open Printf exception Found of string list let ocamlobjinfo = "ocamlobjinfo" let noautolink = "-noautolink" let dummy_opt_cmd = "dummy_ocamlopt" let opt_cmd = "ocamlopt" let libdirs = [ "/lib"; "/usr/lib" ] let exceptions = [ "threads.cma", [ "-lthreads", "-lthreadsnat" ] ] let blanks_RE = Str.regexp "[ \t\r\n]+" let cmxa_RE = Str.regexp "\\.cmxa$" let extra_cfiles_RE = Str.regexp "^.*Extra +C +object +files:\\(.*\\)$" let extra_copts_RE = Str.regexp "^.*Extra +C +options:\\(.*\\)$" let lib_RE = Str.regexp "^lib" let l_RE = Str.regexp "^-l" let opt_line_RE = Str.regexp (sprintf "^\\+ +%s +\\(.*\\)$" dummy_opt_cmd) let trailing_cmxa_RE = Str.regexp ".*\\.cmxa$" let message s = prerr_endline ("STATIC_LINK: " ^ s) let warning s = message ("WARNING: " ^ s) let handle_exceptions ~cma cflag = try let cma_exns = List.assoc (Filename.basename cma) exceptions in let cflag' = List.assoc cflag cma_exns in message (sprintf "using %s exception %s -> %s" cma cflag cflag'); cflag' with Not_found -> cflag let parse_cmdline () = let mine, rest = ref [], ref [] in let is_mine = ref true in Array.iter (function | "--" -> is_mine := false | s when !is_mine -> if Str.string_match lib_RE s 0 then warning (sprintf ("libraries to be statically linked must be specified " ^^ "without heading \"lib\", \"%s\" argument may be wrong") s); mine := s :: !mine | s -> rest := s :: !rest) Sys.argv; if !rest = [] then begin prerr_endline "Usage: static_link [ CLIB .. ] -- COMMAND [ ARG .. ]"; prerr_endline ("Example: static_link pcre expat --" ^ " ocamlfind opt -package pcre,expat -linkpkg -o foo"); exit 0 end; (List.rev !mine), List.rev !rest let extract_opt_flags cmd = let ic = Unix.open_process_in cmd in (try while true do let l = input_line ic in if Str.string_match opt_line_RE l 0 then begin message ("got ocamlopt line: " ^ l); raise (Found (Str.split blanks_RE (Str.matched_group 1 l))); end done; [] (* dummy value *) with | End_of_file -> failwith "compiler command not found" | Found flags -> close_in ic; flags) let cma_of_cmxa = Str.replace_first cmxa_RE ".cma" let find_clib libname = let rec aux = function | [] -> raise Not_found | libdir :: tl -> let fname = sprintf "%s/lib%s.a" libdir libname in if Sys.file_exists fname then fname else aux tl in aux libdirs let a_of_cflag cflag = (* "-lfoo" -> "/usr/lib/libfoo.a" *) let libname = Str.replace_first l_RE "" cflag in find_clib libname let cflags_of_cma fname = let ic = Unix.open_process_in (sprintf "%s %s" ocamlobjinfo fname) in let extra_copts = ref "" in let extra_cfiles = ref "" in (try while true do match input_line ic with | s when Str.string_match extra_copts_RE s 0 -> extra_copts := Str.matched_group 1 s | s when Str.string_match extra_cfiles_RE s 0 -> extra_cfiles := Str.matched_group 1 s | _ -> () done with End_of_file -> ()); close_in ic; let extra_cfiles = List.rev (Str.split blanks_RE !extra_cfiles) in let extra_copts = Str.split blanks_RE !extra_copts in extra_copts @ extra_cfiles let staticize static_libs flags = let static_flags = ((^) "-l") static_libs in let aux ~add_cclib ~cma cflag = let cflag = if List.mem cflag static_flags then (try let a = a_of_cflag cflag in message (sprintf "using static %s instead of shared %s" a cflag); a with Not_found -> warning ("can't find lib for " ^ cflag); cflag) else (handle_exceptions ~cma cflag) in if add_cclib then [ "-cclib"; cflag ] else [ cflag ] in List.fold_right (fun flag acc -> let cma = cma_of_cmxa flag in if Str.string_match trailing_cmxa_RE flag 0 then begin message ("processing native archive: " ^ flag); let cflags = cflags_of_cma cma in let cflags' = List.fold_right (fun cflag acc -> (aux ~add_cclib:true ~cma cflag) @ acc) cflags [] in flag :: (cflags' @ acc) end else (aux ~add_cclib:false ~cma flag) @ acc) flags [] let quote_if_needed s = try ignore (Str.search_forward blanks_RE s 0); "\"" ^ s ^ "\"" with Not_found -> s let main () = let static_libs, args = parse_cmdline () in printf "C libraries to be linked-in: %s\n" (String.concat " " static_libs); flush stdout; let verbose_cmd = sprintf "OCAMLFIND_COMMANDS='ocamlopt=%s' %s -verbose 2>&1" dummy_opt_cmd (String.concat " " ( quote_if_needed args)) in let orig_opt_flags = extract_opt_flags verbose_cmd in message ("original ocamlopt flags: " ^ String.concat " " orig_opt_flags); let opt_flags = staticize static_libs orig_opt_flags in message ("new ocamlopt flags: " ^ String.concat " " opt_flags); let flags = noautolink :: opt_flags in let cmd = String.concat " " (opt_cmd :: flags) in message ("executing command: " ^ cmd); exit (Sys.command cmd) let _ = main ()