match status.baseuri with
-  | Some b -> b, status
-  | None -> 
-      let _,baseuri,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script (Librarian.filename()) in
-      baseuri, {status with baseuri = Some baseuri}
+let get_baseuri status = status.baseuri;;
 let set_option status name value =
   let types = [ (* no set options defined! *) ] in
diff --git a/components/grafite_engine/grafiteTypes.mli b/components/grafite_engine/grafiteTypes.mli
index a8eb19ac9..8d9b81ed8 100644
--- a/components/grafite_engine/grafiteTypes.mli
+++ b/components/grafite_engine/grafiteTypes.mli
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ type status = {
   objects: UriManager.uri list;  (** in-scope objects *)
   coercions: UriManager.uri list; (** defined coercions *)
   universe:Universe.universe;  (** universe of terms used by auto *)
-  baseuri: string option;
+  baseuri: string;
 val dump_status : status -> unit
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ val add_moo_content: GrafiteMarshal.ast_command list -> status -> status
 val get_option : status -> string -> option_value
 val get_string_option : status -> string -> string
 val set_option : status -> string -> string -> status
-(* to cache the baseuri of current file *)
-val get_baseuri: status -> string * status
+val get_baseuri: status -> string 
 val get_current_proof: status -> ProofEngineTypes.proof
 val get_proof_metasenv: status ->  Cic.metasenv
diff --git a/matita/.depend b/matita/.depend
index b0d8efc5b..6b220fd25 100644
--- a/matita/.depend
+++ b/matita/.depend
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ gragrep.cmo: matitaInit.cmi buildTimeConf.cmo gragrep.cmi
 gragrep.cmx: matitaInit.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx gragrep.cmi 
 lablGraphviz.cmo: lablGraphviz.cmi 
 lablGraphviz.cmx: lablGraphviz.cmi 
+make.cmo: make.cmi 
+make.cmx: make.cmi 
 matitaAutoGui.cmo: matitaGeneratedGui.cmo applyTransformation.cmi \
 matitaAutoGui.cmx: matitaGeneratedGui.cmx applyTransformation.cmx \
@@ -13,17 +15,15 @@ matitaAutoGui.cmx: matitaGeneratedGui.cmx applyTransformation.cmx \
 matitaclean.cmo: matitaMisc.cmi matitaInit.cmi matitaclean.cmi 
 matitaclean.cmx: matitaMisc.cmx matitaInit.cmx matitaclean.cmi 
 matitacLib.cmo: matitamakeLib.cmi matitaMisc.cmi matitaInit.cmi \
-    matitaExcPp.cmi matitaEngine.cmi buildTimeConf.cmo \
-    applyTransformation.cmi matitacLib.cmi 
+    matitaExcPp.cmi make.cmi buildTimeConf.cmo matitacLib.cmi 
 matitacLib.cmx: matitamakeLib.cmx matitaMisc.cmx matitaInit.cmx \
-    matitaExcPp.cmx matitaEngine.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx \
-    applyTransformation.cmx matitacLib.cmi 
+    matitaExcPp.cmx make.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx matitacLib.cmi 
 matitac.cmo: matitaprover.cmi matitamake.cmi matitadep.cmi matitaclean.cmi \
     matitacLib.cmi matitaWiki.cmo matitaInit.cmi matitaEngine.cmi gragrep.cmi 
 matitac.cmx: matitaprover.cmx matitamake.cmx matitadep.cmx matitaclean.cmx \
     matitacLib.cmx matitaWiki.cmx matitaInit.cmx matitaEngine.cmx gragrep.cmx 
-matitadep.cmo: matitaInit.cmi matitadep.cmi 
-matitadep.cmx: matitaInit.cmx matitadep.cmi 
+matitadep.cmo: matitamakeLib.cmi matitaInit.cmi matitadep.cmi 
+matitadep.cmx: matitamakeLib.cmx matitaInit.cmx matitadep.cmi 
 matitaEngine.cmo: matitaEngine.cmi 
 matitaEngine.cmx: matitaEngine.cmi 
 matitaExcPp.cmo: matitaExcPp.cmi 
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ matitaWiki.cmo: matitaInit.cmi matitaExcPp.cmi matitaEngine.cmi \
     buildTimeConf.cmo applyTransformation.cmi 
 matitaWiki.cmx: matitaInit.cmx matitaExcPp.cmx matitaEngine.cmx \
     buildTimeConf.cmx applyTransformation.cmx 
+rottener.cmo: matitaInit.cmi buildTimeConf.cmo 
+rottener.cmx: matitaInit.cmx buildTimeConf.cmx 
 matitaGtkMisc.cmi: matitaGeneratedGui.cmo 
 matitaGui.cmi: matitaGuiTypes.cmi 
 matitaGuiTypes.cmi: matitaTypes.cmi matitaGeneratedGui.cmo 
diff --git a/matita/Makefile b/matita/Makefile
index 6595af73e..4c8e313fd 100644
--- a/matita/Makefile
+++ b/matita/Makefile
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ ifeq ($(NODB),true)
 MLI = \
+        make.mli		\
 	lablGraphviz.mli	\
 	matitaTypes.mli		\
 	matitaMisc.mli		\
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ MLI = \
 	matitaGui.mli		\
 CMLI =				\
+        make.mli		\
 	matitaTypes.mli		\
 	matitaMisc.mli		\
 	matitamakeLib.mli	\
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1136642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matita/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+module type Format = sig
+        type source_object
+        type target_object
+        val target_of : source_object -> target_object
+        val string_of_source_object : source_object -> string
+        val string_of_target_object : target_object -> string
+        val build : source_object -> bool
+        val mtime_of_source_object : source_object -> float option
+        val mtime_of_target_object : target_object -> float option
