(* OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon Copyright (C) <2002-2005> Stefano Zacchiroli This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Http_types;; open Printf;; let debug = ref false let debug_print s = if !debug then prerr_endline (sprintf "[OCaml HTTP] DEBUG: %s" s) let http_version = Http_constants.version let server_string = Http_constants.server_string let string_of_version = function | `HTTP_1_0 -> "HTTP/1.0" | `HTTP_1_1 -> "HTTP/1.1" let version_of_string = function | "HTTP/1.0" -> `HTTP_1_0 | "HTTP/1.1" -> `HTTP_1_1 | invalid_version -> raise (Invalid_HTTP_version invalid_version) let string_of_method = function | `GET -> "GET" | `POST -> "POST" let method_of_string = function | "GET" -> `GET | "POST" -> `POST | invalid_method -> raise (Invalid_HTTP_method invalid_method) let status_of_code = function | 100 -> `Informational `Continue | 101 -> `Informational `Switching_protocols | 200 -> `Success `OK | 201 -> `Success `Created | 202 -> `Success `Accepted | 203 -> `Success `Non_authoritative_information | 204 -> `Success `No_content | 205 -> `Success `Reset_content | 206 -> `Success `Partial_content | 300 -> `Redirection `Multiple_choices | 301 -> `Redirection `Moved_permanently | 302 -> `Redirection `Found | 303 -> `Redirection `See_other | 304 -> `Redirection `Not_modified | 305 -> `Redirection `Use_proxy | 307 -> `Redirection `Temporary_redirect | 400 -> `Client_error `Bad_request | 401 -> `Client_error `Unauthorized | 402 -> `Client_error `Payment_required | 403 -> `Client_error `Forbidden | 404 -> `Client_error `Not_found | 405 -> `Client_error `Method_not_allowed | 406 -> `Client_error `Not_acceptable | 407 -> `Client_error `Proxy_authentication_required | 408 -> `Client_error `Request_time_out | 409 -> `Client_error `Conflict | 410 -> `Client_error `Gone | 411 -> `Client_error `Length_required | 412 -> `Client_error `Precondition_failed | 413 -> `Client_error `Request_entity_too_large | 414 -> `Client_error `Request_URI_too_large | 415 -> `Client_error `Unsupported_media_type | 416 -> `Client_error `Requested_range_not_satisfiable | 417 -> `Client_error `Expectation_failed | 500 -> `Server_error `Internal_server_error | 501 -> `Server_error `Not_implemented | 502 -> `Server_error `Bad_gateway | 503 -> `Server_error `Service_unavailable | 504 -> `Server_error `Gateway_time_out | 505 -> `Server_error `HTTP_version_not_supported | invalid_code -> raise (Invalid_code invalid_code) let code_of_status = function | `Informational `Continue -> 100 | `Informational `Switching_protocols -> 101 | `Success `OK -> 200 | `Success `Created -> 201 | `Success `Accepted -> 202 | `Success `Non_authoritative_information -> 203 | `Success `No_content -> 204 | `Success `Reset_content -> 205 | `Success `Partial_content -> 206 | `Redirection `Multiple_choices -> 300 | `Redirection `Moved_permanently -> 301 | `Redirection `Found -> 302 | `Redirection `See_other -> 303 | `Redirection `Not_modified -> 304 | `Redirection `Use_proxy -> 305 | `Redirection `Temporary_redirect -> 307 | `Client_error `Bad_request -> 400 | `Client_error `Unauthorized -> 401 | `Client_error `Payment_required -> 402 | `Client_error `Forbidden -> 403 | `Client_error `Not_found -> 404 | `Client_error `Method_not_allowed -> 405 | `Client_error `Not_acceptable -> 406 | `Client_error `Proxy_authentication_required -> 407 | `Client_error `Request_time_out -> 408 | `Client_error `Conflict -> 409 | `Client_error `Gone -> 410 | `Client_error `Length_required -> 411 | `Client_error `Precondition_failed -> 412 | `Client_error `Request_entity_too_large -> 413 | `Client_error `Request_URI_too_large -> 414 | `Client_error `Unsupported_media_type -> 415 | `Client_error `Requested_range_not_satisfiable -> 416 | `Client_error `Expectation_failed -> 417 | `Server_error `Internal_server_error -> 500 | `Server_error `Not_implemented -> 501 | `Server_error `Bad_gateway -> 502 | `Server_error `Service_unavailable -> 503 | `Server_error `Gateway_time_out -> 504 | `Server_error `HTTP_version_not_supported -> 505 let is_informational code = match status_of_code code with | `Informational _ -> true | _ -> false let is_success code = match status_of_code code with | `Success _ -> true | _ -> false let is_redirection code = match status_of_code code with | `Redirection _ -> true | _ -> false let is_client_error code = match status_of_code code with | `Client_error _ -> true | _ -> false let is_server_error code = match status_of_code code with | `Server_error _ -> true | _ -> false let is_error code = is_client_error code || is_server_error code