open Printf exception AssertFailure of string exception MetaSubstFailure of string exception RelToHiddenHypothesis (* TODO remove this exception *) let debug_print = prerr_endline type substitution = (int * Cic.term) list let ppsubst subst = String.concat "\n" ( (fun (idx, term) -> Printf.sprintf "?%d := %s" idx (CicPp.ppterm term)) subst) (**** DELIFT ****) (* the delift function takes in input a metavariable index, an ordered list of * optional terms [t1,...,tn] and a term t, and substitutes every tk = Some * (rel(nk)) with rel(k). Typically, the list of optional terms is the explicit * substitution that is applied to a metavariable occurrence and the result of * the delift function is a term the implicit variable can be substituted with * to make the term [t] unifiable with the metavariable occurrence. In general, * the problem is undecidable if we consider equivalence in place of alpha * convertibility. Our implementation, though, is even weaker than alpha * convertibility, since it replace the term [tk] if and only if [tk] is a Rel * (missing all the other cases). Does this matter in practice? * The metavariable index is the index of the metavariable that must not occur * in the term (for occur check). *) exception NotInTheList;; let position n = let rec aux k = function [] -> raise NotInTheList | (Some (Cic.Rel m))::_ when m=n -> k | _::tl -> aux (k+1) tl in aux 1 ;; (*CSC: this restriction function is utterly wrong, since it does not check *) (*CSC: that the variable that is going to be restricted does not occur free *) (*CSC: in a part of the sequent that is not going to be restricted. *) (*CSC: In particular, the whole approach is wrong; if restriction can fail *) (*CSC: (as indeed it is the case), we can not collect all the restrictions *) (*CSC: and restrict everything at the end ;-( *) let restrict to_be_restricted = let rec erase i n = function [] -> [] | _::tl when List.mem (n,i) to_be_restricted -> None::(erase (i+1) n tl) | he::tl -> he::(erase (i+1) n tl) in let rec aux = function [] -> [] | (n,context,t)::tl -> (n,erase 1 n context,t)::(aux tl) in aux ;; (*CSC: maybe we should rename delift in abstract, as I did in my dissertation *) let delift n subst context metasenv l t = let module S = CicSubstitution in let to_be_restricted = ref [] in let rec deliftaux k = let module C = Cic in function C.Rel m -> if m <=k then C.Rel m (*CSC: che succede se c'e' un Def? Dovrebbe averlo gia' *) (*CSC: deliftato la regola per il LetIn *) (*CSC: FALSO! La regola per il LetIn non lo fa *) else (match List.nth context (m-k-1) with Some (_,C.Def (t,_)) -> (*CSC: Hmmm. This bit of reduction is not in the spirit of *) (*CSC: first order unification. Does it help or does it harm? *) deliftaux k (S.lift m t) | Some (_,C.Decl t) -> (*CSC: The following check seems to be wrong! *) (*CSC: B:Set |- ?2 : Set *) (*CSC: A:Set ; x:?2[A/B] |- ?1[x/A] =?= x *) (*CSC: Why should I restrict ?2 over B? The instantiation *) (*CSC: ?1 := A is perfectly reasonable and well-typed. *) (*CSC: Thus I comment out the following two lines that *) (*CSC: are the incriminated ones. *) (*(* It may augment to_be_restricted *) ignore (deliftaux k (S.lift m t)) ;*) (*CSC: end of bug commented out *) C.Rel ((position (m-k) l) + k) | None -> raise RelToHiddenHypothesis) | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> uri,deliftaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.Meta (i, l1) as t -> if i = n then raise (MetaSubstFailure (sprintf "Cannot unify the metavariable ?%d with a term that has as subterm %s in which the same metavariable occurs (occur check)" i (CicPp.ppterm t))) else (try deliftaux k (S.lift_meta l (List.assoc i subst)) with Not_found -> let rec deliftl j = function [] -> [] | None::tl -> None::(deliftl (j+1) tl) | (Some t)::tl -> let l1' = (deliftl (j+1) tl) in try Some (deliftaux k t)::l1' with RelToHiddenHypothesis | NotInTheList | MetaSubstFailure _ -> to_be_restricted := (i,j)::!to_be_restricted ; None::l1' in let l' = deliftl 1 l1 in C.Meta(i,l')) | C.Sort _ as t -> t | C.Implicit as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (deliftaux k te, deliftaux k ty) | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, deliftaux k s, deliftaux (k+1) t) | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, deliftaux k s, deliftaux (k+1) t) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, deliftaux k s, deliftaux (k+1) t) | C.Appl l -> C.Appl ( (deliftaux k) l) | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> uri,deliftaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> uri,deliftaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst') | C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> uri,deliftaux k t) exp_named_subst in C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst') | C.MutCase (sp,i,outty,t,pl) -> C.MutCase (sp, i, deliftaux k outty, deliftaux k t, (deliftaux k) pl) | C.Fix (i, fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let liftedfl = (fun (name, i, ty, bo) -> (name, i, deliftaux k ty, deliftaux (k+len) bo)) fl in C.Fix (i, liftedfl) | C.CoFix (i, fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let liftedfl = (fun (name, ty, bo) -> (name, deliftaux k ty, deliftaux (k+len) bo)) fl in C.CoFix (i, liftedfl) in let res = try deliftaux 0 t with NotInTheList -> (* This is the case where we fail even first order unification. *) (* The reason is that our delift function is weaker than first *) (* order (in the sense of alpha-conversion). See comment above *) (* related to the delift function. *) debug_print "!!!!!!!!!!! First Order UnificationFailure, but maybe it could have been successful even in a first order setting (no conversion, only alpha convertibility)! Please, implement a better delift function !