+module Make = functor (F:Format) -> struct
+  let prerr_endline _ = ();;
+  let younger_s_t a b = 
+    match F.mtime_of_source_object a, F.mtime_of_target_object b with
+    | Some a, Some b -> a < b
+    | _ -> false (* XXX check if correct *)
+  ;;
+  let younger_t_t a b = 
+    match F.mtime_of_target_object a, F.mtime_of_target_object b with
+    | Some a, Some b -> a < b
+    | _ -> false (* XXX check if correct *)
+  ;;
+  let is_built t = younger_s_t t (F.target_of t);;
+  let rec needs_build deps compiled (t,dependencies) =
+    prerr_endline ("Checking if "^F.string_of_source_object t^" needs to be built");
+    if List.mem t compiled then
+      (prerr_endline "already compiled";
+      false)
+    else
+    if not (is_built t) then
+      (prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^
+       " is not built, thus needs to be built");
+      true)
+    else
+    try
+      let unsat =
+        List.find
+          (needs_build deps compiled) 
+          ( (fun x -> x, List.assoc x deps) dependencies)
+      in
+        prerr_endline 
+         (F.string_of_source_object t^" depends on "^F.string_of_source_object (fst unsat)^
+         " that needs to be built, thus needs to be built");
+        true
+    with Not_found ->
+      try 
+        let unsat = 
+          List.find (younger_t_t (F.target_of t)) ( F.target_of dependencies)
+        in
+          prerr_endline 
+           (F.string_of_source_object t^" depends on "^F.string_of_target_object
+           unsat^" and "^F.string_of_source_object t^".o is younger than "^
+           F.string_of_target_object unsat^", thus needs to be built");
+          true
+      with Not_found -> false
+  ;;
+  let is_buildable compiled deps (t,dependencies) =
+    prerr_endline ("Checking if "^F.string_of_source_object t^" is buildable");
+    let b = needs_build deps compiled (t,dependencies) in
+    if not b then
+      (prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^
+       " does not need to be built, thus it not buildable");
+      false)
+    else
+    try  
+      let unsat =
+        List.find (needs_build deps compiled) 
+          ( (fun x -> x, List.assoc x deps) dependencies)
+      in
+        prerr_endline 
+          (F.string_of_source_object t^" depends on "^
+          F.string_of_source_object (fst unsat)^
+          " that needs build, thus is not buildable");
+        false
+    with Not_found -> 
+      prerr_endline 
+        ("None of "^F.string_of_source_object t^
+        " dependencies needs to be built, thus it is buildable");
+      true
+  ;;
+  let rec make compiled failed deps = 
+    let todo = List.filter (is_buildable compiled deps) deps in
+    let todo = List.filter (fun (f,_) -> not (List.mem f failed)) todo in
+    if todo <> [] then
+      let compiled, failed = 
+        List.fold_left 
+          (fun (c,f) (file,_) ->
+            if file then (file::c,f)
+            else (c,file::f))
+          (compiled,failed) todo
+      in
+       make compiled failed deps
+  ;;
+  let rec purge_unwanted_roots wanted deps =
+    let roots, rest = 
+       List.partition 
+         (fun (t,d) ->
+           not (List.exists (fun (_,d1) -> List.mem t d1) deps))
+         deps
+    in
+    let newroots = List.filter (fun (t,_) -> List.mem t wanted) roots in
+    if newroots = roots then
+      deps
+    else
+      purge_unwanted_roots wanted (newroots @ rest)
+  ;;
+  let make deps targets = 
+    if targets = [] then 
+      make [] [] deps
+    else
+      make [] [] (purge_unwanted_roots targets deps)
+  ;;
+let load_deps_file f = 
+  let deps = ref [] in
+  let ic = open_in f in
+  try
+    while true do
+      begin
+        let l = input_line ic in
+        match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") l with
+        | [] -> HLog.error "malformed deps file"; exit 1
+        | he::tl -> deps := (he,tl) :: !deps
+      end
+    done; !deps
+    with End_of_file -> !deps
diff --git a/matita/make.mli b/matita/make.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..883586c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matita/make.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module type Format =
+  sig
+    type source_object
+    type target_object
+    val target_of : source_object -> target_object
+    val string_of_source_object : source_object -> string
+    val string_of_target_object : target_object -> string
+    val build : source_object -> bool
+    val mtime_of_source_object : source_object -> float option
+    val mtime_of_target_object : target_object -> float option
+  end
+module Make :
+  functor (F : Format) ->
+    sig
+      (* make [deps] [targets], targets = [] means make all *)
+      val make : (F.source_object * F.source_object list) list ->
+                 F.source_object list ->  unit
+    end
+val load_deps_file: string -> (string * string list) list
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 74c857caf..7ca67976a 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let disambiguate_tactic text prefix_len lexicon_status_ref grafite_status goal t
