From c2a490a6bc12986720b2c84d6916854c6931e08d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Claudio Sacerdoti Coen
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:15:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ...
helm/www/matita/download.shtml | 2 +-
helm/www/matita/library.shtml | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/helm/www/matita/download.shtml b/helm/www/matita/download.shtml
index bcafb843f..737ee6379 100644
--- a/helm/www/matita/download.shtml
+++ b/helm/www/matita/download.shtml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
You can download the sources of Matita (around 6 MB, md5sum:
+ href="FILES/matita-0.5.8.orig.tar.gz">sources of Matita (around 6 MB, md5sum:
diff --git a/helm/www/matita/library.shtml b/helm/www/matita/library.shtml
index 3c4246f31..9874142c9 100644
--- a/helm/www/matita/library.shtml
+++ b/helm/www/matita/library.shtml
@@ -15,11 +15,94 @@
The scripts used to generate the knowledge base of
Matita can be browsed on line.
+ The experimental scripts for the next major version of Matita can also be browsed on line.
Large Developments
+ Certified Complexity (CerCo)
+ Matita is being used to certify a cost preserving compiler from a
+ large subset of C into the 8051 machine code. The compiler does not
+ only produce the target code, but it also instruments the source code
+ with precise cost declarations for the execution of O(1) code
+ fragments. This induced cost model for the source language is
+ inherently non compositional since it is affected by the compilation
+ strategy: the same instructions are compiled in different ways in
+ different contexts, yielding different costs.
+ The final aim of the CerCo project is to formally reason on
+ intensional properties on the C code -- e.g. to show that some hard
+ deadline is always met
+ -- and to be sure that the property holds also for the target code.
+ The CerCo project is a FET Open IST project funded by the EU
+ community in the 7th Framework Programme. More informations on the
+ project and the code of the Matita formalization can be found
+ on the CerCo Web site
+ The Basic Picture
+ The scripts present a formalization
+ of some results from the forthcoming book The Basic Picture - Structures for Constructive Topology by Giovanni Sambin.
+ The formalization has been the result of a three years long
+ collaboration between mathematicians from the University of Padova
+ and computer scientists from the University of
+ Bologna, sponsored by the University of Padova. In particular,
+ the groups that collaborated are headed respectively by Prof. Sambin
+ in Padua (formal topology and constructive type theory)
+ and by Prof. Asperti in Bologna (constructive type theory and interactive
+ theorem proving).
+ In particular the scripts present:
+ - the category of Basic Pairs, that are generalizations of
+ topological spaces
+ - the category of Basic Topologies, that are generalizations of
+ formal topologies
+ - the existence of a categorical embedding of the former category
+ into the latter. The embedding is an improvement on the usual
+ adjunction between topological spaces and locales
+ All the results are presented constructively and in the predicative
+ fragment of Matita, without any reference to choice axioms.
+ In order to reason conformtably on the previous concrete categories and
+ functors, we also present algebraic versions of all the introduced
+ notions, as well as categorical embedding of the concrete categories in
+ the algebraized ones. In particular we formalized:
+ - the large category of Overlap Algebras, that extend locales with an
+ axiomatized (= algebraized) overlap binary predicate. The
+ concrete overlap predicate states positively
+ (i.e. without using negation) the existence (in the intuitionistic
+ sense) of a point in the intersection of two sets.
+ The natural morphism over Overlap Algebras are functions for the
+ existential and universal pre and post images of a relation.
+ - the large category of O-Basic Pairs, that algebraize Basic
+ Pairs by means of Overlap Algebras
+ - the large category of O-Basic Topologies, that algebraize Basic
+ Topologies by means of Overlap Algebras
+ - the categorical embedding of Basic Pairs into O-Basic Pairs and
+ of Basic Topologies into O-Basic Topologies
+ - the existence of a categorical embedding of the category
+ of O-Basic Pairs into the category of O-Basic Topologies
+ More information will be available in a forthcoming paper by
+ Claudio Sacerdoti Coen and Enrico Tassi to be
+ published in the Mathematical Structures in Computer Science journal.
The scripts present:
@@ -85,6 +168,29 @@
for more information.
+ Small Developments
+ Pointed regular expressions
+ The script present:
+ - a formalization of the syntax and semantics of pointed regular
+ expressions, that are regular expressions where points are put
+ in front of atoms to describe where the next character recognized
+ by the expression should be. Multiple points represent the union
+ of multiple languages. A pointed regular expression corresponds
+ to a state of a regular automaton for the regular expression
+ obtained erasing all points.
+ - a formalization of the construction of the automaton for a regular
+ expression by means of iterative computation of pointed regular
+ expressions.
+ - a proof of correctness of the construction (to be completed)
+ The development requires the SVN version of Matita to be executed.