]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2005-06-07 Luca Padovani* generate list elements in correct order
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded test for coercions
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded coercions
2005-06-07 Stefano Zacchiroliimplemented attributes pretty printing
2005-06-07 Stefano Zacchirolihandles "elimCProp" value for class attribute
2005-06-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded object attributes
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiremoved coercions from status
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded support for coercions
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded letin
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded syntax for letin
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassi1) Implemented inference of the outtype for empty induc...
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassichanged match syntax:
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded whd to match argument in guarded_by_destructors;
2005-06-07 Enrico Tassiadded Pp of Cast
2005-06-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded integration entry
2005-06-07 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshort
2005-06-07 Ferruccio Guidicontrol of dependences improved
2005-06-07 Alberto Griggio*** empty log message ***
2005-06-07 Andrea AspertiMy two pennies.
2005-06-06 Stefano Zacchiroli- set monospace buffer using modify_font widget method
2005-06-06 Luca Padovani* update
2005-06-06 Luca Padovani* more to do
2005-06-05 Luca Padovani* added todo file
2005-06-04 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (first version with working pattern matching...
2005-06-04 Ferruccio Guidia contribution about subset theory in an intuitionistic...
2005-06-04 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2005-06-03 Ferruccio Guidicontribution about \lambda-\delta
2005-06-02 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (added typed environment in 2 -> 1 conversion)
2005-06-02 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (first working implementation of parttern...
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassifix_escaping
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassireduce with path
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassipaths trough terms implemented with a nice hack :)
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassisome cosmetic fixes
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassifix
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassiremoved debug prerr_endline
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassifixed classical non-C programmer misunderstooding of...
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassifixed intro.
2005-06-01 Enrico Tassiadded C.Appl [] case
2005-05-31 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (ported to new "typed" ids_to_inner_sort table)
2005-05-31 Stefano ZacchiroliChanged type of ids_to_inner_sort table used in transfo...
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassi added comment
2005-05-31 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (first version with [apparently] working mappi...
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassiimplemented normalize (used in new_metasenv_for_apply)
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassifixed width fonts
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassifixed comments
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassinew shortcuts
2005-05-31 Andrea Aspertiadded colors
2005-05-31 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (the thing on the doorstep)
2005-05-31 Andrea Aspertimore verbose case failure message
2005-05-31 Andrea Aspertiadded chronometer
2005-05-31 Andrea Aspertiadded automathic aliases for _ind _rec and _rect when...
2005-05-31 Andrea Aspertifix
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassiadded automathic aliases for qed and definition
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassiadded shortcuts
2005-05-31 Enrico Tassifix
2005-05-30 Stefano Zacchiroliadded uri_of_term
2005-05-30 Enrico Tassimah...matita.ml
2005-05-30 Andrea Aspertifix
2005-05-30 Andrea Aspertiadded intros n
2005-05-30 Andrea Aspertiadded intros n.
2005-05-30 Andrea Aspertiadded automathic aliases.
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchiroli- commented out no longer needed macros Redo, Undo...
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchirolifixed otags invocation
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchirolicommented out no longer needed macros Redo, Undo, Abort
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchiroliadded %.annot rule to create type annotation files
2005-05-27 Enrico Tassiremoved debug prerr_endline
2005-05-27 Enrico Tassifixed matitac
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchirolirefactored modules structure
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchiroli* fold left/right implemented
2005-05-27 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2005-05-27 Andrea Asperti1. removed obsolete comments
2005-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Now the links to 7 pages at a time are shown. Cool.
2005-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... 256 chars max ==> 1024 chars max (because of Coq)
2005-05-26 Stefano Zacchirolifixed issue with explicit named substitutions
2005-05-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bugs fixed:
2005-05-26 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2005-05-25 Stefano Zacchirolimultiple bindings inside OPT supported
2005-05-25 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix: "match" now works also when no type is provided...
2005-05-25 Stefano Zacchirolilet rec example
2005-05-25 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (first version in which some extensions work...
2005-05-25 Ferruccio Guidisome work for Gares
2005-05-25 Enrico Tassifix
2005-05-25 Enrico Tassifix
2005-05-25 Enrico Tassiapply now tries both to reduce and to not reduce the...
2005-05-25 Enrico Tassi\lambda x.x y ----> \lambda x.(x y)
2005-05-25 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2005-05-24 Stefano Zacchiroliclean typo
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassireverted to ==
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassiadded .theory check
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassifixed missing -syntax when using ocamlopt
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassifixed precedence of \to
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassiadded simpl test script
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassiadded simpl
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassifixed syntax
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassinew simpl semantic (now = and not == since you can...
2005-05-24 Enrico Tassiadded lost elim_intros_tac
2005-05-24 Andrea Aspertifix
2005-05-24 Andrea AspertiAdded a new tactic elim_intros (without simpl of the...
2005-05-24 Andrea Aspertielim -> elim_intros (no simpl)
2005-05-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... Added sql/drop_mowgli_tables.mysql.sql