open Pxp_reader;; open Pxp_types;; open Minilex;; let make_channel s = (* Returns a channel reading the bytes from the string s *) let rd, wr = Unix.pipe() in let ch_rd = Unix.in_channel_of_descr rd in let ch_wr = Unix.out_channel_of_descr wr in ignore (Thread.create (fun () -> output_string ch_wr s; close_out ch_wr; ) () ); ch_rd ;; (**********************************************************************) let t001 () = (* Reads from a string (without recoding it), checks the lexbuf size *) let s = "0123456789abc" in let r = new resolve_read_this_string s in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_iso88591; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); r # change_encoding ""; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some 'a'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos < lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); ignore(nextchar lb); let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some 'c'); let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = None); r # close_in; true ;; let t002 () = (* Like t001, but reads from a channel *) let ch = make_channel "0123456789abc" in let r = new resolve_read_this_channel ch in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_iso88591; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); ignore(nextchar lb); let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); r # change_encoding ""; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some 'a'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos < lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); ignore(nextchar lb); let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some 'c'); let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = None); r # close_in; true ;; let t003 () = (* Tests non-automatic encoding conversion from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 *) let s = "0«»°áàâãäÁÀÂÃÄéèêëíìîïÍÌÎÏóòôõøöÓÒÔÕØÖúùûüýÿÝßç¡¿ñÑ" in let r = new resolve_read_this_string ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 s in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = ref (nextchar lb) in assert (!c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos < lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: because we initialize the resolver with ~fixenc, the resolver can * fill the buffer with more than one byte from the beginning. *) let u = ref "" in while !c <> None do ( match !c with Some x -> u := !u ^ String.make 1 x | None -> () ); c := nextchar lb done; r # close_in; !u = "0\194\171\194\187\194\176\195\161\195\160\195\162\195\163\195\164\195\129\195\128\195\130\195\131\195\132\195\169\195\168\195\170\195\171\195\173\195\172\195\174\195\175\195\141\195\140\195\142\195\143\195\179\195\178\195\180\195\181\195\184\195\182\195\147\195\146\195\148\195\149\195\152\195\150\195\186\195\185\195\187\195\188\195\189\195\191\195\157\195\159\195\167\194\161\194\191\195\177\195\145" ;; let t004 () = (* Tests non-automatic encoding conversion from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 *) let s = "0\194\171\194\187\194\176\195\161\195\160\195\162\195\163\195\164\195\129\195\128\195\130\195\131\195\132\195\169\195\168\195\170\195\171\195\173\195\172\195\174\195\175\195\141\195\140\195\142\195\143\195\179\195\178\195\180\195\181\195\184\195\182\195\147\195\146\195\148\195\149\195\152\195\150\195\186\195\185\195\187\195\188\195\189\195\191\195\157\195\159\195\167\194\161\194\191\195\177\195\145" in let r = new resolve_read_this_string ~fixenc:`Enc_utf8 s in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_iso88591; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = ref (nextchar lb) in assert (!c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos < lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: because we initialize the resolver with ~fixenc, the resolver can * fill the buffer with more than one byte from the beginning. *) let u = ref "" in while !c <> None do ( match !c with Some x -> u := !u ^ String.make 1 x | None -> () ); c := nextchar lb done; r # close_in; !u = "0«»°áàâãäÁÀÂÃÄéèêëíìîïÍÌÎÏóòôõøöÓÒÔÕØÖúùûüýÿÝßç¡¿ñÑ" ;; let t005 () = (* Tests automatic encoding