   GrafiteTypes.set_metasenv metasenv grafite_status,tac
 let disambiguate_command lexicon_status_ref grafite_status cmd =
- let baseuri, grafite_status = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri grafite_status in
+ let baseuri = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri grafite_status in
  let lexicon_status,metasenv,cmd =
   GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_command ~baseuri
    !lexicon_status_ref (GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv grafite_status) cmd
@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ let disambiguate_macro lexicon_status_ref grafite_status macro context =
   GrafiteTypes.set_metasenv metasenv grafite_status,macro
-let eval_ast ?do_heavy_checks ?clean_baseuri lexicon_status
+let eval_ast ?do_heavy_checks lexicon_status
  grafite_status (text,prefix_len,ast)
  let lexicon_status_ref = ref lexicon_status in
- let baseuri, grafite_status = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri grafite_status in
+ let baseuri = GrafiteTypes.get_baseuri grafite_status in
  let new_grafite_status,new_objs =
    ~disambiguate_tactic:(disambiguate_tactic text prefix_len lexicon_status_ref)
    ~disambiguate_command:(disambiguate_command lexicon_status_ref)
    ~disambiguate_macro:(disambiguate_macro lexicon_status_ref)
-   ?do_heavy_checks ?clean_baseuri grafite_status (text,prefix_len,ast) in
+   ?do_heavy_checks grafite_status (text,prefix_len,ast) in
  let new_lexicon_status =
   LexiconSync.add_aliases_for_objs !lexicon_status_ref new_objs in
  let new_aliases =
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let out = ref ignore
 let set_callback f = out := f
 let eval_from_stream ~first_statement_only ~include_paths ?(prompt=false)
- ?do_heavy_checks ?clean_baseuri ?(enforce_no_new_aliases=true)
+ ?do_heavy_checks ?(enforce_no_new_aliases=true)
  ?(watch_statuses=fun _ _ -> ()) lexicon_status grafite_status str cb 
  let rec loop lexicon_status grafite_status statuses =
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ let eval_from_stream ~first_statement_only ~include_paths ?(prompt=false)
           !out ast;
           cb grafite_status ast;
           let new_statuses =
-           eval_ast ?do_heavy_checks ?clean_baseuri lexicon_status
+           eval_ast ?do_heavy_checks lexicon_status
             grafite_status ("",0,ast) in
           if enforce_no_new_aliases then
diff --git a/matita/matitaEngine.mli b/matita/matitaEngine.mli
index 83b549ec4..1db991f51 100644
--- a/matita/matitaEngine.mli
+++ b/matita/matitaEngine.mli
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 val eval_ast :
   ?do_heavy_checks:bool ->
-  ?clean_baseuri:bool ->
   LexiconEngine.status ->
   GrafiteTypes.status ->
   string * int *
@@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ val eval_from_stream :
   include_paths:string list ->
   ?prompt:bool ->
   ?do_heavy_checks:bool ->
-  ?clean_baseuri:bool ->
   ?enforce_no_new_aliases:bool -> (* default true *)
   ?watch_statuses:(LexiconEngine.status -> GrafiteTypes.status -> unit) ->
   LexiconEngine.status ->
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 8888b8dfe..14e7a0db8 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -117,10 +117,6 @@ let rec to_string =
       let _,msg = to_string exn in
       let (x, y) = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
        Some floc, sprintf "Error at %d-%d: %s" x y msg
-  | GrafiteTypes.Option_error ("baseuri", "not found" ) -> 
-      None,
-      "Baseuri not set for this script. "
-      ^ "Use 'set \"baseuri\" \"<uri>\".' to set it."
   | GrafiteTypes.Command_error msg -> None, "Error: " ^ msg
   | CicNotationParser.Parse_error err ->
       None, sprintf "Parse error: %s" err
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 182f6e165..c5239ffb4 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -743,14 +743,14 @@ class script  ~(source_view: GSourceView.source_view)
               () =
 let buffer = source_view#buffer in
 let source_buffer = source_view#source_buffer in
-let initial_statuses () =
+let initial_statuses baseuri =
  (* these include_paths are used only to load the initial notation *)
  let include_paths =
   Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" in
  let lexicon_status =
   CicNotation2.load_notation ~include_paths
    BuildTimeConf.core_notation_script in
- let grafite_status = GrafiteSync.init () in
+ let grafite_status = GrafiteSync.init baseuri in
 object (self)
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ object (self)
   val mutable statements = []    (** executed statements *)
-  val mutable history = [ initial_statuses () ]
+  val mutable history = [ initial_statuses "cic:/matita/test/" ]
     (** list of states before having executed statements. Head element of this
       * list is the current state, last element is the state at the beginning of
       * the script.
