(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) (******************************************************************************) (* *) (* PROJECT HELM *) (* *) (* Ferruccio Guidi *) (* 30/04/2002 *) (* *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) open Cic open MathQL open MQueryHTML open MQueryUtil (* CIC term inspecting functions ********************************************) let env = ref [] (* metasemv *) let cont = ref [] (* context *) let ie_out (r, b, v) = let pos = string_of_int v ^ if b then " HEAD: " else " TAIL: " in res (pos ^ str_uref r) ^ nl () (* FG: si puo' usare xp_str_uref se si vuole xpointer *) let rec il_out = function | [] -> "" | head :: tail -> ie_out head ^ il_out tail let rec il_max = function | [] -> 0 | (_, _, v) :: tail -> let v0 = il_max tail in if v > v0 then v else v0 let ie_str_uri (u, b, v) = xp_str_uref u let rec il_restrict level = function | [] -> [] | (u, b, v) :: tail -> if v <= level then (u, b, v) :: il_restrict level tail else il_restrict level tail let ie_eq ((u1, f1), b1, v1) ((u2, f2), b2, v2) = UriManager.eq u1 u2 && f1 = f2 && b1 = b2 let rec ie_insert ie = function | [] -> [ie] | head :: tail -> head :: if ie_eq head ie then tail else ie_insert ie tail let degree t = let u0 = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' !env !cont t in let u = CicReduction.whd !cont u0 in let rec deg = function | Sort _ -> 1 | Cast (uu, _) -> deg uu | Prod (_, _, tt) -> deg tt | _ -> 2 in deg u let inspect_uri main l uri tc v term = let d = degree term in let fi = match tc with | t0 :: c0 :: _ -> [t0 + 1; c0] | t0 :: _ -> [t0 + 1] | [] -> [] in ie_insert ((uri, fi), main, 2 * v + d - 1) l let rec inspect_term main l v term = match term with | Rel _ -> l | Meta (_, _) -> l | Sort _ -> l | Implicit -> l | Var u -> inspect_uri main l u [] v term | Const (u, _) -> inspect_uri main l u [] v term | MutInd (u, _, t) -> inspect_uri main l u [t] v term | MutConstruct (u, _, t, c) -> inspect_uri main l u [t; c] v term | Cast (uu, _) -> inspect_term main l v uu | Prod (_, uu, tt) -> let luu = inspect_term false l (v + 1) uu in inspect_term main luu (v + 1) tt | Lambda (_, uu, tt) -> let luu = inspect_term false l (v + 1) uu in inspect_term false luu (v + 1) tt | LetIn (_, uu, tt) -> let luu = inspect_term false l (v + 1) uu in inspect_term false luu (v + 1) tt | Appl m -> inspect_list main l true v m | MutCase (u, _, t, tt, uu, m) -> let lu = inspect_uri main l u [t] (v + 1) term in let ltt = inspect_term false lu (v + 1) tt in let luu = inspect_term false ltt (v + 1) uu in inspect_list main luu false (v + 1) m | Fix (_, m) -> inspect_ind l (v + 1) m | CoFix (_, m) -> inspect_coind l (v + 1) m and inspect_list main l head v = function | [] -> l | tt :: m -> let ltt = inspect_term main l (if head then v else v + 1) tt in inspect_list false ltt false v m and inspect_ind l v = function | [] -> l | (_, _, tt, uu) :: m -> let ltt = inspect_term false l v tt in let luu = inspect_term false ltt v uu in inspect_ind luu v m and inspect_coind l v = function | [] -> l | (_, tt, uu) :: m -> let ltt = inspect_term false l v tt in let luu = inspect_term false ltt v uu in inspect_coind luu v m let rec inspect_backbone = function | Cast (uu, _) -> inspect_backbone uu | Prod (_, _, tt) -> inspect_backbone tt | LetIn (_, uu, tt) -> inspect_backbone tt | t -> inspect_term true [] 0 t let inspect t = inspect_backbone t (* query building functions *************************************************) let issue = ref (fun _ -> true) let save s = let och = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_creat; Open_text] (64 * 6 + 8 * 6 + 4) "MQGenLog.htm" in output_string och s; flush och; s let build_result query = if ! issue query then let html = par () ^ out_query query ^ nl () in let result = Mqint.execute query in save (html ^ out_result result) else "" let build_select (r, b, v) n = let rvar = "ref" ^ string_of_int n in let svar = "str" ^ string_of_int n in let mqs = if b then MQMConclusion else MQConclusion in MQSelect (rvar, MQUse (MQReference [xp_str_uref r], svar), MQIs (MQStringSVar svar, mqs) ) let rec build_inter n = function | [] -> MQPattern (None, [MQBSS], [MQFSS]) | [ie] -> build_select ie n | ie :: il -> MQIntersect (build_select ie n, build_inter (n + 1) il) let restrict_universe query = function [] -> query (* no constraints ===> the universe is the library *) | l -> let universe = MQReference (List.map ie_str_uri l) in MQLetIn ( "universe", universe, MQSelect ( "uri", query, MQSubset ( MQSelect ( "uri2", MQUsedBy (MQListRVar "uri", "pos"), MQOr ( MQIs (MQStringSVar "pos", MQConclusion), MQIs (MQStringSVar "pos", MQMConclusion) ) ), MQListLVar "universe" ) ) ) let init = Mqint.init let close = Mqint.close let locate_query s = (*CSC: next query to be fixed 1) I am exploiting the bug that does not quote '|' 2) I am searching only constants and mutual inductive definition blocks (i.e. no fragment identifier at all) *) MQList (MQSelect ("ref", MQPattern (Some "cic", [MQBSS ; MQBC ".con|.ind"],[]), MQIs (MQFunc (MQName, "ref"), MQCons s ) ) ) let locate s = (*CSC: the code should be: Mqint.execute (locate_query s) *) (*CSC: what follows is the patch to map mutual inductive definition blocks *) (*CSC: URIs (i.e. no fragment identifier at all) to the URIs of the first *) (*CSC: mutual inductive type of their block. *) let MQRefs uris = Mqint.execute (locate_query s) in MQRefs (List.map (function uri -> if String.sub uri (String.length uri - 4) 4 = ".con" then uri else uri ^ "#1/1" ) uris) ;; let locate_html s = build_result (locate_query s);; let levels e c t = env := e; cont := c; let il = inspect t in par () ^ il_out il ^ nl () let call_back f = issue := f let backward e c t level = env := e; cont := c; let il = inspect t in let query = build_inter 0 (il_restrict level il) in let query' = restrict_universe query il in let query'' = MQList query' in par () ^ il_out il ^ build_result query''