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ; raise (MetaSubstFailure (sprintf "Error trying to abstract %s over [%s]: the algorithm only tried to abstract over bound variables" (CicPp.ppterm t) (String.concat "; " ( (function Some t -> CicPp.ppterm t | None -> "_") l)))) in res, restrict !to_be_restricted metasenv ;; (**** END OF DELIFT ****) let rec unwind metasenv subst unwinded t = let unwinded = ref unwinded in let frozen = ref [] in let rec um_aux metasenv = let module C = Cic in let module S = CicSubstitution in function C.Rel _ as t -> t,metasenv | C.Var _ as t -> t,metasenv | C.Meta (i,l) -> (try S.lift_meta l (List.assoc i !unwinded), metasenv with Not_found -> if List.mem i !frozen then raise (MetaSubstFailure "Failed to unify due to cyclic constraints (occur check)") else let saved_frozen = !frozen in frozen := i::!frozen ; let res = try let t = List.assoc i subst in let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in let _,metasenv'' = let (_,canonical_context,_) = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in delift i subst canonical_context metasenv' l t' in unwinded := (i,t')::!unwinded ; S.lift_meta l t', metasenv' with Not_found -> (* not constrained variable, i.e. free in subst*) let l',metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun t (tl,metasenv) -> match t with None -> None::tl,metasenv | Some t -> let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in (Some t')::tl, metasenv' ) l ([],metasenv) in C.Meta (i,l'), metasenv' in frozen := saved_frozen ; res ) | C.Sort _ | C.Implicit as t -> t,metasenv | C.Cast (te,ty) -> let te',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv te in let ty',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' ty in C.Cast (te',ty'),metasenv'' | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> let s',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv s in let t',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' t in C.Prod (n, s', t'), metasenv'' | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> let s',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv s in let t',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' t in C.Lambda (n, s', t'), metasenv'' | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> let s',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv s in let t',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' t in C.LetIn (n, s', t'), metasenv'' | C.Appl (he::tl) -> let tl',metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun t (tl,metasenv) -> let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in t'::tl, metasenv' ) tl ([],metasenv) in begin match um_aux metasenv' he with (C.Appl l, metasenv'') -> C.Appl (l@tl'),metasenv'' | (he', metasenv'') -> C.Appl (he'::tl'),metasenv'' end | C.Appl _ -> assert false | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst', metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun (uri,t) (tl,metasenv) -> let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in (uri,t')::tl, metasenv' ) exp_named_subst ([],metasenv) in C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst'),metasenv' | C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst', metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun (uri,t) (tl,metasenv) -> let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in (uri,t')::tl, metasenv' ) exp_named_subst ([],metasenv) in C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst'),metasenv' | C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst', metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun (uri,t) (tl,metasenv) -> let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in (uri,t')::tl, metasenv' ) exp_named_subst ([],metasenv) in C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst'),metasenv' | C.MutCase (sp,i,outty,t,pl) -> let outty',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv outty in let t',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' t in let pl',metasenv''' = List.fold_right (fun p (pl,metasenv) -> let p',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv p in p'::pl, metasenv' ) pl ([],metasenv'') in C.MutCase (sp, i, outty', t', pl'),metasenv''' | C.Fix (i, fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let liftedfl,metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun (name, i, ty, bo) (fl,metasenv) -> let ty',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv ty in let bo',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' bo in (name, i, ty', bo')::fl,metasenv'' ) fl ([],metasenv) in C.Fix (i, liftedfl),metasenv' | C.CoFix (i, fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let liftedfl,metasenv' = List.fold_right (fun (name, ty, bo) (fl,metasenv) -> let ty',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv ty in let bo',metasenv'' = um_aux metasenv' bo in (name, ty', bo')::fl,metasenv'' ) fl ([],metasenv) in C.CoFix (i, liftedfl),metasenv' in let t',metasenv' = um_aux metasenv t in t',metasenv',!unwinded let apply_subst subst t = (* metasenv will not be used nor modified. So, let's