@@ -933,7 +933,8 @@ object (self)
   method assignFileName file =
     let root, buri, file = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths file in
-    Helm_registry.set "matita.filename" file
+    Helm_registry.set "matita.filename" file;
+    self#reset_buffer
   method saveToFile () =
     let oc = open_out (Librarian.filename ()) in
@@ -967,8 +968,10 @@ object (self)
     LexiconSync.time_travel ~present:self#lexicon_status ~past:lexicon_status
   method private reset_buffer = 
+    let file = Librarian.filename () in
+    let root, buri, file = Librarian.baseuri_of_script file in
     statements <- [];
-    history <- [ initial_statuses () ];
+    history <- [ initial_statuses buri ];
     userGoal <- None;
     buffer#remove_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter;
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 3c5607bd7..ed884bda8 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ let main () =
   Helm_registry.set_int "matita.verbosity" 0;
   let include_paths =
    Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" in
-  grafite_status := [GrafiteSync.init ()];
+  grafite_status := [GrafiteSync.init "cic:/matita/tests/"];
   lexicon_status :=
    [CicNotation2.load_notation ~include_paths
      BuildTimeConf.core_notation_script] ;
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 31258f694..d603d1b85 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ let main () =
  | _ ->
       let dump_msg = "<filename> Dump source with expanded macros to <filename>" in
       MatitaInit.add_cmdline_spec ["-dump", Arg.String dump, dump_msg];
-      let _ = MatitacLib.main `COMPILER in
-      ()
+      MatitacLib.main ()
 let _ = main ()
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 3cb8ae419..e1ebfd79e 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -37,69 +37,11 @@ let set_callback f = out := f
 let pp_ast_statement st =
-    ~map_unicode_to_tex:(Helm_registry.get_bool
-      "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex")
+    ~map_unicode_to_tex:(Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex")
     ~lazy_term_pp:CicNotationPp.pp_term ~obj_pp:(CicNotationPp.pp_obj CicNotationPp.pp_term) st
-(** {2 Initialization} *)
-let grafite_status = (ref None : GrafiteTypes.status option ref)
-let lexicon_status = (ref None : LexiconEngine.status option ref)
-let run_script is eval_function  =
-  let lexicon_status',grafite_status' = 
-    match !lexicon_status,!grafite_status with
-    | Some ss, Some s -> ss,s
-    | _,_ -> assert false
-  in
-  let slash_n_RE = Pcre.regexp "\\n" in
-  let cb = 
-    if Helm_registry.get_int "matita.verbosity" < 1 then 
-      (fun _ _ -> ())
-    else 
-      (fun grafite_status stm ->
-        (* dump_status grafite_status; *)
-        let stm = pp_ast_statement stm in
-        let stm = Pcre.replace ~rex:slash_n_RE stm in
-        let stm =
-          if String.length stm > 50 then
-            String.sub stm 0 50 ^ " ..."
-          else
-            stm
-        in
-        HLog.debug ("Executing: ``" ^ stm ^ "''"))
-  in
-  let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in
-  try
-   match eval_function lexicon_status' grafite_status' is cb with
-      [] -> raise End_of_file
-    | ((grafite_status'',lexicon_status''),None)::_ ->
-       lexicon_status := Some lexicon_status'';
-       grafite_status := Some grafite_status''
-    | (s,Some _)::_ -> raise AttemptToInsertAnAlias
-  with
-  | GrafiteEngine.Drop  
-  | End_of_file
-  | CicNotationParser.Parse_error _ 
-  | GrafiteEngine.Macro _ as exn -> raise exn
-  | exn -> 
-      if not matita_debug then
-       HLog.error (snd (MatitaExcPp.to_string exn)) ;
-      raise exn
-let fname () =
-  let rec aux = function
-  | ""::tl -> aux tl
-  | [x] -> x
-  | [] -> MatitaInit.die_usage ()
-  | l -> 
-      prerr_endline 
-        ("Wrong commands: " ^ 
-          String.concat " " ( (fun x -> "'" ^ x ^ "'") l));
-      MatitaInit.die_usage ()
-  in
-  aux (Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.args")
+(* NOBODY EVER USER matitatop 
 let pp_ocaml_mode () = 
   HLog.message "";
@@ -108,31 +50,6 @@ let pp_ocaml_mode () =
   HLog.message "Type 'go ();;' to enter an interactive matitac";
   HLog.message ""
-let clean_exit n =
- let opt_exit =
-  function
-     None -> ()
-   | Some n -> exit n
- in
-  match !grafite_status with
-     None -> opt_exit n
-   | Some grafite_status ->
-      try
-       let baseuri = GrafiteTypes.get_string_option grafite_status "baseuri" in
-       LibraryClean.clean_baseuris ~verbose:false [baseuri];
-       opt_exit n
-      with GrafiteTypes.Option_error("baseuri", "not found") ->
-       (* no baseuri ==> nothing to clean yet *)
-       opt_exit n
-let get_macro_context = function
-   | Some {GrafiteTypes.proof_status = GrafiteTypes.No_proof} -> []
-   | Some status                ->
-      let stack = GrafiteTypes.get_stack status in
-      let goal = Continuationals.Stack.find_goal stack in
-      GrafiteTypes.get_proof_context status goal
