]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2005-05-19 Stefano Zacchiroli- die on CTRL-C or init.d/... stop instead of resurrecting
2005-05-19 Stefano Zacchiroliunified grammars and lexers in a single one
2005-05-18 Enrico Tassifixed some macros, added test_abort.ma
2005-05-18 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot (implemented level 3 grammar)
2005-05-18 Enrico Tassifixed some TODO in content2pres
2005-05-18 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot, notably:
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot, notably:
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchirolifirst check-in of cic_notation
2005-05-17 Enrico Tassifixed whelp bar
2005-05-17 Enrico Tassifixed Whelp stuff
2005-05-17 Enrico Tassiaded comment
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchirolicosmetic changes
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix: avoid duplicate entries while indexing (changed...
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchiroli- cathes more Mysql errors which could happen during...
2005-05-17 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix in elim, cardinality constraint should >= 1...
2005-05-16 Stefano Zacchiroli- no longer needs PXP
2005-05-16 Enrico Tassiadded images
2005-05-16 Enrico Tassiadded examples
2005-05-16 Enrico Tassiadded comments, fixed history, added loadList to browser
2005-05-16 Enrico Tassisome hacks to make the sequent window pretty nice
2005-05-16 Enrico Tassifixed instance
2005-05-16 Enrico Tassiadded comments
2005-05-15 Alberto Griggioadded saturation.opt to the ignore list
2005-05-15 Alberto Griggiofixes (mainly) to demodulation and meta_convertibility
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for hits table
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchiroliadded list and fill actions
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchirolisync script among databases
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchirolisupport hits table
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchirolisql for filling hits table
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchiroliadded hits table
2005-05-13 Enrico Tassibetter table creator
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchiroliadded "all" table meaning "act on all tables"
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchirolifixed
2005-05-13 Enrico Tassifix bad space
2005-05-13 Enrico Tassinow the extractor manager renames the tables (old table...
2005-05-13 Enrico Tassisome more statements
2005-05-13 Enrico Tassiadded index on refRel and the rename table statements
2005-05-13 Stefano Zacchiroli- ported to new ocaml-http API
2005-05-13 Alberto Griggioexported new_metasenv_for_apply, needed by the paramodu...
2005-05-13 Alberto Griggiofixed demodulation bug
2005-05-13 Alberto Griggiomoved string_of_equality into utils
2005-05-12 Alberto Griggiofirst commit of paramodulation-based theorem proving...
2005-05-12 Enrico Tassifixed memory leak (workaround)
2005-05-12 Stefano Zacchirolifixed Makefile
2005-05-12 Stefano Zacchirolifixed a TODO comment (MUTCASE _is_ implemented)
2005-05-12 Stefano Zacchirolihandling of variables with body
2005-05-11 Stefano Zacchirolihandle XmlPushParser.Parse_error exception
2005-05-11 Stefano Zacchiroliadded Parse_error exception and pretty printing of...
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchirolimore detailed info about peon's problems
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchiroliignores test and test.opt
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchiroli- changes defaults of getxml (format gzipped, don't...
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchirolimoved up xml, now needed by CicParser
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchirolimake use of gzipped type and body
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchirolimoved xmlPushParser in ocaml/xml/ since it does not...
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchirolimade optional dependency on thread library and compile...
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchiroliadded dep on expat
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchiroliocaml/ todo list
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchirolimoved here xmlPushParser.ml and corresponding test
2005-05-10 Stefano Zacchiroliadded 'tags' target (which index both matita/ and ocaml...
2005-05-06 Ferruccio GuidiThe README file was patched
2005-05-06 Ferruccio GuidiToolbox: preliminary version
2005-05-06 Enrico Tassiadded syntax for rewrite (TODO no rewrite-in-Hyp syntax)
2005-05-06 Enrico Tassifactorization of rewrite.
2005-05-05 Stefano Zacchiroli- ported to new CicParser interface which requires...
2005-05-05 Stefano Zacchiroliadded "tags" target to generate vim tags with otags
2005-05-05 Stefano Zacchiroliadded test and test.opt targets
2005-05-05 Stefano Zacchiroli- implemented CicPushParser which parser CIC objects...
2005-05-05 Stefano Zacchiroli- added .cvsignore
2005-05-05 Andrea Aspertitest_instance.ma
2005-05-05 Andrea AspertiSome modifications due to instance.
2005-05-05 Stefano Zacchiroliadded .depend
2005-05-04 Enrico Tassiadded extractor_manager
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassiadded new extractor based on MetadataDb.index_obj
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassisync with SqlStatements
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassiadded DROP statements to sqlStatements
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassimore friendly sqlStatements api
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassiadded examples
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassiadded table_creator (comman line frontend to SqlStatements)
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassiadded sqlStatements module (contains all CREATE TABLE...
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassiadded instance
2005-05-03 Enrico Tassifix for instance
2005-05-03 Andrea AspertiFirst version of instance.
2005-05-02 Enrico Tassiattached auto
2005-05-02 Enrico Tassiattached auto
2005-05-02 Enrico Tassiadded the count table
2005-05-02 Enrico Tassiadded Match (partially) and sync with the count table
2005-05-02 Enrico Tassiadded ast for Match
2005-05-02 Enrico Tassiremoved no_inconcl_aux, no_concl_hyp, no_hyp and added...
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassiadded more assertions on universes when loaded from...
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassiadded the orrible hack to the parser that is needed...
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassihint -> experimental_hint
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassimain constants set is closed with constants types
2005-04-29 Enrico TassiUniverseInconsistency is now wrapper by CicRefine.type_...
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassino more moogle... now whelp (config file name and daemo...
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassiadded dump/restore environment to the debug menu
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassiadded orrible hack to make the current uri visible...
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassicatched UniverseInconsistency
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassiadded parsing time benchmark
2005-04-29 Enrico Tassifixed a typo