(* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) open Printf open MatitaGtkMisc open MatitaTypes open MatitaMisc (** {2 Internal status} *) let (get_proof, set_proof, has_proof) = let (current_proof: MatitaTypes.proof option ref) = ref None in ((fun () -> (* get_proof *) match !current_proof with | Some proof -> proof | None -> failwith "No current proof"), (fun proof -> (* set_proof *) current_proof := proof), (fun () -> (* has_proof *) !current_proof <> None)) (** {2 Initialization} *) let _ = Helm_registry.load_from "matita.conf.xml"; GtkMain.Rc.add_default_file BuildTimeConf.gtkrc; GMain.Main.init () let parserr = new MatitaDisambiguator.parserr () let dbd = Mysql.quick_connect ~host:(Helm_registry.get "db.host") ~user:(Helm_registry.get "db.user") ~database:(Helm_registry.get "db.database") () let gui = MatitaGui.instance () let disambiguator = new MatitaDisambiguator.disambiguator ~parserr ~dbd ~chooseUris:(interactive_user_uri_choice ~gui) ~chooseInterp:(interactive_interp_choice ~gui) () let proof_viewer = MatitaMathView.proof_viewer_instance () let sequent_viewer = MatitaMathView.sequent_viewer ~show:true () let sequents_viewer = let set_goal goal = if not (has_proof ()) then assert false; (get_proof ())#set_goal goal in MatitaMathView.sequents_viewer ~notebook:gui#main#sequentsNotebook ~sequent_viewer ~set_goal () let new_proof (proof: MatitaTypes.proof) = let proof_observer _ (status, ()) = let ((uri_opt, _, _, _), _) = status in proof_viewer#load_proof status; in let sequents_observer _ (((_, metasenv, _, _), goal_opt), ()) = sequents_viewer#reset; (match goal_opt with | None -> () | Some goal -> sequents_viewer#load_sequents metasenv; sequents_viewer#goto_sequent goal) in ignore (proof#attach_observer ~interested_in:StatefulProofEngine.all_events sequents_observer); ignore (proof#attach_observer ~interested_in:StatefulProofEngine.all_events proof_observer); proof#notify; set_proof (Some proof) let quit () = (* quit program, asking for confirmation if needed *) if not (has_proof ()) || (ask_confirmation ~gui ~msg:("Proof in progress, are you sure you want to quit?") ()) then GMain.Main.quit () let abort_proof () = if has_proof () then begin set_proof None; sequents_viewer#reset end let proof_handler = { MatitaTypes.get_proof = get_proof; MatitaTypes.abort_proof = abort_proof; MatitaTypes.set_proof = set_proof; MatitaTypes.has_proof = has_proof; MatitaTypes.new_proof = new_proof; MatitaTypes.quit = quit; } let interpreter = let console = gui#console in new MatitaInterpreter.interpreter ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ~dbd () (** {2 Script window handling} *) let script_forward _ = let buf = gui#script#scriptTextView#buffer in let locked_iter = buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked") in if interpreter#evalPhrase (buf#get_text ~start:locked_iter ~stop:buf#end_iter ()); then gui#lockScript (locked_iter#offset + interpreter#endOffset) let script_jump _ = let buf = gui#script#scriptTextView#buffer in let locked_iter = buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked") in let cursor_iter = buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "insert") in let raw_text = buf#get_text ~start:locked_iter ~stop:cursor_iter () in let len = String.length raw_text in let rec parse offset = if offset < len then begin if interpreter#evalPhrase (String.sub raw_text offset (len - offset)) then begin let new_offset = interpreter#endOffset + offset in gui#lockScript (new_offset + locked_iter#offset); parse new_offset end else raise Exit end in try parse 0 with Exit -> () let script_back _ = not_implemented "script_back" let load_script fname = gui#script#scriptTextView#buffer#set_text (input_file fname); gui#script#scriptWin#show (); gui#main#showScriptMenuItem#set_active true (** {2 GUI callbacks} *) let _ = gui#setQuitCallback quit; gui#setPhraseCallback interpreter#evalPhrase; gui#main#debugMenu#misc#hide (); ignore (gui#main#newProofMenuItem#connect#activate (fun _ -> gui#console#clear (); gui#console#show ~msg:"theorem " ())); ignore (gui#main#openMenuItem#connect#activate (fun _ -> match gui#chooseFile () with | None -> () | Some f when is_proof_script f -> load_script f | Some f -> gui#console#echo_error (sprintf "Don't know what to do with file: %s\nUnrecognized file format." f))); connect_button gui#script#scriptWinForwardButton script_forward; connect_button gui#script#scriptWinBackButton script_back; connect_button gui#script#scriptWinJumpButton script_jump; let module A = TacticAst in let hole = CicAst.UserInput in let tac ast _ = ignore (interpreter#evalAst (A.Tactic ast)) in let tac_w_term ast _ = gui#console#clear (); gui#console#show ~msg:(TacticAstPp.pp_tactic ast) (); gui#main#mainWin#present () in let tbar = gui#toolbar in connect_button tbar#introsButton (tac (A.Intros (None, []))); connect_button tbar#applyButton (tac_w_term (A.Apply hole)); connect_button tbar#exactButton (tac_w_term (A.Exact hole)); connect_button tbar#elimButton (tac_w_term (A.Elim (hole, None))); connect_button tbar#elimTypeButton (tac_w_term (A.ElimType hole)); connect_button tbar#splitButton (tac A.Split); connect_button tbar#leftButton (tac A.Left); connect_button tbar#rightButton (tac A.Right); connect_button tbar#existsButton (tac A.Exists); connect_button tbar#reflexivityButton (tac A.Reflexivity); connect_button tbar#symmetryButton (tac A.Symmetry); connect_button tbar#transitivityButton (tac_w_term (A.Transitivity hole)); (* connect_button tbar#simplifyButton FINQUI; *) connect_button tbar#assumptionButton (tac A.Assumption); connect_button tbar#cutButton (tac_w_term (A.Cut hole)); connect_button tbar#autoButton (tac A.Auto) (** *) let _ = if BuildTimeConf.debug then begin gui#main#debugMenu#misc#show (); let addDebugItem ~label callback = let item = GMenu.menu_item ~packing:gui#main#debugMenu_menu#append ~label () in ignore (item#connect#activate callback) in addDebugItem "toggle auto disambiguation" (fun _ -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.auto_disambiguation" (not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.auto_disambiguation"))); addDebugItem "dump proof status to stdout" (fun _ -> print_endline ((get_proof ())#toString)); addDebugItem "print selected terms" (fun () -> let i = ref 0 in List.iter (fun t -> incr i; debug_print (sprintf "%d: %s" !i (CicPp.ppterm t))) sequent_viewer#get_selected_terms) end (** *) let _ = (* CicEnvironment.set_trust (fun _ -> false); *) (try load_script Sys.argv.(1) with Invalid_argument _ -> ()); GtkThread.main ()