]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2004-04-01 Stefano Zacchiroliadded hyperlinks to help message
2004-04-01 Stefano Zacchiroliremoved out of date configuration file
2004-03-31 Matteo SelmitacticChaser modified to avoid double "apply" and to...
2004-03-31 Lionel MamaneMeta files are in METAS subdir
2004-03-31 Lionel MamaneInstall to findlib-defined dest dir, not to stdlib dir
2004-03-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... - provastruct.theory.xml removed (what was that exactly?)
2004-03-28 Ferruccio Guidiupdating and structuring
2004-03-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Algebra => CoRN
2004-03-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... tex notation enabled
2004-03-25 Luca Padovani* the .o files to be used in the dll are now taken...
2004-03-24 Stefano ZacchiroliCSC: hack to make applications of constants that have...
2004-03-24 Luca Padovani* added embedding test (HTML)
2004-03-24 Luca Padovani* added TODO file
2004-03-23 Luca Padovani* added test with MathML really embedded within HTML
2004-03-23 Luca Padovani* implemented click so that the browser is notified...
2004-03-22 Stefano Zacchirolicosmetic alignment change
2004-03-22 Stefano Zacchiroli- implemented real thread killing (in place of the...
2004-03-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... load_document(_,NULL) => unload
2004-03-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... - power notation
2004-03-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2004-03-21 Ferruccio Guidiintroduction updated
2004-03-21 Ferruccio GuidiThe operational semantics of the core language is ready
2004-03-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed for theorems whose statement are like
2004-03-16 Andrea AspertiSorts are no longer all convertible. To be completed...
2004-03-16 Andrea AspertiSorts are no longer all convertible. To be completed...
2004-03-15 Andrea AspertiThis fails.
2004-03-14 Stefano Zacchiroliadded final version of the paper (for the records)
2004-03-14 Stefano Zacchirolitalk committed
2004-03-12 Ferruccio Guidiupdating
2004-03-12 acerioniNew tactic Auto.
2004-03-12 acerioniFirst implementation of the Auto tactic.
2004-03-12 acerioniType of exception changed: from exn to string.
2004-03-10 Ferruccio Guidi- interpreter: the queries are printed before execution
2004-03-10 Claudio Sacerdoti... interpretation_choices not declared
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... escape/unescape no longer works with '+';
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Parameter forgot.
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Partially ported to new disambiguating parser.
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debug code removed.
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Dead code removed.
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... - non empty metasenv after the parsing phase are now...
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: instead of generating "not ()", I generate...
2004-03-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... Meta no longer raise a failure. Instead they return...
2004-03-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... - reindented
2004-03-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... Disambiguation can now return more than one choice.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Quick & dirty patch to overcome a bug of ocamlfind.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Added option -timeout. Default is 5s.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... \Assign and \subst to match the parser.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... MutCase branches must be parsed and printed using ...
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Branch of MutCase must be parsed and printed using...
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging message removed.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... apply_subst did not apply the substitution to the expli...
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Refine now raises only RefineFailure, AssertFailure...
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Wrong error message patched.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... List.nth not guarded by try ... with. Fixed.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging code removed.
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... HelmLogger logging function connected to MathQL Interpr...
2004-03-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Syntax of explicit named substitions syncronized with...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Yet another error in the id regexp: numbers are allowed...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug in guarded_by_destructors (case Rel to a definition...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Big bug fixed: batchParser applied the varsprefix prefi...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Improved output when [ MANY ] occurs.
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... - Improved error messaging.
2004-03-02 Stefano Zacchiroli- ported to latest CicAst.Ident format (Some [] <>...
2004-03-02 Stefano Zacchirolidifferentieted empty substitution list from no substitu...
2004-03-02 Stefano Zacchiroli- regtest now handles more than one interpretation...
2004-03-02 Stefano Zacchiroliadded cast concrete syntax
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... The regression tests now check also the generated disam...
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Regtest fixed. It can now work also with multiple answers.
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... The disambiguation now returns a list of interpretations.
2004-03-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... The disambiguation now returns a list of interpretations.
2004-02-27 Ferruccio Guidinow database interfaces are more abstract
2004-02-26 Ferruccio Guidi- MySQL mode added to the interpreter
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Error message fixed.
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... triciclo.conf.xml ==> gTopLevel.conf.xml
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Added () to MQInit.init.
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation of eat_prods. Some residual problems...
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation of eat_prods.
2004-02-26 Stefano Zacchiroli- better handling of temp files wrt to failures. When...
2004-02-26 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for commands and scripts
2004-02-26 Stefano Zacchiroliadded vim modeline for encoding=utf8
2004-02-26 Stefano Zacchiroliadded command and script ASTs with _debugging_only_...
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: names of just one character were not inserte...
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... One MQInterpreter commit broke regtest.ml. Fixed.
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... Optimization: since an invariant says that the inferred...
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2004-02-26 Claudio Sacerdoti... eqT removed.
2004-02-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Variable redefined. Fixed.
2004-02-24 Stefano Zacchiroliadded mathitaGui.mli
2004-02-24 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2004-02-24 Stefano Zacchiroliadded functions and uris for binary {positive,integer}
2004-02-24 Stefano Zacchiroliadded binary {positive,integer} notation
2004-02-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... New v8.0 URIs.
2004-02-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... More uris ported to V8.0.
2004-02-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... More V8.0 uris.
2004-02-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... More v8.0 URIs.
2004-02-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Porting URIs to V8.0.
2004-02-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Partial porting to V8 URIs.