-   | None                       -> assert false
 let rec interactive_loop () = 
   let str = Ulexing.from_utf8_channel stdin in
@@ -161,7 +78,7 @@ let rec interactive_loop () =
   | GrafiteTypes.Command_error _ -> interactive_loop ()
   | End_of_file ->
      print_newline ();
-     clean_exit (Some 0)
+     clean_exit fname (Some 0)
   | HExtlib.Localized (floc,CicNotationParser.Parse_error err) ->
      let x, y = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
       HLog.error (sprintf "Parse error at %d-%d: %s" x y err);
@@ -186,7 +103,77 @@ let go () =
   Sys.catch_break true;
   interactive_loop ()
+(* snippet for extraction, should be moved to the build function 
+  if false then
+   (let baseuri =
+    (* This does not work yet :-(
+       let baseuri =
+        GrafiteTypes.get_string_option
+        (match !grafite_status with None -> assert false | Some s -> s)
+        "baseuri" in*)
+    lazy
+      (let _root, buri, _fname = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths:[] fname in
+      buri)
+   in
+   let mangled_baseuri =
+    lazy
+     ( let baseuri = Lazy.force baseuri in
+       let baseuri = String.sub baseuri 5 (String.length baseuri - 5) in
+       let baseuri = Pcre.replace ~pat:"/" ~templ:"_" baseuri in
+        String.uncapitalize baseuri
+     ) in
+   let f =
+    lazy
+     (open_out
+       (Filename.dirname fname ^ "/" ^ Lazy.force mangled_baseuri ^ ".ml")) in
+    LibrarySync.set_object_declaration_hook
+     (fun _ obj ->
+       output_string (Lazy.force f)
+        (CicExportation.ppobj (Lazy.force baseuri) obj);
+       flush (Lazy.force f)));
+(** {2 Initialization} *)
+let slash_n_RE = Pcre.regexp "\\n" ;;
+let run_script is lexicon_status' grafite_status' eval_function  =
+  let print_cb =
+    if Helm_registry.get_int "matita.verbosity" < 1 then 
+      (fun _ _ -> ())
+    else 
+      (fun grafite_status stm ->
+        let stm = pp_ast_statement stm in
+        let stm = Pcre.replace ~rex:slash_n_RE stm in
+        let stm =
+          if String.length stm > 50 then String.sub stm 0 50 ^ " ..."
+          else stm
+        in
+        HLog.debug ("Executing: ``" ^ stm ^ "''"))
+  in
+  match eval_function lexicon_status' grafite_status' is print_cb with
+  | [] -> raise End_of_file
+  | ((grafite_status'',lexicon_status''),None)::_ ->
+     grafite_status'', lexicon_status''
+  | (s,Some _)::_ -> raise AttemptToInsertAnAlias
+let clean_exit baseuri rc =
+  LibraryClean.clean_baseuris ~verbose:false [baseuri]; rc
+let get_macro_context = function
+   | Some {GrafiteTypes.proof_status = GrafiteTypes.No_proof} -> []
+   | Some status                ->
+      let stack = GrafiteTypes.get_stack status in
+      let goal = Continuationals.Stack.find_goal stack in
+      GrafiteTypes.get_proof_context status goal
+   | None                       -> assert false
 let pp_times fname bench_mode rc big_bang = 
   if bench_mode then
@@ -231,213 +218,185 @@ let pp_times fname bench_mode rc big_bang =
-let rec compiler_loop fname big_bang mode buf =
- let include_paths =
-  Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" in
- let clean_baseuri = not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.preserve") in    
- let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in
- let bench_mode =  Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.bench" in
- try
-  run_script buf 
-   (MatitaEngine.eval_from_stream ~first_statement_only:false ~include_paths
-    ~clean_baseuri)
- with 
-  | End_of_file -> ()
+let rec compiler_loop fname =
+  (* initialization, MOVE OUTSIDE *)
+  let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in
+  let bench_mode =  Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.bench" in
+  let clean_baseuri = not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.preserve") in    
+  let include_paths = 
+    Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" 
+  in
+  (* sanity checks *)
+  let _,baseuri,fname = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths fname in
+  let moo_fname = 
+   LibraryMisc.obj_file_of_baseuri ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true
+  in
+  let lexicon_fname= 
+   LibraryMisc.lexicon_file_of_baseuri ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true
+  in
+  if Http_getter_storage.is_read_only baseuri then 
+    HLog.error 
+      (Printf.sprintf "uri %s belongs to a read-only repository" baseuri);
+  (* cleanup of previously compiled objects *)
+  if (not (Http_getter_storage.is_empty ~local:true baseuri) ||
+      LibraryClean.db_uris_of_baseuri baseuri <> []) && clean_baseuri
+    then begin
+    HLog.message ("baseuri " ^ baseuri ^ " is not empty");
+    HLog.message ("cleaning baseuri " ^ baseuri);
+    LibraryClean.clean_baseuris [baseuri];
+    assert (Http_getter_storage.is_empty ~local:true baseuri);
+  end;
+  (* create dir for XML files *)
+  if not (Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.bool "matita.nodisk"
+            ~default:false) 
