]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2003-09-09 Luca Padovani* exceptionset -> exception_set
2003-09-08 Luca Padovani* update
2003-09-08 Luca Padovani* code cleanup
2003-09-08 Luca Padovani* IDL file update (and renamed)
2003-09-08 pmasoudiselect and click signal added
2003-09-08 Ferruccio Guidiadded information on the "qdl" article with C.S.C.
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchiroliuse an integer debugging level instead of a boolean one
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchiroli- use hbugs' describe_callback to render apply-hints...
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchirolicommented out gtkmathview's font_size override
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded "start" and "stop" targets for hbugs
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for external configuration of describe_hi...
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded "describe_hint_callback" invoked when a hint...
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchiroli- removed useless status bar
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchirolisend SIGKILL to stop web services
2003-09-07 Stefano Zacchirolicommented out thread killing (we have to wait for a...
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... get_childNodes no longer used ==> major performance...
2003-09-05 Stefano ZacchiroliDefs in context may now have an optional type (when...
2003-09-05 Stefano Zacchiroliadded \neqt macro
2003-09-05 Stefano Zacchiroliadded notation for Ropp and Rinv
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... string ==> id
2003-09-05 Stefano ZacchiroliDefs in context may now have an optional type (when...
2003-09-05 Stefano Zacchirolifixed associativity of some (all!) binary operators
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Replace is now working also over Type.
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Replace tactic fixed. It was not working any longer...
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Notation for Rdiv and Rminus.
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging infos removed.
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... string => id
2003-09-05 Claudio Sacerdoti... Defs in context may now have an optional type (when...
2003-09-05 Stefano Zacchirolireplaced with my generic latex makefile
2003-09-04 Luca Padovani* update with some candidate methods
2003-09-04 Luca Padovani* added test View interface. It is basically empty...
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroli- added a destroy callback
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchirolistart tutors with nice at the lowest priority
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroliavoid deletion of useful .cmi with .PRECIOUS
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchirolicommented out debugging tutor "wait"
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroli- added dot notation for real numbers and basic operati...
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroli- added default URI for new theorems
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for X11 clipboard pasting with CTRL-V...
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded methods to start/stop web services
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded eqT's macro
2003-09-04 pmasoudiscrollbars added & control structure screated
2003-09-04 Stefano Zacchirolifixed typo in eqT's URI
2003-09-04 Ferruccio GuidiCGLocateInductive patched
2003-09-04 Ferruccio Guidiadded the support for the "Locate Inductive Principles...
2003-08-01 Luca Padovani* removed wrong unref
2003-08-01 Luca Padovani* added test .html file for mozilla plugin
2003-08-01 Luca Padovani* a few adjustments and debugging messages added
2003-07-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... Closed induction cases are now pointers to the acontext...
2003-07-31 pmasoudi* added first version of persist stream implementation...
2003-07-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... "proof of X" closed mactions were not selectable
2003-07-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... 1. folded maction are now selectable
2003-07-30 Luca Padovani* mime type updated
2003-07-30 Ferruccio Guidi- support for comments added in mathql_db_map.txt
2003-07-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... Unuseful id removed from hypothesis.
2003-07-30 Ferruccio Guidi- information about the database map added in whatsnew...
2003-07-30 Andrea AspertiEta fixing for MTCases added (that meant to recursively...
2003-07-30 Claudio Sacerdoti... All the ids are now generated by gen_id. (Some of them...
2003-07-29 Luca Padovani* quite a lot of patches in the building stuff
2003-07-29 Ferruccio Guidinew links added
2003-07-29 Andrea AspertiAdded method FalseInd
2003-07-29 Andrea AspertiAdded method "FalseInd".
2003-07-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Prefixes introduced for the generated ids/xrefs. Example:
2003-07-29 Ferruccio Guidi- the mathql interpreter is not helm-dependent any...
2003-07-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Spurious files removed.
2003-07-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... "(" moved from Mtext to Mo. Spaces removed.
2003-07-29 Andrea AspertiAdded method AndInd.
2003-07-28 Andrea AspertiAdded Method "exists".
2003-07-28 Andrea AspertiFew modif in eta-fixing.
2003-07-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... Missing xref for conjectures.
2003-07-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... mathvariant=normal for all the proof ;-)
2003-07-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... background (deprecated) ==> mathbackground
2003-07-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: it could have happened that the tree structu...
2003-07-28 Stefano Zacchiroliuse OCAMLFIND variable instead of "ocamlfind" directly
2003-07-28 Claudio Sacerdoti... - severe bug fixing
2003-07-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Highlighting of changed parts.
2003-07-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... URIs of inductive types and constructors fixed.
2003-07-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Lemma generated wrong URIs (again). Fixed.
2003-07-24 Andrea AspertiComplete beta reduction added to avoid strange case...
2003-07-24 Andrea AspertiExact handled in a better way (no more "NO PROOFS").
2003-07-24 Andrea AspertiThe name of TD proofs was erroneously always set to...
2003-07-24 Andrea AspertiImproved management of conclusions, to avoid repetitions.
2003-07-23 Andrea Asperti- better handling of proof expansion/contraction
2003-07-23 Andrea Asperti- Lemma added to the list of proof arguments
2003-07-22 Andrea AspertiDebugging stuff changed.
2003-07-22 Andrea Asperti"Final" commit that patches termViewer while still...
2003-07-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... - selection attribute of maction is now explicitly...
2003-07-22 Andrea AspertiPrevious commit was erroneous and dit not compile.
2003-07-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging code inserted bug in the code ;-)
2003-07-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... XmlDiff-ing of DOM trees implemented.
2003-07-22 Andrea Asperti1. Modificiations due to the change ot K.Aux
2003-07-21 Andrea AspertiThe Aux argument of conclude is now of type string...
2003-07-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... Interface change: only cobj2obj is exposed.
2003-07-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... Flattening application contexts uncorrectly changed...
2003-07-21 Andrea Asperti** UNTESTED **
2003-07-21 Andrea AspertiWe do not compute inner-types for the metasenv ==>...
2003-07-21 Andrea AspertiRendering of current proofs completed.
2003-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... Reindenting.
2003-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... proof2cic now uses Deannotate.deannoate_term instead...
2003-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... Cic2acic is now responsible of eta-fixing the objects.
2003-07-20 Claudio Sacerdoti... Cic2acic is now responsible of eta-fixing the objects...