module Registry = Helm_registry module SQL = HSql module DB = LibraryDb let tbl = Hashtbl.create 50147 let ord = ref 1 let conf_file = ref "heights.conf.xml" let rec mesure db_type dbd prim str = try let h, p = Hashtbl.find tbl str in if prim then begin if p > 0 then Printf.eprintf "Hit %2u: %s\n" (succ p) str; Hashtbl.replace tbl str (h, succ p) end; h with Not_found -> let query = Printf.sprintf "SELECT h_occurrence FROM refObj WHERE source = '%s'" (SQL.escape db_type dbd str) in let result = SQL.exec db_type dbd query in let f res = match res.(0) with | Some str -> mesure db_type dbd false str | None -> assert false in let hs = result ~f in let h = succ (List.fold_left max 0 hs) in Printf.printf "%3u %5u %s\n" h !ord str; flush stdout; ord := succ !ord; let p = if prim then 1 else 0 in Hashtbl.add tbl str (h, p); h let scan_objs db_type dbd = let query = "SELECT source FROM objectName" in let result = SQL.exec db_type dbd query in let f res = match res.(0) with | Some str -> ignore (mesure db_type dbd true str) | None -> assert false in SQL.iter result ~f let _ = Registry.load_from !conf_file; let db_type = DB.dbtype_of_string (Registry.get_string "db.type") in let db_spec = DB.parse_dbd_conf () in let dbd = SQL.quick_connect db_spec in scan_objs db_type dbd