1.3. A complete example: The readme DTD

The reason for readme was that I often wrote two versions of files such as README and INSTALL which explain aspects of a distributed software archive; one version was ASCII-formatted, the other was written in HTML. Maintaining both versions means double amount of work, and changes of one version may be forgotten in the other version. To improve this situation I invented the readme DTD which allows me to maintain only one source written as XML document, and to generate the ASCII and the HTML version from it.

In this section, I explain only the DTD. The readme DTD is contained in the PXP distribution together with the two converters to produce ASCII and HTML. Another section of this manual describes the HTML converter.

The documents have a simple structure: There are up to three levels of nested sections, paragraphs, item lists, footnotes, hyperlinks, and text emphasis. The outermost element has usually the type readme, it is declared by

<!ELEMENT readme (sect1+)>
<!ATTLIST readme
          title CDATA #REQUIRED>
This means that this element contains one or more sections of the first level (element type sect1), and that the element has a required attribute title containing character data (CDATA). Note that readme elements must not contain text data.

The three levels of sections are declared as follows:

<!ELEMENT sect1 (title,(sect2|p|ul)+)>

<!ELEMENT sect2 (title,(sect3|p|ul)+)>

<!ELEMENT sect3 (title,(p|ul)+)>
Every section has a title element as first subelement. After the title an arbitrary but non-empty sequence of inner sections, paragraphs and item lists follows. Note that the inner sections must belong to the next higher section level; sect3 elements must not contain inner sections because there is no next higher level.

Obviously, all three declarations allow paragraphs (p) and item lists (ul). The definition can be simplified at this point by using a parameter entity:

<!ENTITY % p.like "p|ul">

<!ELEMENT sect1 (title,(sect2|%p.like;)+)>

<!ELEMENT sect2 (title,(sect3|%p.like;)+)>

<!ELEMENT sect3 (title,(%p.like;)+)>
Here, the entity p.like is nothing but a macro abbreviating the same sequence of declarations; if new elements on the same level as p and ul are later added, it is sufficient only to change the entity definition. Note that there are some restrictions on the usage of entities in this context; most important, entities containing a left paranthesis must also contain the corresponding right paranthesis.

Note that the entity p.like is a parameter entity, i.e. the ENTITY declaration contains a percent sign, and the entity is referred to by %p.like;. This kind of entity must be used to abbreviate parts of the DTD; the general entities declared without percent sign and referred to as &name; are not allowed in this context.

The title element specifies the title of the section in which it occurs. The title is given as character data, optionally interspersed with line breaks (br):

<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA|br)*>
Compared with the title attribute of the readme element, this element allows inner markup (i.e. br) while attribute values do not: It is an error if an attribute value contains the left angle bracket < literally such that it is impossible to include inner elements.

The paragraph element p has a structure similar to title, but it allows more inner elements:

<!ENTITY % text "br|code|em|footnote|a">

<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|%text;)*>
Line breaks do not have inner structure, so they are declared as being empty:
This means that really nothing is allowed within br; you must always write <br></br> or abbreviated <br/>.

Code samples should be marked up by the code tag; emphasized text can be indicated by em:


<!ELEMENT em (#PCDATA|%text;)*>
That code elements are not allowed to contain further markup while em elements do is a design decision by the author of the DTD.

Unordered lists simply consists of one or more list items, and a list item may contain paragraph-level material:

<!ELEMENT ul (li+)>

<!ELEMENT li (%p.like;)*>
Footnotes are described by the text of the note; this text may contain text-level markup. There is no mechanism to describe the numbering scheme of footnotes, or to specify how footnote references are printed.
<!ELEMENT footnote (#PCDATA|%text;)*>
Hyperlinks are written as in HTML. The anchor tag contains the text describing where the link points to, and the href attribute is the pointer (as URL). There is no way to describe locations of "hash marks". If the link refers to another readme document, the attribute readmeref should be used instead of href. The reason is that the converted document has usually a different system identifier (file name), and the link to a converted document must be converted, too.
          href      CDATA #IMPLIED
          readmeref CDATA #IMPLIED
Note that although it is only sensible to specify one of the two attributes, the DTD has no means to express this restriction.

So far the DTD. Finally, here is a document for it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE readme SYSTEM "readme.dtd">
<readme title="How to use the readme converters">
    The <em>readme</em> converter is invoked on the command line by:
    <code>readme [ -text | -html ] input.xml</code>
    Here a list of options:
      <p><code>-text</code>: specifies that ASCII output should be produced</p>
      <p><code>-html</code>: specifies that HTML output should be produced</p>
    The input file must be given on the command line. The converted output is
    printed to <em>stdout</em>.
    The program has been written by
    <a href="mailto:Gerd.Stolpmann@darmstadt.netsurf.de">Gerd Stolpmann</a>.