(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) module U = NUri module UH = U.UriHash module C = Cps module G = Options module N = Layer module E = Entity module A = Aut module D = Crg (* qualified identifier: uri, name, qualifiers *) type qid = D.uri * D.id * D.id list type context_node = qid option (* context node: None = root *) type status = { path: D.id list; (* current section path *) node: context_node; (* current context node *) nodes: context_node list; (* context node list *) line: int; (* line number *) mk_uri: G.uri_generator; (* uri generator *) } let henv_size, hcnt_size = 7000, 4300 (* hash tables initial sizes *) let henv = UH.create henv_size (* optimized global environment *) let hcnt = UH.create hcnt_size (* optimized context *) (* Internal functions *******************************************************) let empty_cnt = D.empty_lenv let alpha id = if id.[0] >= '0' && id.[0] <= '9' then !G.alpha ^ id else id let add_abst cnt id aw w = let id = if !G.alpha <> "" then alpha id else id in let aw = {aw with E.n_name = Some (id, true); E.n_degr = succ aw.E.n_degr} in D.EBind (cnt, aw, D.Abst (N.two, w)) let mk_lref f a i = f a (D.TLRef (a, i)) let id_of_name (id, _, _) = if !G.alpha <> "" then alpha id else id let mk_qid f lst id path = let str = String.concat "/" path in let str = Filename.concat str id in let str = lst.mk_uri str in f (U.uri_of_string str, id, path) let uri_of_qid (uri, _, _) = uri let complete_qid f lst (id, is_local, qs) = let f path = C.list_rev_append (mk_qid f lst id) path ~tail:qs in let rec skip f = function | phd :: ptl, qshd :: _ when phd = qshd -> f ptl | _ :: ptl, _ :: _ -> skip f (ptl, qs) | _ -> f [] in if is_local then f lst.path else skip f (lst.path, qs) let relax_qid f lst (_, id, path) = let f = function | _ :: tl -> C.list_rev (mk_qid f lst id) tl | [] -> assert false in C.list_rev f path let relax_opt_qid f lst = function | None -> f None | Some qid -> let f qid = f (Some qid) in relax_qid f lst qid let resolve_gref err f lst qid = try let a, cnt = UH.find henv (uri_of_qid qid) in f qid a cnt with Not_found -> err qid let resolve_gref_relaxed f lst qid = (* this is not tail recursive *) let rec err qid = relax_qid (resolve_gref err f lst) lst qid in resolve_gref err f lst qid let get_cnt err f lst = function | None -> f empty_cnt | Some qid as node -> try let cnt = UH.find hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) in f cnt with Not_found -> err node let get_cnt_relaxed f lst = (* this is not tail recursive *) let rec err node = relax_opt_qid (get_cnt err f lst) lst node in get_cnt err f lst lst.node let push_abst f a w lenv = let bw = D.Abst (N.infinite, w) in D.push_bind f a bw lenv let add_proj e t = match e with | D.ESort -> t | D.EBind (D.ESort, a, b) -> D.TBind (a, b, t) | _ -> D.TProj (E.empty_node, e, t) (* this is not tail recursive in the GRef branch *) let rec xlate_term f st lst y lenv = function | A.Sort s -> let h = if s then 0 else 1 in let a = E.node_attrs ~sort:h () in f a (D.TSort (a, h)) | A.Appl (v, t) -> let f vv at tt = f at (D.TAppl (at, vv, tt)) in let f _ vv = xlate_term (f vv) st lst y lenv t in xlate_term f st lst false lenv v | A.Abst (name, w, t) -> let name = if !G.alpha <> "" then alpha name else name in let name = Some (name, true) in let f aw ww = let f at tt = let l = if !G.cc then match y, at.E.n_degr with | true, _ -> N.one | _ , 0 -> N.one | _ , 1 -> N.unknown st | _ , 2 -> N.two | _ -> assert false else N.infinite in let b = D.Abst (l, ww) in let at = {at with E.n_name = name} in f at (D.TBind (at, b, tt)) in let f lenv = xlate_term f st lst y lenv t in push_abst f {aw with E.n_name = name; E.n_degr = succ aw.E.n_degr} ww lenv in xlate_term f st lst true lenv w | A.GRef (name, args) -> let map1 args (id, _) = A.GRef ((id, true, []), []) :: args in let map2 f arg args = let f _ arg = f (D.EAppl (args, E.empty_node, arg)) in xlate_term f st lst false lenv arg in let g qid a cnt = let gref = D.TGRef (a, uri_of_qid qid) in if cnt = D.ESort then f a gref else let f = function | D.EAppl (D.ESort, _, v) -> f a (D.TAppl (a, v, gref)) | args -> f a (D.TProj (a, args, gref)) in let f args = C.list_fold_right f map2 args D.ESort in D.sub_list_strict (D.fold_names f map1 args) cnt args in let g qid = resolve_gref_relaxed g lst qid in let err () = complete_qid g lst name in D.resolve_lref err (mk_lref f) (id_of_name name) lenv let xlate_entity err f st lst = function | A.Section (Some (_, name)) -> err {lst with path = name :: lst.path; nodes = lst.node :: lst.nodes} | A.Section None -> begin match lst.path, lst.nodes with | _ :: ptl, nhd :: ntl -> err {lst with path = ptl; node = nhd; nodes = ntl} | _ -> assert false end | A.Context None -> err {lst with node = None} | A.Context (Some name) -> let f name = err {lst with node = Some name} in complete_qid f lst name | A.Block (name, w) -> let f qid = let f cnt = let f aw ww = UH.add hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) (add_abst cnt name aw ww); err {lst with node = Some qid} in xlate_term f st lst true cnt w in get_cnt_relaxed f lst in complete_qid f lst (name, true, []) | A.Decl (name, w) -> let f lenv = let f qid = let f aw ww = let aw = {aw with E.n_apix = lst.line; E.n_degr = succ aw.E.n_degr} in UH.add henv (uri_of_qid qid) (aw, lenv); let t = add_proj lenv ww in (* print_newline (); CrgOutput.pp_term print_string t; *) let b = E.Abst t in let entity = E.empty_root, aw, uri_of_qid qid, b in f {lst with line = succ lst.line} entity in xlate_term f st lst true lenv w in complete_qid f lst (name, true, []) in get_cnt_relaxed (D.replace f N.one) lst | A.Def (name, w, trans, v) -> let f lenv = let f qid = let f _ ww = let f av vv = let na = {av with E.n_apix = lst.line} in UH.add henv (uri_of_qid qid) (na, lenv); let t = add_proj lenv (D.TCast (na, ww, vv)) in (* print_newline (); CrgOutput.pp_term print_string t; *) let b = E.Abbr t in let ra = if trans then E.empty_root else E.root_attrs ~meta:[E.Private] () in let entity = ra, na, uri_of_qid qid, b in f {lst with line = succ lst.line} entity in xlate_term f st lst false lenv v in xlate_term f st lst true lenv w in complete_qid f lst (name, true, []) in get_cnt_relaxed f lst (* Interface functions ******************************************************) let initial_status () = UH.clear henv; UH.clear hcnt; { path = []; node = None; nodes = []; line = 1; mk_uri = G.get_mk_uri (); } let refresh_status lst = initial_status () let crg_of_aut = xlate_entity