use a dummy empty one *) let metasenv = [] in let (t',_,_) = unwind metasenv [] subst t in t' (* apply_subst_reducing subst (Some (mtr,reductions_no)) t *) (* performs as (apply_subst subst t) until it finds an application of *) (* (META [meta_to_reduce]) that, once unwinding is performed, creates *) (* a new beta-redex; in this case up to [reductions_no] consecutive *) (* beta-reductions are performed. *) (* Hint: this function is usually called when [reductions_no] *) (* eta-expansions have been performed and the head of the new *) (* application has been unified with (META [meta_to_reduce]): *) (* during the unwinding the eta-expansions are undone. *) let rec apply_subst_context subst = (function | Some (n, Cic.Decl t) -> Some (n, Cic.Decl (apply_subst subst t)) | Some (n, Cic.Def (t, ty)) -> let ty' = match ty with | None -> None | Some ty -> Some (apply_subst subst ty) in Some (n, Cic.Def (apply_subst subst t, ty')) | None -> None) let rec apply_subst_reducing subst meta_to_reduce t = let rec um_aux = let module C = Cic in let module S = CicSubstitution in function C.Rel _ | C.Var _ as t -> t | C.Meta (i,l) as t -> (try S.lift_meta l (List.assoc i subst) with Not_found -> C.Meta (i,l)) | C.Sort _ as t -> t | C.Implicit as t -> t | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (um_aux te, um_aux ty) | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, um_aux s, um_aux t) | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, um_aux s, um_aux t) | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, um_aux s, um_aux t) | C.Appl (he::tl) -> let tl' = um_aux tl in let t' = match um_aux he with C.Appl l -> C.Appl (l@tl') | _ as he' -> C.Appl (he'::tl') in begin match meta_to_reduce,he with Some (mtr,reductions_no), C.Meta (m,_) when m = mtr -> let rec beta_reduce = function (n,(C.Appl (C.Lambda (_,_,t)::he'::tl'))) when n > 0 -> let he'' = CicSubstitution.subst he' t in if tl' = [] then he'' else beta_reduce (n-1,C.Appl(he''::tl')) | (_,t) -> t in beta_reduce (reductions_no,t') | _,_ -> t' end | C.Appl _ -> assert false | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> (uri,um_aux t)) exp_named_subst in C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst') | C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> (uri,um_aux t)) exp_named_subst in C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst') | C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst) -> let exp_named_subst' = (function (uri,t) -> (uri,um_aux t)) exp_named_subst in C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst') | C.MutCase (sp,i,outty,t,pl) -> C.MutCase (sp, i, um_aux outty, um_aux t, um_aux pl) | C.Fix (i, fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let liftedfl = (fun (name, i, ty, bo) -> (name, i, um_aux ty, um_aux bo)) fl in C.Fix (i, liftedfl) | C.CoFix (i, fl) -> let len = List.length fl in let liftedfl = (fun (name, ty, bo) -> (name, um_aux ty, um_aux bo)) fl in C.CoFix (i, liftedfl) in um_aux t let ppcontext ?(sep = "\n") subst context = String.concat sep (List.rev_map (function | Some (n, Cic.Decl t) -> sprintf "%s : %s" (CicPp.ppname n) (CicPp.ppterm (apply_subst subst t)) | Some (n, Cic.Def (t, ty)) -> sprintf "%s : %s := %s" (CicPp.ppname n) (match ty with | None -> "_" | Some ty -> CicPp.ppterm (apply_subst subst ty)) (CicPp.ppterm (apply_subst subst t)) | None -> "_") context) let ppmetasenv ?(sep = "\n") subst metasenv = String.concat sep ( (fun (i, c, t) -> sprintf "%s |- ?%d: %s" (ppcontext ~sep:"; " subst c) i (CicPp.ppterm (apply_subst subst t))) (List.filter (fun (i, _, _) -> not (List.exists (fun (j, _) -> (j = i)) subst)) metasenv)) (* UNWIND THE MGU INSIDE THE MGU *) let unwind_subst metasenv subst = List.fold_left (fun (unwinded,metasenv) (i,_) -> let (_,canonical_context,_) = CicUtil.lookup_meta i metasenv in let identity_relocation_list = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable canonical_context in let (_,metasenv',subst') = unwind metasenv subst unwinded (Cic.Meta (i,identity_relocation_list)) in subst',metasenv' ) ([],metasenv) subst (* From now on we recreate a kernel abstraction where substitutions are part of * the calculus *) let whd metasenv subst context term = (* TODO unwind's result is thrown away :-( *) let (subst, _) = unwind_subst metasenv subst in let term = apply_subst subst term in let context = apply_subst_context subst context in try CicReduction.whd context term with e -> raise (MetaSubstFailure ("Weak head reduction failure: " ^ Printexc.to_string e)) let are_convertible metasenv subst context t1 t2 = (* TODO unwind's result is thrown away :-( *) let (subst, _) = unwind_subst metasenv subst in let context = apply_subst_context subst context in let (t1, t2) = (apply_subst subst t1, apply_subst subst t2) in CicReduction.are_convertible context t1 t2 let type_of_aux' metasenv subst context term = (* TODO unwind's result is thrown away :-( *) let (subst, _) = unwind_subst metasenv subst in let term = apply_subst subst term in let context = apply_subst_context subst context in let metasenv = (fun (i, c, t) -> (i, apply_subst_context subst c, apply_subst subst t)) (List.filter (fun (i, _, _) -> not (List.exists (fun (j, _) -> (j = i)) subst)) metasenv) in try CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context term with CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure msg -> raise (MetaSubstFailure ("Type checker failure: " ^ msg))