]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2013-01-27 Wilmer Ricciottiwell-foundedness done
2013-01-27 Andrea Aspertisem_exec_move completed
2013-01-27 Andrea Aspertialmost there
2013-01-26 Andrea AspertiA lot of changes
2013-01-25 Andrea AspertiSplitted unistep_aux
2013-01-25 Wilmer Ricciottistarted unistep
2013-01-25 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress in termination
2013-01-25 Ferruccio Guidi- paths and left residuals: forth case of the equivalen...
2013-01-24 Wilmer Ricciottifinished semantics for termination of match machine
2013-01-24 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-24 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-23 Ferruccio Guidi- paths and left residuals: third case of the equivalen...
2013-01-23 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-22 Andrea Aspertitermination!
2013-01-22 Andrea AspertiUniversal machine
2013-01-22 Wilmer RicciottiRemoved all axioms in unistep_aux
2013-01-21 Wilmer Ricciottiremoved daemons
2013-01-21 Andrea Aspertiuniversal
2013-01-21 Wilmer Ricciottitape_move_obj completed (modulo daemons)
2013-01-21 Wilmer Ricciotticfg_to_obj completed (modulo daemons)
2013-01-21 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-20 Andrea Aspertisemantics of unistep
2013-01-18 Ferruccio Guidi- paths and left residuals: second case of the equivale...
2013-01-18 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress in cfg_to_obj
2013-01-18 Andrea Asperticopy char form obj to cfg at the end
2013-01-18 Andrea Aspertihigh level semantics
2013-01-18 Andrea Aspertihigh level semantics
2013-01-18 Andrea Aspertisemantics of uni_step
2013-01-17 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-17 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-17 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-17 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-17 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-17 Andrea AspertiMoved a list comparison function in the list file
2013-01-17 Andrea Aspertinormal and tuples
2013-01-16 Ferruccio Guidi- paths and left residuals: first case of the equivalen...
2013-01-16 Wilmer Ricciottiadded null character to the alphabet
2013-01-16 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress
2013-01-15 Ferruccio Guidi- some additions and renaming ...
2013-01-15 Wilmer Ricciottiprogress in unistep_aux
2013-01-15 Wilmer Ricciottiunistep_aux
2013-01-15 Wilmer Ricciottimore unistep
2013-01-15 Wilmer Ricciottiunistep_aux
2013-01-15 Andrea Asperticopy finished
2013-01-15 Ferruccio Guidi- a few more lemmas ...
2013-01-15 Andrea Asperticopy.ma
2013-01-14 Wilmer Ricciottimatch.ma completed
2013-01-14 Wilmer Ricciottimatch termination completed, still a small case ignored...
2013-01-14 Wilmer Ricciottiwsem_match finished
2013-01-14 Wilmer Ricciottiadvancement in match
2013-01-14 Andrea AspertiClosed some daemons
2013-01-14 Andrea Aspertinth_current_chars
2013-01-13 Ferruccio Guidistandardization: equivalence between paths and left...
2013-01-11 Wilmer Ricciottimatch almost finished
2013-01-08 Andrea Aspertimore porting to machines that can move without writing
2013-01-08 Wilmer Ricciottiparmove based on end of the tape
2013-01-08 Wilmer Ricciottiporting to machine that can move without writing
2013-01-06 Ferruccio Guididependences update
2013-01-06 Ferruccio Guidirefactoring ...
2013-01-05 Andrea AspertiPorted permutation.ma and fermat_little_theorem.ma
2013-01-03 Andrea Aspertirefactoring
2013-01-03 Andrea AspertiRefactoring
2013-01-03 Andrea AspertiChebishev ported
2013-01-02 Ferruccio Guidilambda: some refactoring + support for subsets of subte...
2013-01-01 Ferruccio Guidi- probe: new application to compute some data on the...
2012-12-30 Ferruccio Guidiupdate in basic_2
2012-12-30 Ferruccio Guidicommit completed! some bugs fixed and some instances...
2012-12-28 Ferruccio Guidixoa: change in naming convenctions for existential...
2012-12-25 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda_delta: programmed renaming to lambdadelta
2012-12-23 Ferruccio Guidi- we introduced the pointer_step rc in the perspective...
2012-12-21 Ferruccio Guidisome renaming ...
2012-12-21 Ferruccio Guidione file was missing .... :(
2012-12-21 Andrea AspertiMany changes
2012-12-21 Andrea Aspertimem/append lemmas
2012-12-21 Andrea Aspertibertrand OK.
2012-12-20 Ferruccio Guidi- nat.ma: cut removed from f_ind :)
2012-12-19 Ferruccio Guidireordering and corrections
2012-12-19 Andrea Aspertibertrand!
2012-12-19 Ferruccio Guidiwe simplified our proof of standardization
2012-12-19 Andrea Aspertisqrt.ma
2012-12-18 Ferruccio Guidi- star.ma: strip lemma and confluence of star
2012-12-18 Andrea Aspertiaddenda
2012-12-18 Andrea Aspertichanges
2012-12-18 Andrea Aspertichebyshev_teta
2012-12-17 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda: some parts commented out, some refactoring
2012-12-17 Andrea AspertiThis line, and those below, will be ignored--
2012-12-17 Andrea Aspertisplitted chebyshev in two parts
2012-12-17 Andrea Aspertirestructuring
2012-12-17 Andrea Aspertibackup copy rm
2012-12-17 Andrea AspertiStill porting chebyshev
2012-12-13 Ferruccio Guidi- we added delimiters to the URL in lambdadelta1
2012-12-12 Ferruccio Guidi- bib refactoring
2012-12-12 Ferruccio Guidilambdadelta1 is now dated with release date of \lambda...
2012-12-11 Ferruccio Guidi- pointer structure simplified
2012-12-10 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda: - normalization theorem completed!
2012-12-10 Andrea AspertiPorting chebyshev
2012-12-10 Andrea AspertiPorting chebyshev
2012-12-09 Ferruccio Guidi- lambda: first half of the standardization theorem...
2012-12-08 Ferruccio Guidi- list.ma: improved notation for constant lists (a...
2012-12-08 Ferruccio Guidi- new pointes can point to any subterm