let configuration_file = ref "../../matita/matita.conf.xml";; let core_notation_script = "../../matita/core_notation.ma";; let get_from_user ~(dbd:Mysql.dbd) = let rec get () = match read_line () with | "" -> [] | t -> t::(get ()) in let term_string = String.concat "\n" (get ()) in let env, metasenv, term, ugraph = List.nth (Disambiguate.Trivial.disambiguate_string dbd term_string) 0 in term, metasenv, ugraph ;; let _ = let module S = Saturation in let set_ratio v = S.weight_age_ratio := (v+1); S.weight_age_counter := (v+1) and set_sel v = S.symbols_ratio := v; S.symbols_counter := v; and set_conf f = configuration_file := f and set_lpo () = Utils.compare_terms := Utils.lpo and set_kbo () = Utils.compare_terms := Utils.nonrec_kbo and set_fullred b = S.use_fullred := b and set_time_limit v = S.time_limit := float_of_int v in Arg.parse [ "-f", Arg.Bool set_fullred, "Enable/disable full-reduction strategy (default: enabled)"; "-r", Arg.Int set_ratio, "Weight-Age equality selection ratio (default: 3)"; "-s", Arg.Int set_sel, "symbols-based selection ratio (relative to the weight ratio, default: 2)"; "-c", Arg.String set_conf, "Configuration file (for the db connection)"; "-lpo", Arg.Unit set_lpo, "Use lpo term ordering"; "-kbo", Arg.Unit set_kbo, "Use (non-recursive) kbo term ordering (default)"; "-l", Arg.Int set_time_limit, "Time limit (in seconds)"; ] (fun a -> ()) "Usage:" in Helm_registry.load_from !configuration_file; CicNotation.load_notation core_notation_script; let dbd = Mysql.quick_connect ~host:(Helm_registry.get "db.host") ~user:(Helm_registry.get "db.user") ~database:(Helm_registry.get "db.database") () in let term, metasenv, ugraph = get_from_user ~dbd in Saturation.main dbd term metasenv ugraph;;