(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) open Printf open MatitaGtkMisc open MatitaTypes (** {2 Initialization} *) let _ = MatitaInit.initialize_all () (** {2 GUI callbacks} *) let gui = MatitaGui.instance () let script = let s = MatitaScript.script ~source_view:gui#sourceView ~init:(Lazy.force MatitaEngine.initial_status) ~mathviewer:(MatitaMathView.mathViewer ()) ~urichooser:(fun uris -> try MatitaGui.interactive_uri_choice ~selection_mode:`SINGLE ~title:"Matita: URI chooser" ~msg:"Select the URI" ~hide_uri_entry:true ~hide_try:true ~ok_label:"_Apply" ~ok_action:`SELECT ~copy_cb:(fun s -> gui#sourceView#buffer#insert ("\n"^s^"\n")) () ~id:"boh?" uris with MatitaTypes.Cancel -> []) ~set_star:gui#setStar ~ask_confirmation: (fun ~title ~message -> MatitaGtkMisc.ask_confirmation ~title ~message ~parent:gui#main#toplevel ()) ~develcreator:gui#createDevelopment () in gui#sourceView#source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action (); s#reset (); s#template (); gui#sourceView#source_buffer#end_not_undoable_action (); s (* math viewers *) let _ = let cic_math_view = MatitaMathView.cicMathView_instance () in let sequents_viewer = MatitaMathView.sequentsViewer_instance () in sequents_viewer#load_logo; cic_math_view#set_href_callback (Some (fun uri -> (MatitaMathView.cicBrowser ())#load (`Uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri)))); let browser_observer _ = MatitaMathView.refresh_all_browsers () in let sequents_observer status = sequents_viewer#reset; match status.proof_status with | Incomplete_proof ((proof, goal) as status) -> sequents_viewer#load_sequents status; sequents_viewer#goto_sequent goal | Proof proof -> sequents_viewer#load_logo_with_qed | No_proof -> sequents_viewer#load_logo | Intermediate _ -> assert false (* only the engine may be in this state *) in script#addObserver sequents_observer; script#addObserver browser_observer (** {{{ Debugging *) let _ = if BuildTimeConf.debug then begin gui#main#debugMenu#misc#show (); let addDebugItem ~label callback = let item = GMenu.menu_item ~packing:gui#main#debugMenu_menu#append ~label () in ignore (item#connect#activate callback) in addDebugItem "dump environment to \"env.dump\"" (fun _ -> let oc = open_out "env.dump" in CicEnvironment.dump_to_channel oc; close_out oc); addDebugItem "load environment from \"env.dump\"" (fun _ -> let ic = open_in "env.dump" in CicEnvironment.restore_from_channel ic; close_in ic); addDebugItem "dump universes" (fun _ -> List.iter (fun (u,_,g) -> prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri u); CicUniv.print_ugraph g) (CicEnvironment.list_obj ()) ); addDebugItem "dump environment content" (fun _ -> List.iter (fun (u,_,_) -> prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri u)) (CicEnvironment.list_obj ())); addDebugItem "print selections" (fun () -> let cicMathView = MatitaMathView.cicMathView_instance () in List.iter MatitaLog.debug (cicMathView#string_of_selections)); addDebugItem "dump getter settings" (fun _ -> prerr_endline (Http_getter_env.env_to_string ())); addDebugItem "getter: getalluris" (fun _ -> List.iter prerr_endline (Http_getter.getalluris ())); addDebugItem "dump script status" script#dump; addDebugItem "dump configuration file to ./foo.conf.xml" (fun _ -> Helm_registry.save_to "./foo.conf.xml"); addDebugItem "dump metasenv" (fun _ -> if script#onGoingProof () then MatitaLog.debug (CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] script#proofMetasenv)); addDebugItem "dump coercions Db" (fun _ -> List.iter (fun (s,t,u) -> MatitaLog.debug (UriManager.name_of_uri u ^ ":" ^ UriManager.name_of_uri s ^ " -> " ^ UriManager.name_of_uri t)) (CoercDb.to_list ())); addDebugItem "print top-level grammar entries" CicNotationParser.print_l2_pattern; addDebugItem "dump moo to stderr" (fun _ -> let status = (MatitaScript.instance ())#status in let moo, metadata = status.moo_content_rev in List.iter (fun cmd -> prerr_endline (GrafiteAstPp.pp_command cmd)) (List.rev moo); List.iter (fun m -> prerr_endline (GrafiteAstPp.pp_metadata m)) metadata); addDebugItem "rotate light bulbs" (fun _ -> let nb = gui#main#hintNotebook in nb#goto_page ((nb#current_page + 1) mod 3)); end (** Debugging }}} *) (** {2 Command line parsing} *) let set_matita_mode () = let matita_mode = if Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) = "cicbrowser" then "cicbrowser" else "matita" in Helm_registry.set "matita.mode" matita_mode (** {2 Main} *) let _ = set_matita_mode (); at_exit (fun () -> print_endline "\nThanks for using Matita!\n"); Sys.catch_break true; let args = Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.args" in if Helm_registry.get "matita.mode" = "cicbrowser" then (* cicbrowser *) let browser = MatitaMathView.cicBrowser () in let uri = match args with [] -> "cic:/" | _ -> String.concat " " args in browser#loadInput uri else begin (* matita *) (try gui#loadScript (List.hd args) with Failure _ -> ()); gui#main#mainWin#show (); end; try GtkThread.main () with Sys.Break -> () (* vim:set foldmethod=marker: *)