+  then
+    HExtlib.mkdir 
+      (Filename.dirname 
+        (Http_getter.filename ~local:true ~writable:true (baseuri ^
+        "foo.con")));
+  (* begin of compilation *)
+  let grafite_status = GrafiteSync.init baseuri in
+  let lexicon_status = 
+    CicNotation2.load_notation ~include_paths:[]
+      BuildTimeConf.core_notation_script 
+  in
+  let big_bang = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+  let time = Unix.time () in
+  HLog.message ("compiling " ^ Filename.basename fname ^ " in " ^ baseuri);
+  let buf = Ulexing.from_utf8_channel (open_in fname) in
+  try
+    let grafite_status, lexicon_status =
+     run_script buf lexicon_status grafite_status 
+      (MatitaEngine.eval_from_stream ~first_statement_only:false ~include_paths)
+    in
+    let elapsed = Unix.time () -. time in
+    let proof_status,moo_content_rev,lexicon_content_rev = 
+      grafite_status.proof_status, grafite_status.moo_content_rev, 
+       lexicon_status.LexiconEngine.lexicon_content_rev
+    in
+    if proof_status <> GrafiteTypes.No_proof then
+     (HLog.error
+      "there are still incomplete proofs at the end of the script"; 
+     pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
+     clean_exit baseuri false)
+    else
+     (if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.moo" then begin
+        (* FG: we do not generate .moo when dumping .mma files *)
+        GrafiteMarshal.save_moo moo_fname moo_content_rev;
+        LexiconMarshal.save_lexicon lexicon_fname lexicon_content_rev;
+     end;
+     let tm = Unix.gmtime elapsed in
+     let sec = string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_sec ^ "''" in
+     let min = 
+       if tm.Unix.tm_min > 0 then (string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_min^"' ") else "" 
+     in
+     let hou = 
+       if tm.Unix.tm_hour > 0 then (string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_hour^"h ") else ""
+     in
+     HLog.message 
+       (sprintf "execution of %s completed in %s." fname (hou^min^sec));
+     pp_times fname bench_mode true big_bang;
+     true)
+  with 
+  | End_of_file -> HLog.error "End_of_file?!"; clean_exit baseuri false
   | Sys.Break as exn ->
      if matita_debug then raise exn;
-      HLog.error "user break!";
-      pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
-      if mode = `COMPILER then
-        clean_exit (Some ~-1)
-      else
-        pp_ocaml_mode ()
-  | GrafiteEngine.Drop ->
-      if mode = `COMPILER then 
-        begin
-          pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
-          clean_exit (Some 1)
-        end
-      else 
-        pp_ocaml_mode ()
+     HLog.error "user break!";
+     pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
+     clean_exit baseuri false
   | GrafiteEngine.Macro (floc, f) ->
-      begin match f (get_macro_context !grafite_status) with 
-       | _, GrafiteAst.Inline (_, style, suri, prefix) ->
-         let str =
-          ApplyTransformation.txt_of_inline_macro style suri prefix
-           ~map_unicode_to_tex:(Helm_registry.get_bool
-             "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex") in
-         !out str;
-         compiler_loop fname big_bang mode buf
-       | _ ->
-         let x, y = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
-         HLog.error (sprintf "A macro has been found in a script at %d-%d" x y);
-         if mode = `COMPILER then
-	    begin 
-	       pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
-	       clean_exit (Some 1)
-            end 
-	 else 
-            pp_ocaml_mode ()
-      end
+      ((* THIS CODE IS NOW BROKEN *) HLog.warn "Codice da rivedere";
+      match f (get_macro_context (Some grafite_status)) with 
+      | _, GrafiteAst.Inline (_, style, suri, prefix) ->
+        let str =
+         ApplyTransformation.txt_of_inline_macro style suri prefix
+          ~map_unicode_to_tex:(Helm_registry.get_bool
+            "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex") in
+        print_endline str;
+        compiler_loop fname 
+      | _ ->
+        let x, y = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
+        HLog.error (sprintf "A macro has been found at %d-%d" x y);
+        pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
+        clean_exit baseuri false)
   | HExtlib.Localized (floc,CicNotationParser.Parse_error err) ->
-     let (x, y) = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
-     HLog.error (sprintf "Parse error at %d-%d: %s" x y err);
-     if mode = `COMPILER then
-       begin
-         pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
-         clean_exit (Some 1)
-       end
-     else
-       pp_ocaml_mode ()
+      let (x, y) = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
+      HLog.error (sprintf "Parse error at %d-%d: %s" x y err);
+      pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
+      clean_exit baseuri false
   | exn ->
-      if matita_debug then raise exn;
