]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2001-10-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Oooops. I have exchanged the targets of the links to...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Code to share with makeGraphLinks.xsl extracted to...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Code of metadataLib.xsl to share with makeGraphLinks...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: now links to metadata are created iff at...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... metadataControl and demultiplexMutual merged together...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... metadataLib2.xsl renamed makeGraphLinks.xsl and committed.
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Stylesheet to add links menus to graphs added.
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... New procedure to create metadata committed and old...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... mk_meta_graph.xsl and mk_dep_graph.xsl factorised using
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... mk_dep_graph reimplemented using the forward-pointers...
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... RDFURI removed because no more unique.
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Ported to RDF syntax.
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Porting to RDF syntax.
2001-10-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... The cache now supports different RDF URI schema at...
2001-10-22 Ferruccio Guiditemplate mk-mml-op-noannot was modified to allow hidden...
2001-10-18 Luca PadovaniInitial revision
2001-10-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixing: now the link to the graphs produce extended...
2001-10-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... mk_dep_graph.xsl now differentiates the constructors...
2001-10-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... Oooops. After the last commit all the URLs were damaged.
2001-10-17 Stefano ZacchiroliMakefile.in that support some new architectures.
2001-10-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug removed/Feature changed: CIC URIs for inductive...
2001-10-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug related to #xpointer(1/n/m) constructor URI fixed.
2001-10-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation of the graph stuff: now every hard...
2001-10-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... Help method added
2001-10-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation of the graphs stuff: now every hard...
2001-10-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... Commented code removed
2001-10-12 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation of the graph staff: the logic has...
2001-10-12 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation of the graph staff: logic moved
2001-10-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Whoops. Forgot to open the CIC file in the cic window.
2001-10-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Menu in JavaScript substituted to multi-area links...
2001-10-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Code improvement, same functionalities.
2001-10-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation: now the number of nodes is used...
2001-10-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... cvsignore added
2001-10-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... First release checked in
2001-10-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... New graph implementation: the visit is no more pruned...
2001-10-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debian packaging of helmpot-0.0.3
2001-10-04 Claudio Sacerdoti... Many more hard-coded links removed.
2001-10-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... First set of hard-coded URLs removed.
2001-10-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... Absolute path removed thanks to a bug-fixing in Uwobo.
2001-10-01 Claudio Sacerdoti... First implementation of graphs stuff. Working on my...
2001-10-01 Claudio Sacerdoti... New stylesheets for graphs added
2001-10-01 Claudio Sacerdoti... d_c missing
2001-10-01 Claudio Sacerdoti... First implementation of graphs. Working on my notebook...
2001-09-14 Claudio Sacerdoti... * getter.xsl added
2001-08-29 Luca Padovanibug fix (helm selection) and new version (sigh)
2001-08-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Proof explosion blocked after lambda-abstractions.
2001-08-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Proof explosion improved (= avoided) for:
2001-08-29 Andrea Asperti1. Fixati alcuni problemi di indentazione con le rewrite.
2001-08-28 Andrea AspertiEspansione dinamica delle prove per Mozilla/Galeon.
2001-08-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... Upgrade to 0.0.2
2001-08-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... * Title added
2001-08-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... onLoad="window.focus()" added to every interface window
2001-08-22 Luca Padovaniconfigure.in : new version
2001-07-27 Irene SchenaModified Files:
2001-07-27 Irene Schena--------------------------------------------------...
2001-07-26 Irene Schena--------------------------------------------------...
2001-07-26 Irene Schena--------------------------------------------------...
2001-07-26 Andrea AspertiBug in zarith notation corrected.
2001-07-25 Irene Schena--------------------------------------------------...
2001-07-25 Irene Schena--------------------------------------------------...
2001-07-25 Andrea Asperti"Recursive" notation for Z.
2001-07-24 Irene Schena--------------------------------------------------...
2001-07-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... Fixed a problem of Netscape with 'file:///' URL.
2001-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... First version using maction/toggle to navigate proofs.
2001-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... Added explodeall parameter (default="false") to generat...
2001-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... Metadata were broken in MathML presentation mode.
2001-07-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... First partial syncronization between the HTML and the...
2001-07-17 Luca Padovaniadded preliminary support for maction
2001-07-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... Two parameters used but not declared. Fixed.
2001-07-05 Andrea AspertiNotation for ZArith (inside arith.xsl) added.
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... drop_coercion (d_c) inserted in every stylesheet chain
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... mk_meta_theory.xsl added
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Makefile fixed (too many parameters on command line);
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... topurl parameter now passed around
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... First completely working interface for metadata.
2001-06-29 Andrea Asperti":" bug in theory_pres fixed.
2001-06-29 Andrea Aspertismall error inside mk_meta_theory.
2001-06-29 Andrea Aspertimk_meta_theory.xsl added
2001-06-29 Andrea Aspertioccurrences.xsl added
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... ht:OBJECT added;
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... ht:OBJECT added
2001-06-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Total compatibility with Mozilla 9.1 reached with this...
2001-06-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... .cvsignore added
2001-06-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... CIC files are now processed one by one once given the...
2001-06-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... First version of metadata interface.
2001-06-27 Claudio Sacerdoti... Repository created.
2001-06-27 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for new environment variables
2001-06-27 Stefano Zacchiroli# bugfix: rdf tie that proxies rdf_urls_of_uris.db...
2001-06-26 Stefano Zacchiroliadded useful tools for perl debugging:
2001-06-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Format of rdf URIs relaxed
2001-06-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Version modified
2001-06-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Now helm:rdf:... is a valid URI.
2001-06-26 Stefano Zacchiroli* added preliminary support for rdf metadata
2001-06-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... UNICODEvsSYMBOL introduced everywhere. (work completed)
2001-06-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... UNICODEvsSYMBOL introduced
2001-06-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: Compressed was not checked well on control...
2001-06-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Comment removed because XSLT removed the "end-of-line...
2001-06-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... "Bug" appearing under IE only fixed.
2001-06-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... Many modifications to avoid JavaScript security rules of
2001-06-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... resolve_topurl.xsl added