]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2005-11-16 Ferruccio Guidiuniversal quantifier added
2005-11-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... The .depend must not be committed! Fixed.
2005-11-16 Stefano Zacchiroliignore bibtex litter
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... 1. handling of tests and tests.opt targets improved
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchiroliadded content level ref
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchiroli- draft of the first part of disambiguation subsection
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... New directory for bad tests with checks on the error...
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging code commented out.
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: wrong exception was raised (instead of retur...
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchirolicic concrete syntax (w/o notation)
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchirolibetter output formatting
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchiroliremoved grammar rule which used to enable things linke...
2005-11-15 Enrico Tassilist_uniq abstracted on equality
2005-11-15 Enrico Tassifixed self and removed more DUMMY... only one left
2005-11-15 Enrico Tassiadded print_grammar
2005-11-15 Enrico Tassiremoved duplicate entry
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchirolitex macros, checked in disambiguation section from...
2005-11-14 Enrico Tassidded missing catch for coercions
2005-11-14 Ferruccio Guidicontribs/PREDICATIVE-TOPOLOGY added as test directory
2005-11-14 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix, use database name
2005-11-14 Andrea AspertiIntroduction, again.:
2005-11-14 Stefano Zacchirolifirst draft of db filling script
2005-11-14 Andrea AspertiIntroduction (partial).
2005-11-14 Andrea AspertiIntroduction.
2005-11-11 Enrico Tassiadded an example of reduction of R' and some comments...
2005-11-11 Andrea AspertiDefinition of system T.
2005-11-10 Stefano Zacchirolipaper skeleton
2005-11-10 Andrea AspertiSeveral changes.
2005-11-10 Andrea AspertiA couple more of references.
2005-11-10 Andrea Aspertitypos
2005-11-10 Stefano Zacchiroliadded Makefile, llncs style, cvsignore
2005-11-10 Andrea AspertiHeadings of the matita paper.
2005-11-10 Andrea AspertiExtended bibliography.
2005-11-09 Andrea AspertiAdded an example (well founded recursion).
2005-11-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... Yet another semantics for simplify.
2005-11-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... Yet another semantics for simplify.
2005-11-08 Enrico Tassifix
2005-11-08 Enrico Tassifixed inductive types demonstrations
2005-11-08 Andrea AspertiTypos.
2005-11-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure now printed.
2005-11-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging code removed.
2005-11-08 Claudio Sacerdoti... New syntax for the outtype of a match.
2005-11-08 Enrico Tassiadded some stuff on inductive types
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Refinement of a Cast was bugged.
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... AssertFailure from the type-checker now becomes an...
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Let-ins with types can now be produced.
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Avoid generation of let x = let rec x = ... in x in...
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Let-ins with types can be produced.
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Syntactic change:
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Syntactic change:
2005-11-07 Claudio Sacerdoti... Duplicated exception definition removed (used to give...
2005-11-07 Andrea AspertiFirst draft of the introduction.
2005-11-07 Stefano Zacchirolichanged script actions keybindings: s/CTRL-XXX/CTRL...
2005-11-07 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix: no longer raise End_of_file for scripts ending...
2005-11-07 Stefano Zacchirolilist sorting (to be completed ...)
2005-11-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded tail function
2005-11-07 Stefano Zacchiroliadded bool_elim (elimination which preserves infos...
2005-11-04 Enrico Tassisince the outtype is now refined correclty some types...
2005-11-04 Enrico Tassirefined outtype used to be discharged
2005-11-04 Claudio Sacerdoti... matita*.opt are now considered as if they were matita*
2005-11-04 Enrico Tassimake profiler silent
2005-11-04 Enrico Tassiadded calbback to make the profiler silent
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for ALT-L expansion of tex macros
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliligature expansion now considers also tex macros
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliexported is_blank
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded ligatures expansion support functions
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for expansion of ligatures ALT-L will...
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchirolibetter distinction of (* *) and (** *) comments
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliavoid losing work on CTRL-N
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliremoved no longer needed dependency on pxp
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchirolifixed typo
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchirolimore structured makefile
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroli"towards a distribution of matita" changes:
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded tilde_expansion of directory settings
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchiroliadded char functions:
2005-11-04 Stefano Zacchirolichanged stack entry representation
2005-11-03 Stefano ZacchiroliBug fix: index.theory dereferentiation works also for...
2005-11-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... Semantic change: I always consider a type with no const...
2005-11-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... Semantic change: elimination of a term whose type is...
2005-11-03 Stefano Zacchirolimissing mlis
2005-11-03 Stefano Zacchirolibetter dependencies among modules and symlinking of...
2005-11-03 Enrico Tassiadded documentation on allowed eliminations
2005-11-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... 1. a simplified version of check_allowed_sort_eliminati...
2005-11-03 Andrea AspertiEuler totient function is multiplicative!
2005-11-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... More exceptions pretty printed.
2005-11-03 Claudio Sacerdoti... Major code semplification in check_allowed_sort_elimina...
2005-11-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Unfinished proof commented out.
2005-11-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Proof of unicity of proofs for:
2005-11-02 Stefano Zacchirolienable static linking of executables (try "make static")
2005-11-02 Stefano Zacchirolirebuilt
2005-11-02 Stefano Zacchiroliadded gcc lib dir for enable static linking of libstdc++
2005-11-02 Claudio Sacerdoti... Maybe this time we will be lucky.
2005-11-02 Enrico Tassi() around tactic terms
2005-11-02 Andrea AspertiTotient function and related files.
2005-11-02 Stefano Zacchirolimatita distribution stuff
2005-11-02 Enrico Tassifix
2005-10-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bugs fixed.
2005-10-29 Ferruccio GuidiAczel categories finished
2005-10-29 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: the wrong mark was chosen for yesterday.