module KF = Filename module KP = Printf module KU = Unix type status = { (* base directory *) bd: string; (* input prefix *) ip: string; (* output prefix *) op: string; (* current path *) cp: string list } let initial_status = { bd = ""; ip = ""; op = ""; cp = []; } let imp_st = ref initial_status let i_ext = ".ld.ldw.xml" let o_ext = ".ld.html" let concats l = List.fold_left KF.concat "" l let concat st dname = {st with ip = KF.concat st.ip dname; op = KF.concat st.op dname; } let normalize dname = if dname = KF.current_dir_name then "" else dname let mk_rlink s_to s_body = KP.sprintf "%s" s_to s_body let out_entry st dname och dirs name = let iname = concats [; st.ip; dname; name] in let stats = KU.lstat iname in match stats.KU.st_kind with | KU.S_REG when KF.check_suffix name i_ext -> let base = KF.chop_suffix name i_ext in let oname = concats [; st.op; dname; base^o_ext] in KP.fprintf och " \n" oname base; dirs | KU.S_DIR -> let oname = concats [; st.op; dname; name] in KP.fprintf och " \n" oname name; name :: dirs | _ -> dirs let mk_path st och = let path = String.concat "/" (List.rev st.cp) in KP.fprintf och " Contents of %s/\n" path let list_dir st dname och = let iname = concats [; st.ip; dname] in let dir = Sys.readdir iname in Array.sort dir; KP.fprintf och " \n"; let dirs = Array.fold_left (out_entry st dname och) [] dir in KP.fprintf och " \n"; dirs let out_index st dname och = KP.fprintf och "\n\n"; KP.fprintf och "\n"; KP.fprintf och " \n"; KP.fprintf och " Index\n"; KP.fprintf och " \n"; mk_path st och; KP.fprintf och " \n"; KP.fprintf och " \n"; let dirs = list_dir st dname och in KP.fprintf och " \n"; KP.fprintf och "
\n"; KP.fprintf och "
\n"; dirs let rec out_dir st dname = let s_to, s_body = if dname = "" then concats [; st.op], "ld:" else concats [; st.op; dname], dname in let st = {st with cp = mk_rlink s_to s_body :: st.cp} in let oname = concats [; st.ip; dname; "index.ldw.xml"] in let och = open_out oname in let dirs = out_index st dname och in close_out och; let map st = out_dir (concat st dname) in List.iter (map st) dirs let help_b = " Set this base directory" let help_i = " Set this input prefix" let help_o = " Set this output prefix" let help = "Usage: index [ -bio | ]*" let set_b bd = imp_st := {!imp_st with bd = normalize bd} let set_i ip = imp_st := {!imp_st with ip = normalize ip} let set_o op = imp_st := {!imp_st with op = normalize op} let process dname = out_dir !imp_st (normalize dname) let main = Arg.parse [ "-b", Arg.String set_b, help_b; "-i", Arg.String set_i, help_i; "-o", Arg.String set_o, help_o; ] process help