]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassibetter names
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassidisambiguation for ng terms almost there
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassisome new exports
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassinew meta added for ng_disambiguation
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassiexported disambiguate_thing
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassioccurr check fixed
2008-11-12 Enrico Tassimore printings
2008-11-11 Enrico Tassilast fixes
2008-11-11 Claudio Sacerdoti... 1. data structure for lables is now more strict
2008-11-11 Ferruccio Guidi- we now use a streaming architecture (run time gain...
2008-11-09 Claudio Sacerdoti... auto-param "size" missing
2008-11-07 Andrea Aspertidebug=false
2008-11-07 Andrea AspertiSignature_of has been closed with respect to constructors.
2008-11-07 Andrea AspertiThe signature in "retrieve equations" must be extended...
2008-11-07 Enrico Tassisome other simplification
2008-11-07 Enrico Tassiordered_set simplified
2008-11-07 Enrico Tassiexercise ready
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassiexercise ready
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassialmost there
2008-11-06 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2008-11-06 Claudio Sacerdoti... First attempts at the third phase.
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassiadded some news
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassialmost ok
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassinatural deduction support and example split, seems...
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassido not erase sorts
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassibetter error messages. sorts are compared using whd
2008-11-06 Enrico TassiEvil case fixed, the coulde should be more readable
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassiremoved empty lines
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassithe passive set and passive list are expected to have...
2008-11-06 Enrico Tassifixed scripts
2008-11-05 Enrico Tassistill some glitches, but reaching a decent state
2008-11-05 Enrico Tassiusing the new by foo we proved semantics
2008-11-05 Enrico Tassinew internal flags for auto:
2008-11-05 Enrico Tassiduplicate entry in menv avoided
2008-11-05 Enrico Tassifixed script to use auto depth=4
2008-11-04 Enrico Tassieliminazione di un passaggio di transitività in ast2astfe
2008-11-04 Andrea AspertiCalling unification instead of matching when checking...
2008-11-04 Claudio Sacerdoti... - A new interesting elimination principle over inductiv...
2008-11-03 Enrico TassiBDD
2008-11-03 Enrico Tassiremoved prerr_endline
2008-11-03 Enrico Tassidebug=false
2008-11-02 Enrico Tassishannon proved
2008-11-01 Enrico Tassiadded shannon
2008-11-01 Enrico Tassiadded lazy
2008-10-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... Environment simplified.
2008-10-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... No longer used.
2008-10-31 Claudio Sacerdoti... - New dependency for environments on the nesting depth.
2008-10-29 Andrea AspertiPropagation of changes in paramodulation.
2008-10-29 Andrea AspertiExported a couple of functions.
2008-10-29 Andrea AspertiAdded a in_universe function
2008-10-29 Andrea Aspertipropagation of changes in other paramodulation files.
2008-10-29 Andrea AspertiNew demod function working for arbitary goals.
2008-10-29 Enrico Tassimodels ported
2008-10-29 Andrea AspertiEnforcing the disjoint invariant between metasenvs.
2008-10-29 Andrea AspertiMain change: added a parameter to build_equality_proof...
2008-10-28 Enrico Tassieven more polymorphic dualizer
2008-10-28 Enrico Tassidone
2008-10-28 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-28 Enrico Tassilebesge works
2008-10-27 Enrico TassiWIP
2008-10-27 Enrico Tassimany bugs fixed
2008-10-27 Enrico Tassimetasenv passed to get_relevance, Metas that stand...
2008-10-27 Enrico TassiWIP
2008-10-27 Enrico Tassi_ in place of unused variables
2008-10-27 Enrico TassiImplicit annotationas are now printed
2008-10-27 Enrico Tassiseg_u/l were inverted, more work
2008-10-27 Enrico Tassibig lemma done
2008-10-26 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-26 Enrico Tassiduality done
2008-10-26 Enrico Tassialmost done, just needs to be prforated
2008-10-26 Enrico Tassi....
2008-10-26 Enrico Tassiall done in declarative style
2008-10-25 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-25 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-25 Enrico Tassiduality is a joke
2008-10-24 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-24 Enrico Tassileave-environment axiom made true
2008-10-23 Enrico Tassilebesgue completely dualized
2008-10-22 Ferruccio Guidiwe aligned the implementation to the plmms08 paper
2008-10-21 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-21 Enrico Tassibetter pps
2008-10-21 Enrico Tassi- mk_restricted_irl removed, the non-optimized code...
2008-10-21 Enrico Tassipsubst for metas fixed again
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassinat model ported to the dualized version, but not itsel...
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi... is a command in proof mode, use
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassimore bug fixed (or introduced)
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassiafter a PITA, lebergue is dualized!
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-20 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassisome work on duality, still not finisched
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassigrave notation mistake fixed
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassimore tests
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassi...
2008-10-19 Enrico Tassi...