conversion from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 *) let s = "0\194\171\194\187\194\176\195\161\195\160\195\162\195\163\195\164\195\129\195\128\195\130\195\131\195\132\195\169\195\168\195\170\195\171\195\173\195\172\195\174\195\175\195\141\195\140\195\142\195\143\195\179\195\178\195\180\195\181\195\184\195\182\195\147\195\146\195\148\195\149\195\152\195\150\195\186\195\185\195\187\195\188\195\189\195\191\195\157\195\159\195\167\194\161\194\191\195\177\195\145" in let r = new resolve_read_this_string s in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_iso88591; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = ref (nextchar lb) in assert (!c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); let u = ref "" in while !c <> None do ( match !c with Some x -> u := !u ^ String.make 1 x | None -> () ); c := nextchar lb done; r # close_in; !u = "0«»°áàâãäÁÀÂÃÄéèêëíìîïÍÌÎÏóòôõøöÓÒÔÕØÖúùûüýÿÝßç¡¿ñÑ" ;; let t006 () = (* Tests automatic encoding conversion from UTF-16-BE to UTF-8 * This variant invokes change_encoding early. *) let s = "\254\255\0000\000«\000»\000°\000á\000à\000â\000ã\000ä\000Á\000À\000Â\000Ã\000Ä\000é\000è\000ê\000ë\000í\000ì\000î\000ï\000Í\000Ì\000Î\000Ï\000ó\000ò\000ô\000õ\000ø\000ö\000Ó\000Ò\000Ô\000Õ\000Ø\000Ö\000ú\000ù\000û\000ü\000ý\000ÿ\000Ý\000ß\000ç\000¡\000¿\000ñ\000Ñ" in let r = new resolve_read_this_string s in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = ref (nextchar lb) in assert (!c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); r # change_encoding ""; let u = ref "" in while !c <> None do ( match !c with Some x -> u := !u ^ String.make 1 x | None -> () ); c := nextchar lb done; r # close_in; !u = "0\194\171\194\187\194\176\195\161\195\160\195\162\195\163\195\164\195\129\195\128\195\130\195\131\195\132\195\169\195\168\195\170\195\171\195\173\195\172\195\174\195\175\195\141\195\140\195\142\195\143\195\179\195\178\195\180\195\181\195\184\195\182\195\147\195\146\195\148\195\149\195\152\195\150\195\186\195\185\195\187\195\188\195\189\195\191\195\157\195\159\195\167\194\161\194\191\195\177\195\145" ;; let t007 () = (* Tests automatic encoding conversion from UTF-16-BE to UTF-8 * This variant does not invoke change_encoding *) let s = "\254\255\0000\000«\000»\000°\000á\000à\000â\000ã\000ä\000Á\000À\000Â\000Ã\000Ä\000é\000è\000ê\000ë\000í\000ì\000î\000ï\000Í\000Ì\000Î\000Ï\000ó\000ò\000ô\000õ\000ø\000ö\000Ó\000Ò\000Ô\000Õ\000Ø\000Ö\000ú\000ù\000û\000ü\000ý\000ÿ\000Ý\000ß\000ç\000¡\000¿\000ñ\000Ñ" in let r = new resolve_read_this_string s in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in Anonymous in let c = ref (nextchar lb) in assert (!c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); let u = ref "" in while !c <> None do ( match !c with Some x -> u := !u ^ String.make 1 x | None -> () ); c := nextchar lb done; r # close_in; !u = "0\194\171\194\187\194\176\195\161\195\160\195\162\195\163\195\164\195\129\195\128\195\130\195\131\195\132\195\169\195\168\195\170\195\171\195\173\195\172\195\174\195\175\195\141\195\140\195\142\195\143\195\179\195\178\195\180\195\181\195\184\195\182\195\147\195\146\195\148\195\149\195\152\195\150\195\186\195\185\195\187\195\188\195\189\195\191\195\157\195\159\195\167\194\161\194\191\195\177\195\145" ;; (**********************************************************************) let t100 () = (* Reads from a file without recoding it *) let r = new resolve_as_file () in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let cwd = Sys.getcwd() in let lb = r # open_in (System ("file://localhost" ^ cwd ^ "/t100.dat")) in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) for i = 1 to 8 do ignore(nextchar lb); done; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); r # close_in; true ;; let t101 () = (* Reads from a file without recoding it *) let r = new resolve_as_file () in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let cwd = Sys.getcwd() in let lb = r # open_in (System ("//localhost" ^ cwd ^ "/t100.dat")) in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) for i = 1 to 8 do ignore(nextchar lb); done; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); r # close_in; true ;; let t102 () = (* Reads from a file without recoding it *) let r = new resolve_as_file () in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let cwd = Sys.getcwd() in let lb = r # open_in (System (cwd ^ "/t100.dat")) in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) for i = 1 to 8 do ignore(nextchar lb); done; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); r # close_in; true ;; let t103 () = (* Reads from a file without recoding it *) let r = new resolve_as_file () in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in (System "t100.dat") in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) for i = 1 to 8 do ignore(nextchar lb); done; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); r # close_in; true ;; (**********************************************************************) let t110 () = (* Checks whether relative URLs are properly handled *) let r = new resolve_as_file () in r # init_rep_encoding `Enc_utf8; r # init_warner (new drop_warnings); let lb = r # open_in (System "t100.dat") in let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '0'); assert (lb.Lexing.lex_curr_pos = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len); (* Note: the end of lb.lex_buffer is filled up, so lb.lex_curr_pos must * now be at the end of the buffer indicating that the buffer is now * empty. *) for i = 1 to 8 do ignore(nextchar lb); done; let r' = r # clone in let lb' = r' # open_in (System "t100.dat") in let c = nextchar lb' in assert (c = Some '0'); for i = 1 to 8 do ignore(nextchar lb'); done; let c = nextchar lb' in assert (c = Some '9'); r' # close_in; let c = nextchar lb in assert (c = Some '9'); r # close_in; true ;; (**********************************************************************) (* Tests whether the encoding handling of System IDs is okay *) let t200 () = (* Check the technique for the following tests: * [Checks also 'combine' to some extent.) *) let r1 = new resolve_read_this_string ~id:(System "b.xml") ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 "ae" in let r2 = new resolve_read_this_string ~id:(System "a.xml") ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 " ]> &ae;" in let r = new combine [ r1; r2 ] in (* It should now be possible to resolve &ae; *) let _ = Pxp_yacc.parse_document_entity { Pxp_yacc.default_config with Pxp_yacc.encoding = `Enc_iso88591 } (Pxp_yacc.ExtID(System "a.xml", r)) Pxp_yacc.default_spec in true ;; let t201 () = (* Check that System IDs are converted to UTF-8. rep_encoding = ISO-8859-1 *) let r1 = new resolve_read_this_string ~id:(System "\195\164.xml") (* This is an UTF-8 "ä"! *) ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 "ae" in let r2 = new resolve_read_this_string ~id:(System "a.xml") ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 " ]> &ae;" in let r = new combine [ r1; r2 ] in (* It should now be possible to resolve &ae; *) let _ = Pxp_yacc.parse_document_entity { Pxp_yacc.default_config with Pxp_yacc.encoding = `Enc_iso88591 } (Pxp_yacc.ExtID(System "a.xml", r)) Pxp_yacc.default_spec in true ;; let t202 () = (* Check that System IDs are converted to UTF-8. rep_encoding = UTF-8 *) let r1 = new resolve_read_this_string ~id:(System "\195\164.xml") ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 "ae" in let r2 = new resolve_read_this_string ~id:(System "a.xml") ~fixenc:`Enc_iso88591 " ]> &ae;" in let r = new combine [ r1; r2 ] in (* It should now be possible to resolve &ae; *) let _ = Pxp_yacc.parse_document_entity { Pxp_yacc.default_config with Pxp_yacc.encoding = `Enc_utf8 } (Pxp_yacc.ExtID(System "a.xml", r)) Pxp_yacc.default_spec in true ;; (**********************************************************************) let test f n = try print_string ("Reader test " ^ n); flush stdout; if f() then print_endline " ok" else print_endline " FAILED!!!!"; with error -> print_endline (" FAILED: " ^ string_of_exn error) ;; test t001 "001";; test t002 "002";; test t003 "003";; test t004 "004";; test t005 "005";; test t006 "006";; test t007 "007";; test t100 "100";; test t101 "101";; test t102 "102";; test t103 "103";; test t110 "110";; test t200 "200";; test t201 "201";; test t202 "202";;