(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) type mathml_markup = boxml_markup Mpresentation.mpres and boxml_markup = mathml_markup Box.box type markup = mathml_markup let atop_attributes = [None, "linethickness", "0pt"] let to_unicode = Utf8Macro.unicode_of_tex let rec make_attributes l1 = function | [] -> [] | None :: tl -> make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl | Some s :: tl -> let p,n = List.hd l1 in (p,n,s) :: make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl let box_of_mpres = function Mpresentation.Mobject (_, box) -> box | mpres -> Box.Object ([], mpres) let mpres_of_box = function Box.Object (_, mpres) -> mpres | box -> Mpresentation.Mobject ([], box) let rec genuine_math = function | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], obj) -> not (genuine_box obj) | _ -> true and genuine_box = function | Box.Object ([], mpres) -> not (genuine_math mpres) | _ -> true let rec eligible_math = function | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], Box.Object ([], mpres)) -> eligible_math mpres | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], _) -> false | _ -> true let rec promote_to_math = function | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], Box.Object ([], mpres)) -> promote_to_math mpres | math -> math let small_skip = Mpresentation.Mspace [None, "width", "0.5em"] let box_of mathonly spec attrs children = match children with | [t] -> t | _ -> let kind, spacing, indent = spec in let dress children = if spacing then CicNotationUtil.dress small_skip children else children in if mathonly then Mpresentation.Mrow (attrs, dress children) else let attrs' = (if spacing then [None, "spacing", "0.5em"] else []) @ (if indent then [None, "indent", "0.5em"] else []) @ attrs in match kind with | CicNotationPt.H -> if List.for_all eligible_math children then Mpresentation.Mrow (attrs', dress (List.map promote_to_math children)) else mpres_of_box (Box.H (attrs', List.map box_of_mpres children)) (* | CicNotationPt.H when List.for_all genuine_math children -> Mpresentation.Mrow (attrs', dress children) *) | CicNotationPt.V -> mpres_of_box (Box.V (attrs', List.map box_of_mpres children)) | CicNotationPt.HV -> mpres_of_box (Box.HV (attrs', List.map box_of_mpres children)) | CicNotationPt.HOV -> mpres_of_box (Box.HOV (attrs', List.map box_of_mpres children)) let open_paren = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "(") let closed_paren = Mpresentation.Mo ([], ")") let open_brace = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "{") let closed_brace = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "}") let hidden_substs = Mpresentation.Mtext ([], "{...}") let open_box_paren = Box.Text ([], "(") let closed_box_paren = Box.Text ([], ")") let semicolon = Mpresentation.Mo ([], ";") let toggle_action children = Mpresentation.Maction ([None, "actiontype", "toggle"], children) type child_pos = [ `None | `Left | `Right | `Inner ] let pp_assoc = function | Gramext.LeftA -> "LeftA" | Gramext.RightA -> "RightA" | Gramext.NonA -> "NonA" let pp_pos = function `None -> "`None" | `Left -> "`Left" | `Right -> "`Right" | `Inner -> "`Inner" let is_atomic t = let module P = Mpresentation in let rec aux_mpres = function | P.Mi _ | P.Mo _ | P.Mn _ | P.Ms _ | P.Mtext _ | P.Mspace _ -> true | P.Mobject (_, box) -> aux_box box | P.Maction (_, [mpres]) | P.Mrow (_, [mpres]) -> aux_mpres mpres | _ -> false and aux_box = function | Box.Space _ | Box.Ink _ | Box.Text _ -> true | Box.Object (_, mpres) -> aux_mpres mpres | Box.H (_, [box]) | Box.V (_, [box]) | Box.HV (_, [box]) | Box.HOV (_, [box]) | Box.Action (_, [box]) -> aux_box box | _ -> false in aux_mpres t let add_parens child_prec child_assoc child_pos curr_prec t = if is_atomic t then t else if child_prec < curr_prec || (child_prec = curr_prec && child_assoc = Gramext.LeftA && child_pos <> `Left) || (child_prec = curr_prec && child_assoc = Gramext.RightA && child_pos <> `Right) then (* parens should be added *) match t with | Mpresentation.Mobject (_, box) -> mpres_of_box (Box.H ([], [ open_box_paren; box; closed_box_paren ])) | mpres -> Mpresentation.Mrow ([], [open_paren; t; closed_paren]) else t let render ids_to_uris = let module A = CicNotationPt in let module P = Mpresentation in let use_unicode = true in let lookup_uri = function | None -> None | Some id -> (try Some (Hashtbl.find ids_to_uris id) with Not_found -> None) in let make_href xmlattrs xref uris = let xref_uri = lookup_uri xref in let raw_uris = List.map UriManager.string_of_uri uris in let uri = match xref_uri, raw_uris with | None, [] -> None | Some uri, [] -> Some uri | None, raw_uris -> Some (String.concat " " raw_uris) | Some uri, raw_uris -> Some (String.concat " " (uri :: raw_uris)) in xmlattrs @ make_attributes [Some "helm", "xref"; Some "xlink", "href"] [xref; uri] in let make_xref xref = make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xref] in (* when mathonly is true no boxes should be generated, only mrows *) let rec aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t = match t with | A.AttributedTerm (attr, t) -> aux_attribute xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t attr | A.Num (literal, _) -> let attrs = (RenderingAttrs.number_attributes `MathML) @ make_href xmlattrs xref uris in P.Mn (attrs, literal) | A.Symbol (literal, _) -> let attrs = (RenderingAttrs.symbol_attributes `MathML) @ make_href xmlattrs xref uris in P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode literal) | A.Ident (literal, subst) | A.Uri (literal, subst) -> let attrs = (RenderingAttrs.ident_attributes `MathML) @ make_href xmlattrs xref [] in let name = P.Mi (attrs, to_unicode literal) in (match subst with | Some [] | None -> name | Some substs -> let substs' = box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) [] (open_brace :: (CicNotationUtil.dress semicolon (List.map (fun (name, t) -> box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) [] [ P.Mi ([], name); P.Mo ([], to_unicode "\\def"); aux [] mathonly xref pos prec uris t ]) substs)) @ [ closed_brace ]) (* (CicNotationUtil.dress semicolon (List.map (fun (var, t) -> let var_uri = UriManager.uri_of_string var in let var_name = UriManager.name_of_uri var_uri in let href_attr = Some "xlink", "href", var in box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) [] [ P.Mi ([href_attr], var_name); P.Mo ([], to_unicode "\\def"); aux [] mathonly xref pos prec uris t ]) substs)) *) in let substs_maction = toggle_action [ hidden_substs; substs' ] in box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) [] [ name; substs_maction ]) | A.Literal l -> aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec uris l | A.UserInput -> P.Mtext ([], "%") | A.Layout l -> aux_layout mathonly xref pos prec uris l | A.Magic _ | A.Variable _ -> assert false (* should have been instantiated *) | t -> prerr_endline ("unexpected ast: " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term t); assert false and aux_attribute xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t = function | `Loc _ | `Raw _ -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t | `Level (child_prec, child_assoc) -> let t' = aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos child_prec uris t in add_parens child_prec child_assoc pos prec t' | `IdRef xref -> aux xmlattrs mathonly (Some xref) pos prec uris t | `Href uris' -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris' t | `XmlAttrs xmlattrs -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec uris t and aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec uris l = let attrs = make_href xmlattrs xref uris in (match l with | `Symbol s -> P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s) | `Keyword s -> P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s) | `Number s -> P.Mn (attrs, to_unicode s)) and aux_layout mathonly xref pos prec uris l = let attrs = make_xref xref in let invoke' t = aux [] true None pos prec uris t in match l with | A.Sub (t1, t2) -> P.Msub (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Sup (t1, t2) -> P.Msup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Below (t1, t2) -> P.Munder (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Above (t1, t2) -> P.Mover (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Frac (t1, t2) | A.Over (t1, t2) -> P.Mfrac (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Atop (t1, t2) -> P.Mfrac (atop_attributes @ attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Sqrt t -> P.Msqrt (attrs, invoke' t) | A.Root (t1, t2) -> P.Mroot (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2) | A.Box ((_, spacing, _) as kind, terms) -> let children = aux_children mathonly spacing xref pos prec uris (CicNotationUtil.ungroup terms) in box_of mathonly kind attrs children | A.Group terms -> let children = aux_children mathonly false xref pos prec uris (CicNotationUtil.ungroup terms) in box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) attrs children | A.Break -> assert false (* TODO? *) and aux_children mathonly spacing xref pos prec uris terms = let find_clusters = let rec aux_list first clusters acc = function [] when acc = [] -> List.rev clusters | [] -> aux_list first (List.rev acc :: clusters) [] [] | (A.Layout A.Break) :: tl when acc = [] -> aux_list first clusters [] tl | (A.Layout A.Break) :: tl -> aux_list first (List.rev acc :: clusters) [] tl | [hd] -> let pos' = if first then pos else match pos with `None -> `Right | `Inner -> `Inner | `Right -> `Right | `Left -> `Inner in aux_list false clusters (aux [] mathonly xref pos' prec uris hd :: acc) [] | hd :: tl -> let pos' = match pos, first with `None, true -> `Left | `None, false -> `Inner | `Left, true -> `Left | `Left, false -> `Inner | `Right, _ -> `Inner | `Inner, _ -> `Inner in aux_list false clusters (aux [] mathonly xref pos' prec uris hd :: acc) tl in aux_list true [] [] in let boxify_pres = function [t] -> t | tl -> box_of mathonly (A.H, spacing, false) [] tl in List.map boxify_pres (find_clusters terms) in aux [] false None `None 0 [] let rec print_box (t: CicNotationPres.boxml_markup) = Box.box2xml print_mpres t and print_mpres (t: CicNotationPres.mathml_markup) = Mpresentation.print_mpres print_box t let render_to_boxml id_to_uri t = let xml_stream = print_box (box_of_mpres (render id_to_uri t)) in Xml.add_xml_declaration xml_stream