(* $Id$ *) exception Error of string exception Warning of string exception Cannot_cast of string * string type 'a obj type 'a optobj = 'a obj Gpointer.optboxed type clampf = float module Tags = struct type arrow_type = [ `UP|`DOWN|`LEFT|`RIGHT ] type attach_options = [ `EXPAND|`SHRINK|`FILL ] type direction_type = [ `TAB_FORWARD|`TAB_BACKWARD|`UP|`DOWN|`LEFT|`RIGHT ] type justification = [ `LEFT|`RIGHT|`CENTER|`FILL ] type match_type = [ `ALL|`ALL_TAIL|`HEAD|`TAIL|`EXACT|`LAST ] type metric_type = [ `PIXELS|`INCHES|`CENTIMETERS ] type orientation = [ `HORIZONTAL|`VERTICAL ] type corner_type = [ `TOP_LEFT|`BOTTOM_LEFT|`TOP_RIGHT|`BOTTOM_RIGHT ] type pack_type = [ `START|`END ] type path_type = [ `WIDGET|`WIDGET_CLASS|`CLASS ] type policy_type = [ `ALWAYS|`AUTOMATIC|`NEVER ] type position = [ `LEFT|`RIGHT|`TOP|`BOTTOM ] type preview_type = [ `COLOR|`GRAYSCALE ] type relief_style = [ `NORMAL|`HALF|`NONE ] type resize_mode = [ `PARENT|`QUEUE|`IMMEDIATE ] type signal_run_type = [ `FIRST|`LAST|`BOTH|`NO_RECURSE|`ACTION|`NO_HOOKS ] type scroll_type = [ `NONE|`STEP_FORWARD|`STEP_BACKWARD|`PAGE_BACKWARD|`PAGE_FORWARD|`JUMP ] type selection_mode = [ `SINGLE|`BROWSE|`MULTIPLE|`EXTENDED ] type shadow_type = [ `NONE|`IN|`OUT|`ETCHED_IN|`ETCHED_OUT ] type state_type = [ `NORMAL|`ACTIVE|`PRELIGHT|`SELECTED|`INSENSITIVE ] type submenu_direction = [ `LEFT|`RIGHT ] type submenu_placement = [ `TOP_BOTTOM|`LEFT_RIGHT ] type toolbar_style = [ `ICONS|`TEXT|`BOTH ] type trough_type = [ `NONE|`START|`END|`JUMP ] type update_type = [ `CONTINUOUS|`DISCONTINUOUS|`DELAYED ] type visibility = [ `NONE|`PARTIAL|`FULL ] type window_position = [ `NONE|`CENTER|`MOUSE|`CENTER_ALWAYS ] type window_type = [ `TOPLEVEL|`DIALOG|`POPUP ] type sort_type = [ `ASCENDING|`DESCENDING ] type fundamental_type = [ `INVALID|`NONE|`CHAR|`BOOL|`INT|`UINT|`LONG|`ULONG|`FLOAT|`DOUBLE |`STRING|`ENUM|`FLAGS|`BOXED|`FOREIGN|`CALLBACK|`ARGS|`POINTER |`SIGNAL|`C_CALLBACK|`OBJECT ] type accel_flag = [ `VISIBLE|`SIGNAL_VISIBLE|`LOCKED ] type button_box_style = [ `DEFAULT_STYLE|`SPREAD|`EDGE|`START|`END ] type expand_type = [ `X|`Y|`BOTH|`NONE ] type packer_options = [ `PACK_EXPAND|`FILL_X|`FILL_Y ] type side_type = [ `TOP|`BOTTOM|`LEFT|`RIGHT ] type anchor_type = [ `CENTER|`NORTH|`NW|`NE|`SOUTH|`SW|`SE|`WEST|`EAST ] type update_policy = [ `ALWAYS|`IF_VALID|`SNAP_TO_TICKS ] type cell_type = [ `EMPTY|`TEXT|`PIXMAP|`PIXTEXT|`WIDGET ] type button_action = [ `SELECTS|`DRAGS|`EXPANDS ] type calendar_display_options = [ `SHOW_HEADING|`SHOW_DAY_NAMES|`NO_MONTH_CHANGE|`SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS |`WEEK_START_MONDAY ] type spin_button_update_policy = [ `ALWAYS|`IF_VALID ] type spin_type = [ `STEP_FORWARD|`STEP_BACKWARD|`PAGE_FORWARD|`PAGE_BACKWARD |`HOME|`END|`USER_DEFINED of float ] type progress_bar_style = [ `CONTINUOUS|`DISCRETE ] type progress_bar_orientation = [ `LEFT_TO_RIGHT|`RIGHT_TO_LEFT|`BOTTOM_TO_TOP|`TOP_TO_BOTTOM ] type dest_defaults = [ `MOTION|`HIGHLIGHT|`DROP|`ALL ] type target_flags = [ `SAME_APP|`SAME_WIDGET ] type font_metric_type = [ `PIXELS|`POINTS ] type font_type = [ `BITMAP|`SCALABLE|`SCALABLE_BITMAP|`ALL ] type font_filter_type = [ `BASE|`USER ] end open Tags type gtk_type type gtk_class type accel_group type style type 'a group = 'a obj option type statusbar_message type statusbar_context type color = { red: float; green: float; blue: float; opacity: float } type rectangle = { x: int; y: int; width: int; height: int } type target_entry = { target: string; flags: target_flags list; info: int } type data = [`data] type adjustment = [`data|`adjustment] type tooltips = [`data|`tooltips] type widget = [`widget] type container = [`widget|`container] type alignment = [`widget|`container|`bin|`alignment] type event_box = [`widget|`container|`bin|`eventbox] type frame = [`widget|`container|`bin|`frame] type aspect_frame = [`widget|`container|`bin|`frame|`aspect] type handle_box = [`widget|`container|`bin|`handlebox] type invisible = [`widget|`container|`bin|`invisible] type item = [`widget|`container|`bin|`item] type list_item = [`widget|`container|`bin|`item|`listitem] type menu_item = [`widget|`container|`bin|`item|`menuitem] type check_menu_item = [`widget|`container|`bin|`item|`menuitem|`checkmenuitem] type radio_menu_item = [`widget|`container|`bin|`item|`menuitem|`checkmenuitem|`radiomenuitem] type tree_item = [`widget|`container|`bin|`item|`treeitem] type viewport = [`widget|`container|`bin|`viewport] type window = [`widget|`container|`bin|`window] type color_selection_dialog = [`widget|`container|`window|`colorseldialog] type dialog = [`widget|`container|`bin|`window|`dialog] type input_dialog = [`widget|`container|`bin|`window|`dialog|`inputdialog] type file_selection = [`widget|`container|`bin|`window|`filesel] type font_selection_dialog = [`widget|`container|`bin|`window|`fontseldialog] type plug = [`widget|`container|`bin|`window|`plug] type box = [`widget|`container|`box] type button_box = [`widget|`container|`box|`bbox] type gamma_curve = [`widget|`container|`bbox|`gamma] type color_selection = [`widget|`container|`box|`colorsel] type combo = [`widget|`container|`box|`combo] type statusbar = [`widget|`container|`box|`statusbar] type button = [`widget|`container|`button] type toggle_button = [`widget|`container|`button|`toggle] type radio_button = [`widget|`container|`button|`toggle|`radio] type option_menu = [`widget|`container|`button|`optionmenu] type clist = [`widget|`container|`clist] type fixed = [`widget|`container|`fixed] type layout = [`widget|`container|`layout] type liste = [`widget|`container|`list] type menu_shell = [`widget|`container|`menushell] type menu = [`widget|`container|`menushell|`menu] type menu_bar = [`widget|`container|`menushell|`menubar] type notebook = [`widget|`container|`notebook] type font_selection = [`widget|`container|`notebook|`fontsel] type packer = [`widget|`container|`packer] type paned = [`widget|`container|`paned] type scrolled_window = [`widget|`container|`scrolled] type socket = [`widget|`container|`socket] type table = [`widget|`container|`table] type toolbar = [`widget|`container|`toolbar] type tree = [`widget|`container|`tree] type calendar = [`widget|`calendar] type drawing_area = [`widget|`drawing] type editable = [`widget|`editable] type entry = [`widget|`editable|`entry] type spin_button = [`widget|`editable|`entry|`spinbutton] type text = [`widget|`editable|`text] type misc = [`widget|`misc] type arrow = [`widget|`misc|`arrow] type image = [`widget|`misc|`image] type label = [`widget|`misc|`label] type tips_query = [`widget|`misc|`label|`tipsquery] type pixmap = [`widget|`misc|`pixmap] type progress = [`widget|`progress] type progress_bar = [`widget|`progress|`progressbar] type range = [`widget|`range] type scale = [`widget|`range|`scale] type scrollbar = [`widget|`range|`scrollbar] type ruler = [`widget|`ruler] type separator = [`widget|`separator]