-      if mode = `COMPILER then 
-        begin
-          pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
-          clean_exit (Some 3)
-        end
-      else 
-        pp_ocaml_mode ()
-exception ReadOnlyUri of string
+       if matita_debug then raise exn;
+       HLog.error (snd (MatitaExcPp.to_string exn));
+       pp_times fname bench_mode false big_bang;
+       clean_exit baseuri false
-let main ~mode = 
-  let big_bang = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+let main () =
   MatitaInit.initialize_all ();
+  (* targets and deps *)
+  let targets = Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.args" in
+  let deps = 
+    match targets with
+    | [] ->
+      (match Librarian.find_roots_in_dir (Sys.getcwd ()) with
+      | [x] -> 
+         HLog.message ("Using the following root: " ^ x);
+         Make.load_deps_file (Filename.dirname x ^ "/depends") 
+      | [] -> 
+         HLog.error "No targets and no root found"; exit 1
+      | roots -> 
+         HLog.error ("Too many roots found, move into one and retry: "^
+           String.concat ", " roots);exit 1);
+    | hd::_ -> 
+      let root, _, _ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script hd in
+      HLog.message ("Using the following root: " ^ root);
+      Make.load_deps_file (root ^ "/depends") 
+  in
   (* must be called after init since args are set by cmdline parsing *)
-  let fname = fname () in
-  if false then
-   (let baseuri =
-    (* This does not work yet :-(
-       let baseuri =
-        GrafiteTypes.get_string_option
-        (match !grafite_status with None -> assert false | Some s -> s)
-        "baseuri" in*)
-    lazy
-      (let _root, buri, _fname = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths:[] fname in
-      buri)
-   in
-   let mangled_baseuri =
-    lazy
-     ( let baseuri = Lazy.force baseuri in
-       let baseuri = String.sub baseuri 5 (String.length baseuri - 5) in
-       let baseuri = Pcre.replace ~pat:"/" ~templ:"_" baseuri in
-        String.uncapitalize baseuri
-     ) in
-   let f =
-    lazy
-     (open_out
-       (Filename.dirname fname ^ "/" ^ Lazy.force mangled_baseuri ^ ".ml")) in
-    LibrarySync.set_object_declaration_hook
-     (fun _ obj ->
-       output_string (Lazy.force f)
-        (CicExportation.ppobj (Lazy.force baseuri) obj);
-       flush (Lazy.force f)));
   let system_mode =  Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.system" in
   let bench_mode =  Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.bench" in
-  if bench_mode then
-    Helm_registry.set_int "matita.verbosity" 0;
-  let include_paths =
-   Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" in
-  grafite_status := Some (GrafiteSync.init ());
-  lexicon_status :=
-   Some (CicNotation2.load_notation ~include_paths
-    BuildTimeConf.core_notation_script);
-  Sys.catch_break true;
-  let origcb = HLog.get_log_callback () in
-  let origcb t s = origcb t ((if system_mode then "[S] " else "") ^ s) in
-  let newcb tag s =
-    match tag with
-    | `Debug | `Message -> ()
-    | `Warning | `Error -> origcb tag s
-  in
-  if Helm_registry.get_int "matita.verbosity" < 1 then
-    HLog.set_log_callback newcb;
+  if bench_mode then Helm_registry.set_int "matita.verbosity" 0;
+  if system_mode then HLog.message "Compiling in system space";
   if bench_mode then MatitaMisc.shutup ();
-  let ich, fname, baseuri = 
-    if fname = "stdin" || fname = "-" then
-      let fname = "/dev/fd/0" in
-      let _,baseuri,fname =
-        Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths:[] fname
-      in
-        stdin, fname, baseuri
-    else
-      let _,baseuri,fname = 
-        Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths fname 
-      in
-        open_in fname, fname, baseuri
-  in
-              (* PUT THIS IN A FUNCTION *)
-        if Http_getter_storage.is_read_only baseuri then begin
-          HLog.error (Printf.sprintf "uri %s belongs to a read-only repository"
-          baseuri);
-          raise (ReadOnlyUri baseuri)
-        end;
-        if (not (Http_getter_storage.is_empty ~local:true baseuri) ||
-            LibraryClean.db_uris_of_baseuri baseuri <> [])
-          then begin
-          HLog.message ("baseuri " ^ baseuri ^ " is not empty");
-          HLog.message ("cleaning baseuri " ^ baseuri);
-          LibraryClean.clean_baseuris [baseuri];
-          assert (Http_getter_storage.is_empty ~local:true baseuri);
-        end;
-        if not (Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.bool "matita.nodisk"
-                  ~default:false) 
-        then
-          HExtlib.mkdir 
-            (Filename.dirname 
-              (Http_getter.filename ~local:true ~writable:true (baseuri ^
-              "foo.con")));
-              (* PUT THIS IN A FUNCTION *)
-  let time = Unix.time () in
-  if Helm_registry.get_int "matita.verbosity" < 1 && not bench_mode then
-    origcb `Message ("compiling " ^ 
-    Filename.basename fname ^ " in " ^ baseuri ^ " ...")
