let get_parent id ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids = match Hashtbl.find ids_to_father_ids id with None -> None | Some id -> Some (id, Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id) ;; let get_context ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids = let module P = ProofEngine in let module C = Cic in let rec aux id = match get_parent id ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids with None -> [] | Some (parentid,parent) -> let term = Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id in let binding = match parent with C.Rel _ | C.Var _ | C.Meta _ | C.Sort _ | C.Implicit | C.Cast _ -> [] | C.Prod (n,s,t) when t == term -> [P.Declaration,n,s] | C.Prod _ -> [] | C.Lambda (n,s,t) when t == term -> [P.Declaration,n,s] | C.Lambda _ -> [] | C.LetIn (n,s,t) when t == term -> [P.Definition,n,s] | C.LetIn _ -> [] | C.Appl _ | C.Const _ -> [] | C.Abst _ -> assert false | C.MutInd _ | C.MutConstruct _ | C.MutCase _ -> [] (*CSC: sbagliato: manca il when *) | C.Fix (_,ifl) -> let counter = ref 0 in List.rev_map (function (name,_,ty,bo) -> let res = (P.Definition, C.Name name, C.Fix (!counter,ifl)) in incr counter ; res ) ifl | C.CoFix (_,ifl) -> let counter = ref 0 in List.rev_map (function (name,ty,bo) -> let res = (P.Definition, C.Name name, C.CoFix (!counter,ifl)) in incr counter ; res ) ifl in binding@(aux parentid) in aux ;; exception NotImplemented;; let to_sequent id ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids = let module P = ProofEngine in let term = Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id in let context = get_context ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids id in let type_checker_env_of_context = List.map (function P.Declaration,_,t -> t | P.Definition,_,_ -> raise NotImplemented ) context in let ty = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' type_checker_env_of_context term in ((context,ty) : ProofEngine.sequent) ;;