(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani . * * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding * for the GtkMathView widget. * * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, send a mail to the author. *) open Gaux open Gtk open Gtk_mathview open GtkBase open GtkMathView open GObj exception ErrorLoadingFile of string;; exception ErrorWritingFile of string;; exception ErrorLoadingDOM;; exception NoSelection;; class math_view_signals obj = object inherit GContainer.container_signals obj method clicked = let module S = GtkSignal in let new_clicked = let new_marshaller f x y = MathView.Signals.clicked.S.marshaller (fun e -> f (new Gdome.element e)) x y in { S.name = "clicked"; S.classe = `math_view; S.marshaller = new_marshaller } in GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:new_clicked obj ~after method selection_changed = let module S = GtkSignal in let new_selection_changed = let new_marshaller f x y = MathView.Signals.selection_changed.S.marshaller (function None -> f None | Some e -> f (Some (new Gdome.element e))) x y in { S.name = "selection_changed"; S.classe = `math_view; S.marshaller = new_marshaller } in GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:new_selection_changed obj ~after method element_changed = let module S = GtkSignal in let new_element_changed = let new_marshaller f x y = MathView.Signals.element_changed.S.marshaller (function None -> f None | Some e -> f (Some (new Gdome.element e))) x y in { S.name = "element_changed"; S.classe = `math_view; S.marshaller = new_marshaller } in GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:new_element_changed obj ~after end class math_view obj = object inherit GContainer.container (obj : Gtk_mathview.math_view obj) method connect = new math_view_signals obj method load ~filename = if not (MathView.load obj ~filename) then raise (ErrorLoadingFile filename) method load_tree ~dom = if not (MathView.load_tree obj ~dom:((dom : Gdome.document)#as_Document)) then raise ErrorLoadingDOM method unload = MathView.unload obj method get_selection = match MathView.get_selection obj with None -> None | Some element -> Some (new Gdome.element element) method set_selection element = let element = match element with None -> None | Some element -> Some ((element : Gdome.element)#as_Element) in MathView.set_selection obj element method get_width = MathView.get_width obj method get_height = MathView.get_height obj method get_top = MathView.get_top obj method set_top = MathView.set_top obj method set_adjustments = fun adj1 adj2 -> MathView.set_adjustments obj (GData.as_adjustment adj1) (GData.as_adjustment adj2) method get_hadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_hadjustment obj) method get_vadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_vadjustment obj) method get_buffer = MathView.get_buffer obj method get_frame = new GBin.frame (MathView.get_frame obj) method set_font_size = MathView.set_font_size obj method get_font_size = MathView.get_font_size obj method set_anti_aliasing = MathView.set_anti_aliasing obj method get_anti_aliasing = MathView.get_anti_aliasing obj method set_kerning = MathView.set_kerning obj method get_kerning = MathView.get_kerning obj method set_transparency = MathView.set_transparency obj method get_transparency = MathView.get_transparency obj method set_log_verbosity = MathView.set_log_verbosity obj method get_log_verbosity = MathView.get_log_verbosity obj method export_to_postscript ?(width = 595) ?(height = 822) ?(x_margin = 72) ?(y_margin = 72) ?(disable_colors = false) ~filename () = let result = MathView.export_to_postscript obj ~width ~height ~x_margin ~y_margin ~disable_colors ~filename in if not result then raise (ErrorWritingFile filename) method get_font_manager_type = MathView.get_font_manager_type obj method set_font_manager_type ~fm_type = MathView.set_font_manager_type obj ~fm_type method get_element = match MathView.get_element obj with None -> None | Some element -> Some (new Gdome.element element) method action_get_selected = MathView.action_get_selected obj method action_set_selected = MathView.action_set_selected obj method get_action = match MathView.get_action obj with None -> None | Some ac -> Some (new Gdome.element ac) method action_toggle = MathView.action_toggle obj end let math_view ?adjustmenth ?adjustmentv ?font_size ?font_manager ?border_width ?width ?height ?packing ?show () = let w = MathView.create ?adjustmenth:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmenth) ?adjustmentv:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmentv) () in Container.set w ?border_width ?width ?height; let mathview = pack_return (new math_view w) ~packing ~show in begin match font_size with | Some size -> mathview#set_font_size size | None -> () end; begin match font_manager with | Some manager -> mathview#set_font_manager_type ~fm_type:manager | None -> () end; mathview ;;