Require Export Xml. Section prova. Inductive tree : Set := node : forest -> tree with forest : Set := leaf : forest | cons : tree -> forest -> forest. Fixpoint tree_size [t:tree] : nat := Cases t of (node f) => (S (forest_size f)) end with forest_size [f:forest] : nat := Cases f of leaf => (S O) | (cons t f') => (plus (tree_size t) (forest_size f')) end. Theorem a_ab_b: (A,B:Prop)A->(A->B)->B. Auto. Qed. Axiom dummy_axiom: (n,m:nat)(le n m)\/(gt n m). End prova. Print XML Section Disk "examples/prove" prova. Theorem ab_ac_abc: (A,B,C:Prop)(A->B)->(A->C)->A->B/\C. Intros A B C AB AC A1. Split. Show XML File "examples/ab_ac_abc.xml" Proof. Auto. Auto. Qed.