]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2004-08-25 Stefano Zacchirolidebian version 0.0.6-6
2004-08-25 Stefano Zacchirolidebian version 0.6.3-2
2004-08-05 Stefano Zacchiroliported location handling to camlp4 3.08
2004-08-05 Stefano Zacchirolifixed some invalid backslash escapes
2004-08-05 Stefano Zacchirolifixed some illegal backslash escapes
2004-08-05 Stefano Zacchirolifixed .mli syntax for polymorphic methods (apparently...
2004-08-05 Stefano Zacchirolifixed some invalid backslash escapes
2004-07-31 Luca Padovani* porting to gtkmathview 0.6.3
2004-07-30 Luca Padovani* fixed bug of multiple selections
2004-07-29 Stefano Zacchiroli(pre-)porting to gtkmathview 0.6.3 && ocaml 3.08
2004-07-27 Luca Padovani* update to version 0.6.4 of the widget
2004-07-27 Stefano Zacchiroliported to ocaml 3.08
2004-07-26 Stefano Zacchiroliported debian stuff to ocaml 3.08
2004-07-20 Andrea AspertiThe type substitution has been moved into Cic.
2004-07-20 Andrea AspertiSubst has been added to the kernel.
2004-07-15 Luca Padovani* split evil let definition (ic, oc) = ... into two...
2004-07-13 Matteo SelmiModified filtering function
2004-07-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... cleanURI now removes also the part that follows the...
2004-07-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... The URI passed to the control frame must be clean ...
2004-07-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... The part after # must be removed for the control frame.
2004-07-05 Stefano ZacchiroliBug fixed: beta_expand did not perform any recursion...
2004-07-05 Stefano Zacchirolicommeted out some debugging instructions
2004-07-05 Stefano Zacchirolicommented out some debugging instructions
2004-07-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: eta_expand did not perform any recursion...
2004-07-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: the beta_expansion function did not lift...
2004-07-01 Andrea Asperti...
2004-07-01 Stefano ZacchiroliNew handling of substitution:
2004-07-01 Stefano Zacchiroliadded (commented) benchmarking code for the disambiguat...
2004-06-28 Andrea Aspertiremoved a useless test on explicit substitutions on...
2004-06-28 Andrea Aspertiuse get_obj to retrieve cic objects instead of typecheck
2004-06-28 Andrea Aspertifixed typo
2004-06-28 Andrea Asperti- new implementation of the apply case in fo_unif using...
2004-06-22 Stefano Zacchiroliugliness changes:
2004-06-18 Matteo SelmiCorrections to "auto" tactic
2004-06-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... elim_tac rewritten almost entirely. It is now based...
2004-06-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... Added new function compare_metasenvs.
2004-06-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... Comments changed.
2004-06-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... - In the case (?i args) vs term the term is now eta...
2004-06-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... New syntax.
2004-06-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... Fourier URIs changed in V8.
2004-06-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... - moogle replaces the old search engine
2004-06-17 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix: ignore proof checker output
2004-06-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... atmost/atleast/exactly constraints are now used only...
2004-06-16 Stefano Zacchiroliin the particular case of simple searches, Andrea atmos...
2004-06-16 Andrea Aspertifirst moogle commit
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... search.xsl added.
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... Added search.xsl (S).
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... Stylesheet whose input is an empty document. It calls the
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... New profile param: searchengineURL
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... Uncommited changes committed.
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... Interface URL can now be setted using the control panel.
2004-06-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... Interface URL can now be setted.
2004-06-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... The normalization of URIs when the DB is empty (or...
2004-06-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... - new stylesheets in the predefined set
2004-06-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... New attributes for ht:* elements proposed by Nijmegen.
2004-06-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... Objects ordering is now case-insensite.
2004-06-02 Enrico Tassifix for proofEngineTypes.mli
2004-06-01 Enrico Tassinew universes implementation
2004-05-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... Ordering is now done in no-case style.
2004-05-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... theory:path/index.theory are not rewritten to theory...
2004-05-31 Matteo SelmiNew filtering function for "Auto" tactic using "just...
2004-05-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... Back compatibility code introduced:
2004-05-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... The theory index.theory, if present, is shown at the...
2004-05-28 Luca Padovani* makeProofTreeURL ported to the new interface
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... .body removed from bread crumb trail
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... Links in the control frame when the URI ends with ...
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... <xsl:import href="toplevel_header.xsl"/>
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... <h1> ==> <h3>
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... stylesheet L added to the metadata chain
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... bread crumb trail added
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... metadataLib.xsl merged into metadataControl.xsl
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... Dead code removed.
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... defaults.js no longer in use
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... Files control.js graphLinks.js utils.js no longer in...
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... Dead code inclusion removed.
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... No longer in use.
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... No longer in use.
2004-05-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... ls2html.xsl no longer in use
2004-05-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... Form to choose the number of nodes to show removed ;-(
2004-05-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... &2C ==> %2C
2004-05-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... Dead code removed.
2004-05-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... New HELM interface almost stable.
2004-05-27 Luca Padovani* it is now possible to set multiple parameters upon...
2004-05-27 Luca Padovani* setpassword passwords swapped
2004-05-27 Luca Padovani* implemented setparams method for setting multiple...
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... param.processorURL added (need by the search engine)
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... target="_top" added to Search.
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Link to the search-engine hard-coded.
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Major interface upgrade still going on. But we are...
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... New icons.
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Major interface upgrade still going on. But we are...
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: ls?baseuri=(cic|theory):/a/ also returned...
2004-05-26 Luca Padovani* getparams returns annotated pairs key,values
2004-05-26 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix in /ls: removed double trailing "/"
2004-05-26 Stefano Zacchiroliported to regexp based /ls method
2004-05-26 Stefano Zacchirolichanged /ls method so that regular expressions are...
2004-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Major interface improvements.
2004-05-26 Luca Padovani* bumped to new version
2004-05-26 Luca Padovani* added external documentation in tex format