From 5f5fa5c779fcef187edf08703ae8f56653481bd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Enrico Tassi Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 17:11:33 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] .... --- .../contribs/dama/dama/ | 60 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+) create mode 100644 helm/software/matita/contribs/dama/dama/ diff --git a/helm/software/matita/contribs/dama/dama/ b/helm/software/matita/contribs/dama/dama/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d35e086f --- /dev/null +++ b/helm/software/matita/contribs/dama/dama/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +(**************************************************************************) +(* ___ *) +(* ||M|| *) +(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) +(* ||T|| *) +(* ||I|| Developers: *) +(* ||T|| The HELM team. *) +(* ||A|| *) +(* \ / *) +(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) +(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) +(* *) +(**************************************************************************) + +include "". + + +(* Definition 3.5 *) +alias num (instance 0) = "natural number". +definition property_sigma ≝ + λC:ordered_uniform_space. + ∀U.us_unifbase ? U → + ∃V:sequence (C square → Prop). + (∀i.us_unifbase ? (V i)) ∧ + ∀a:sequence C.∀x:C.a ↑ x → + (∀n.∀i,j.n ≤ i → n ≤ j → V n 〈a i,a j〉) → U 〈a 0,x〉. + +definition max ≝ + λm,n.match leb n m with [true ⇒ m | false ⇒ n]. + +lemma le_max: ∀n,m.m ≤ max n m. +intros; unfold max; apply leb_elim; simplify; intros; [assumption] apply le_n; +qed. + +definition hide ≝ λT:Type.λx:T.x. + +notation < "\blacksquare" non associative with precedence 50 for @{'hide}. +interpretation "hide" 'hide = + (cic:/matita/dama/property_sigma/hide.con _ _). + +(* Lemma 3.6 *) +lemma sigma_cauchy: + ∀O:ordered_uniform_space.property_sigma O → + ∀a:sequence O.∀l:O.a ↑ l → a is_cauchy → a uniform_converges l. +intros 8; cases H1; cases H5; clear H5; +cases (H ? H3); cases H5; clear H5; +letin m ≝ (? : sequence nat_ordered_set); [ + apply (hide (nat→nat)); intro i; elim i (i' Rec); + [1: apply (hide nat);cases (H2 ? (H8 0)) (k _); apply k; + |2: apply (max (hide nat ?) (S Rec)); cases (H2 ? (H8 (S i'))) (k Hk);apply k]] +cut (m is_strictly_increasing) as Hm; [2: + intro n; change with (S (m n) ≤ m (S n)); unfold m; whd in ⊢ (? ? %); apply (le_max ? (S (m n)));] +lapply (selection ?? Hm a l H1) as H10; +lapply (H9 ?? H10) as H11; +[1: exists [apply (m 0)] intros; + apply (ous_convex ?? H3 ? H11 (H6 (m 0))); + simplify; repeat split; + + + \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.2