-  else
-    HLog.message (sprintf "execution of %s started in %s:" 
-      (Filename.basename fname) baseuri);
-  let buf = Ulexing.from_utf8_channel ich in
-  compiler_loop fname big_bang mode buf;
-  let elapsed = Unix.time () -. time in
-  let tm = Unix.gmtime elapsed in
-  let sec = string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_sec ^ "''" in
-  let min = 
-    if tm.Unix.tm_min > 0 then (string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_min ^ "' ") else "" 
-  in
-  let hou = 
-    if tm.Unix.tm_hour > 0 then (string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_hour ^ "h ") else ""
-  in
-  let proof_status,moo_content_rev,lexicon_content_rev = 
-    match !lexicon_status,!grafite_status with
-    | Some ss, Some s ->
-       s.proof_status, s.moo_content_rev, 
-        ss.LexiconEngine.lexicon_content_rev
-    | _,_ -> assert false
+  (* here we go *)
+  let module F = 
+    struct 
+      type source_object = string
+      type target_object = string
+      let string_of_source_object s = s;;
+      let string_of_target_object s = s;;
+      let target_of mafile = 
+        let _,baseuri,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script mafile in
+        LibraryMisc.obj_file_of_baseuri 
+          ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true 
+      ;;
+      let mtime_of_source_object s =
+        try Some (Unix.stat s).Unix.st_mtime
+        with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = s -> 
+          raise (Failure ("Unable to stat a source file: " ^ s)) 
+      ;;
+      let mtime_of_target_object s =
+        try Some (Unix.stat s).Unix.st_mtime
+        with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = s -> None
+      ;;
+      let build fname = 
+        let oldfname = 
+          Helm_registry.get_opt
+           Helm_registry.string "matita.filename"
+        in
+        Helm_registry.set_string "matita.filename" fname;
+        let rc = compiler_loop fname in
+        (match oldfname with
+        | Some n -> Helm_registry.set_string "matita.filename" n;
+        | _ -> Helm_registry.unset "matita.filename");
+        rc
+      ;;
+    end 
-  if proof_status <> GrafiteTypes.No_proof then
-   begin
-    HLog.error
-     "there are still incomplete proofs at the end of the script";
-    pp_times fname bench_mode true big_bang;
-    clean_exit (Some 2)
-   end
-  else
-   begin
-     let moo_fname = 
-       LibraryMisc.obj_file_of_baseuri 
-         ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true 
-     in
-     let lexicon_fname= 
-       LibraryMisc.lexicon_file_of_baseuri 
-        ~must_exist:false ~baseuri ~writable:true 
-     in
-     (* FG: we do not generate .moo when dumping .mma files *)
-     if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.moo" then begin
-        GrafiteMarshal.save_moo moo_fname moo_content_rev;
-        LexiconMarshal.save_lexicon lexicon_fname lexicon_content_rev;
-     end;
-     HLog.message 
-       (sprintf "execution of %s completed in %s." fname (hou^min^sec));
-     pp_times fname bench_mode true big_bang;
-     exit 0
-   end
+  let module Make = Make.Make(F) in
+  Make.make deps targets
diff --git a/matita/matitacLib.mli b/matita/matitacLib.mli
index 5e8a2635b..6921ac534 100644
--- a/matita/matitacLib.mli
+++ b/matita/matitacLib.mli
@@ -23,18 +23,7 @@
-val interactive_loop : unit -> unit
-(** go initializes the status and calls interactive_loop *)
-val go : unit -> unit
-val main : mode:[ `COMPILER | `TOPLEVEL ] -> unit
-(** clean_exit n
-  if n = Some n it performs an exit [n] after a complete clean-up of what was
-   partially compiled
-  otherwise it performs the clean-up without exiting
-val clean_exit : int option -> unit
+val main: unit -> unit
 (* this callback is called on the expansion of every inline macro *)
 val set_callback: (string -> unit) -> unit 
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 2fc72ad8a..4e309ae75 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ let main () =
   let ma_files = args in
   (* here we go *)
   (* fills:
-              Hashtbl.add include_deps     ma_file moo_file
+              Hashtbl.add include_deps     ma_file ma_file
               Hashtbl.add include_deps_dot ma_file baseuri
   List.iter (fun ma_file -> ignore (baseuri_of_script ma_file)) ma_files;
diff --git a/matita/ b/matita/
index 7a6503ab3..79ab7683b 100644
--- a/matita/
+++ b/matita/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let main () =
 (*   prerr_endline data; *)
   let is = Ulexing.from_utf8_string data in
-  let gs = GrafiteSync.init () in
+  let gs = GrafiteSync.init "cic:/TPTP/" in
   let ls = 
     CicNotation2.load_notation ~include_paths:[] 
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ let main () =
-        ~clean_baseuri:true
         ls gs is